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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by jakey2saucey06

  1. I fixed it lol Thanks for the intel! (i hope thats the right word)
  2. I was wondering if these were good stats... Any help?
  3. Thanks Guys! I will most likeley get rid of most of them XD Thanks for the help again!
  4. I recently asked where to find Noibat but then I thought, maybe I have access to stronger Pokemon. (My team is kinda based of favorites rn.) Anyways if theres any pokemon that are almost essential tell me! Right Now my pokemon are Pachirisu Monferno (Shiny) Swirlix Drowzee (From Egg) Kricketune
  5. Thanks! I'll just wait until the level cap!
  6. I know this seems like a dumb question but, looking around the forums I see people showcasing teams with more than 6 pokemon... This lead me to think this XD. Welp, answer back!
  7. I'm currently in the early stages in the game but i don't want to miss Noibat! I've never really used him so I hope he can make a good team member...
  8. I'd love to see pokemon that can follow you! This would make the game so much better!
  9. Hey I'm also new! If anybody would like to give tips, I would gladly appreciate it! Right Now I just got my first egg! It hatched into drowzee ;-;
  10. No one was thinking Hawlucha? I think Hawlucha is pretty colorful
  11. My type would be Water! The water gym would be a series of trainers that you battle in "Water Battles" (New Battle Mechanic I thought of). Pokemon that can be used in water battles may only be Dragon, Flying, Water, and Ice Types! There will also be a maze on top of that with multiple currents pulling you around. My play style would be defensive but at the end really offensive! Pachyrisy is dying... ;-;
  12. At first I was very iffy on what i should choose! Ii thought i should use charmander because wynaut! I immediately lost both starting battles... I re chose my starter randomly using /pick 1, 2, 3 and / pick 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I got 2,4 meaning chimchar, as soon as i went into battle i FREAKED OUT! It was a shiny! The shiny effects are amazing!
  13. Hey guys! I'm new to reborn! I just downloaded today and its great! Ii have a new shiny Chimchar which decided to join me! Aany recommendations for my team?
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