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Everything posted by Rcmsnake

  1. you can just use one ghost, one normal pokemon, swap between the two until he can only use recover/struggle, then you put your power mons out and wipe.. its worked twice for me.
  2. im from RSA, so pricing is a bit different, but.. from what I can find http://www.shopbot.ca/graphics-cards/components/canada/83#tab_offers you are looking at a R9 380 and nvidea 960 cards in your price range, just make sure your PSU would support the card you choose. the cards perform similar so I would say its all up to personal preference
  3. Ice Cream Sandwich..

  4. Try and get Close combat on a mon or two, My Arcanine has it but I believe its was a egg move I believe.
  5. I just spoke to a buddy of mine, he said ill have a shitty ping, I would like to test that, is there anyone that can give me the server's IP that i will be playing on ?
  6. Forums Name: Rcmsnake Team Name: i don't have one for this league yet Favorite Champ : Thresh I only have a EU West account, Hope I can still join in the fun
  7. you can always get any ghost type pokemon and one normal type, swop the two out until Arceus starts to struggle, you can use two level 5 mons for this.. and thats exactly what I did, then kill it with who ever you want to get the experience
  8. I would also Like to play from previous episode.. I only got the game at episode 15.. Its a great game and im really enjoying it but maybe the experience will be better if we could start from the 1st episode..
  9. i dont see any problem ? i will be at the 10th gym...
  10. I can start a game until I find a good IV starter for you, I would like to trade for gastly ? so tell me which starter you want and ill trade you tomorrow ?
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