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Everything posted by th8827

  1. I dislike the inaccuracy of the weather report. This week, the weather report said that there will be a storm mid-week. It rained a little on Monday, and was clear since then. I already have 7 badges, and I still have not gotten Blitzel or Tynamo because of the lack of storms... (I want Tynamo so badly)
  2. You are missing the event Natu at the clearing beyond the cave behind Beryl Graveyard. It was on top of the totem pole where you get Golett.
  3. th8827

    Squirtle Event

    If I remember correctly, you have to talk to the guy when it is raining, then wait until it stops raining before Squirtle appears.
  4. Honedge. I miss my Aegislash from X/Y... I think that Mr. Bigglesworth should be shiny. Because he's awesome.
  5. First Pokémon that I found in the grass outside of the starting Pokecenter was a shiny Bidoof. He is currently my Headbutt/HM slave. I also found a shiny Sturdy Magnemite with (mostly) upper-20s IVs. (0 Attack IV, but I don't care). He is so good. Completely swept the ice gym. I can't wait until he become a Magnezone. And a shiny Golett with No Guard and 31 Attack IV (and pretty good other IVs), which I named Big O. As a Golurk, his Dynamic Punch kills everything.
  6. In the second post, you were questioning wether you can mine Pixie Plates. I have gotten 2 Pixie Plates from mining glowing rocks, so I can confirm that they appear there, too. I can't link to a screenshot of me mining it because I got them last week before reading this, but here is a pic of them in my inventory. http://oi59.tinypic.com/4ic1zs.jpg
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