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About Shadolance

  • Birthday 11/22/1995

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    Shadolance Gremory
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  • Interests
    Competitive paintball, archery, and tennis, played at state level for each sport. Love Pokemon, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Persona, and Etrian Odyssey series.

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  1. Did it with only Tsareena in singles. Used X Speed and X Attack during the first two turns when Rotom set up, then X Sp Def to help tank Hydro Pump the first turn. Then started spamming all sorts of random battle items other than X Def and X Sp Attack (didn't need them) to get my stats up while occasionally throwing in an Ultra potion, then swept everything in one shot with Trop Kick. 6 uses, 6 KOs
  2. I finally managed to beat her by writing down every single move I did and eventually got to a point where I just swapped around pokemon to one shot all of hers. Infernape was indispensible, as was Flygon. Both can outspeed her pokemon and hit absurdly hard.
  3. So I've been giving this a shot again all day today, this is getting a bit ridiculous -_- Absolutely can't handle that Klefki. Oddly enough, I'm having very little trouble with the Scizor and Excadrill like a lot of people had issues with. The Klefki is just way too tanky, can't nuke it fast enough, and the Empoleon I can't reliably kill either, although I do usually get through it. My current team is: Metagross Aegislash Type Null (may switch out, he's useless. Doing Flygon with Protect+EQ instead...) Magnezone Swampert Infernape I can reliably one-shot the first Sandslash with Brick Break from Metagross. Then comes Excadrill, which I can one shot with nearly anyone, but I can't outspeed it easily. While I usually don't lose anyone to it, I often have 1-2 pokes on low HP. Then comes either Empoleon or Scizor. Scizor I can kill with almost anyone on my team, save Type Null. Empoleon is rough, but if Swampert doesn't die then it can one-shot it with EQ. If not, then I'm in deep shit. Then Klefki comes out and I can't do dick against it. If I happen to make it to Aegislash, I intended to deal with it with my Aegislash since it defaults to using Shadow Sneak a lot and I can spam Night Slash instead. I'd be happpy to swap out Type Null if anyone has a better idea. I really need a more reliable way to deal with Empoleon and a much better approach to Klefki. I've been trying to keep the terrain on Electric using Magnezone, but it's minimally helpful.
  4. @Tacos I really like that idea with the Swampert, I think I'll go with that. It learns EQ too iirc, which will help tremendously, especially if I breed one with a good speed IV. I'll give that a shot! I don't mind using any pokemon, even Donphan, but it has very low base speed to work with.
  5. So I'm slowly getting this fight nailed down, I can consistently take our her Sandslash in a single hit of Brick Break from Metagross, then she sends out Excadrill. I can nearly one shot it with Lapras' Surf, but I really need a water plate. Where can I get one? After that, I can take down Klefki with Bullet Punch + Meteor Mash from Metagross, no problem. When the Scizor or Empoleon comes out, everything goes to sh*t. I need a strong ground type to replace my Noivern, who is useless. Thoughts? I could use either a strong ground TM or pokemon. What are the best options?
  6. Thank you all for the great advice! I think I'm going to try to find a good fighting type to take, and maybe give my Cacturne a try because it knows Sucker Punch and hits like a truck.
  7. I need some advice for Titania. My current team members consist of Metagross (yeah I went and got the Beldum early... bite me lol), Magnezone (using to change field effects), Typhlosion (for Klefki and Scizor), Ampharos, Noivern, Lapras, Tsareena. I also have a few other pokemon leveled: Bronzong, Umbreon, Vanilluxe, Alakazam, Feraligator, Claydol, Gardevoir, Flygon, and Cacturne. I'm having the most trouble with Klefki and Aegislash. I've tried field changing but I can't reliably nuke Aegislash before it gets powered up. My main method is stalling and spamming Iron Defense with Metagross, then relying on slow whittling with Meteor Mash, but it's really slow going. I need some additional advice or pokemon recommendations. Thanks a ton everyone!
  8. I got to this weird garden thing but it goes on forever. EDIT: It does not go on forever.
  9. My question contains spoilers for E16-17, proceed with caution.
  10. So I'm about to fight Adrien, and my team is high 70s to 80 (my max level for the time being due to gym badge restrictions). I have been grinding off of Clown Ingra or whatever his name is in the circus, because I can't reliably beat the people in Grand Hall. Is there a better place to grind easily? Lv65s just aren't giving the exp they used to as I go up in levels. I'm also having a hard time putting together a team that can take down Adrien.
  11. Okay, so spoiler ahead but it's part of my question.
  12. Hi all, been away from this game since episode 16 came out, which has obviously been a LONG time and I've totally forgotten what the hell I'm supposed to be doing. If you haven't beaten chapter 16, the following will contain spoilers. I have beaten the whole circus area, witnessed the sword slaughter and all that junk, and have 13 badges. Most of my pokes are mid-high 70s. What do? I can't go back through the city because of the sleeping spell, so I'm stuck.
  13. Just a few questions that have become relevant since starting E16 if y'all don't mind 1) How do I get to 7th street now? If it's the same as it used to be then I've just forgotten, but I've tried everything I could think of. 2) What steel type pokemon do we have access to now besides Metagross? Already got that one, but steel is my second favorite type after dark, so I'm trying to flesh out a steel team more than I had in the past. 3) Any general strategies for the new gym leader? I got my ass kicked. Bad. 4) (see spoiler tag) 5) Were we getting Gen 7 pokes in this episode or next one? I haven't progressed far enough to find any if so. 6) Will the wait time for episode 17 be as long as 16? That's all folks, thank you very much for your time and courtesy!
  14. So I'm coming back to this game for the first time since Episode 15's release (which I finished in like a week), and I find myself standing in the *spoilers* circus room with the computer. I already beat all of the content in E15, what's the firs thing I need to do now? I'm so far out of it I just need directions lol.
  15. I ended up just modifying some game values to get it. But yeah damn I hope we can get it legit soon.
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