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Yours Truly

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About Yours Truly

  • Birthday 12/14/2000

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    on a mostly harmless planet
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  1. Soggyshanks let out another defiant roar, before he charged right up to throw an axe at the flame wielding mage!. Soggyshanks moves to M14 and attacks Fire Initiate C.
  2. After succesfully patting the few fires lingering on his armor out, a noticeably smoldering Soggy takes a couple of steps forward to loom menacingly over the initiate that had struck him, before he lashes out with a thrown hatchet at the much more vulnerable specialist standing beside them. Soggyshanks heads to J8 and attacks Specialist A with a thrown hatchet!
  3. Soggyshanks lifts up another one of his hatchets, and advances menacingly towards the poor halberdier. Soggyshanks to J7, and attacks HalberdB.
  4. With a plastic hatchet in hand, Soggyshanks advances towards the sniper that had struck him. The armored spider bellowing out a challenge of, "Is that all you've got?" before he attempts to slam axe first into his unlucky opponent. Soggyshanks moves to H7 BEFORE Brilliant Deduction, and attacks Sniper A with his plastic hatchet!.
  5. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  6. Michael Mot uses Ten Men Dead on Ubume 2, dealing (5d10+Dex+Initiative)+5% damage to it!, and adding one mortality stack to himself.
  7. Grimacing as the arrow landed on his leg, Shoggy instinctively took out another hatchet, sliding it down to hack off the arrow's shaft as he took step after step at the enemy flier, preparing himself to charge right up and hurl a hatchet at their mount. Soggyshanks moves to E7, and attacks Flies Freely with a Plastic Hatchet.
  8. "You get used to it." Soggyshanks moves to D10. Bend to C10 and perform for Soggy. Soggy moves to D8 and smacks Lance Recruit A with his Hatchet.
  9. Relevant Stats and Perks Loadout Michael Mot uses Ten Men Dead on Ubume 2, dealing 5d10+Dex+Initiative damage to it!, and adding one mortality stack to himself.
  10. Soggyshanks let out a hearty laugh as Lotus tried her best to awkwardly change the course of the conversation. "They might be greenhorns, but the six of you went up against a small band of marauders, and each and every one of you lived to tell the tale, to me that counts for something." "You're alright to me Bend, for a recruit."
  11. The slightly imposing looking spider in wooden armor lets out a slight grunt as he pulls away from the scholars he had bowled over, slowly closing rank with Deducation while his many eyes sizes up the newcomers. They seemed like an eccletic bunch, but it wouldn't be the first he had to work with, and they didn't seem incompetent as a whole at the very least, if they managed to survive a Marauder attack. "The name's Soggyshanks, I'm a mercenary looking to make a name for himself around these parts. You can think of me as Brilliant Deduction's assistant if you want, just the kind that gets his hands a little dirtier than Life does," He turned to Recruit Bend a little, his unblinking eyes sizing the ant up and down before he continued with, "Good to know that I won't be working with rank amateurs this time, and that none of you are too injured to continue."
  12. The ghost glances at Heidrun's face for a moment, glancing up and down as she reached her hand out to take the orb, before she turned to her savior, and noticably...hesitates for a moment. The ghostly lady taking a moment to say something in some Chinese dialect that no one in the room understanded again at Navin, but with a....tone and, expression that made it quite clear that she was saying, "Thank you," or something to that effect. She slips a finger inside of the orb, Heidrun feels a gentle tug on the mana she had collected, the healer letting a tiny stream flow inside of the ghost, causing a slight smile to form on her face. She slips another finger inside, causing another stream to join the one from before, and form motes of light that dance all around her arm. Color was already starting to return to her cheeks by the time she skips ahead, and thrusts the rest of her hand inside, pulling the orb of mana free from Heidrun's control, and absorbing it inside of her, that smile widening little by little, until with a final flash, she disappears, having passed on to whatever counts as a lifestream in this world.... Heidrun gains (Trick) Pass On: Heidrun is able to help incorporeal dead pass on to their final resting place if they are willing.
  13. Letting out a slightly annoyed sound as her armor powers down a little to cool the many, many systems she had presumably overheated, Jun continues to charge on ahead towards the giant genji armor to slash away with her sword. Jun attacks Genji Armor with her plasma blade, dealing 4d6+(Dex*1.2) damage, triggering ambush hunter to deal an additional 4d4 damage if Undyne has attacked it before she moved.
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