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  1. Is there anyway I could get the PBS files for version 8.1? I'm told they're not exactly public, but not exactly private either.
  2. Do you know where I should post to ask?
  3. Are the PBS files for version 8 public?
  4. Is Ralts still an option? I've been trying for about a day, and have gotten 3 Axews and 3 Evees....
  5. The link to the PBS files for Rejuvenation doesn't work anymore. Is it possible to get access to them? Full disclosure, I want to use RPGM to give myself Ralts as a starter. Been softresetting for over a day, and at this point I only want to use RPGM to save time (gotten Axew three times and an Evee, but no Ralts). At this point I'll get one eventually, but I'd like to speed up the process. If this counts as too much cheating, I understand and I'll keep rolling the dice. Thanks guys, love the game!
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