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  1. Howdy, I'll be online for a while so only if you had time I think the better special attack since I'd go for Gallade?
  2. Hi all, Currently having a little trouble with the Pulse Hypno and thought it'd be a good time to step back and re-tool my team. Looking for a Larvesta and Male Ralts preferred but honestly happy to take anything that I could level up to help with not only this but for the rest of the story. Thanks heaps
  3. Ohh no wonder, thank you ! @Njab
  4. Edit: Managed to fix it by loading an earlier save file. However encountered a new issue. I'm up to the part in the story where you're granted access to the Judicial District, however there are policemen still guarding the gate to enter it. Any help appreciated capture019.bmp Game.rxdata
  5. Hello, Posted a while back having an issue leaving the Penthouse where Huey walks up to you as you reach the door, but the dialogue never started. After copying the patch over it worked for that save file, however I started a new game and am experiencing the same issue even with the patch. If possible could someone send a save file just after this cutscene? Thanks Game.rxdata
  6. Hey all, just wondering if the Leaf Stone was available in V9 outside of mining. Thanks !
  7. Yeah its unfortunate, really wanted to find a Spheal :/
  8. Thanks ! Does the Blackview one provide any rewards ?
  9. Hey all, Regarding the Deino event, do we need to beat 5 elite trainers in the Cellia fight club or the Blackview one? Assuming that's how we start it Thanks !
  10. Edit: Just randomly worked. Thanks
  11. Hello, whenever I try leaving the Penthouse Huey comes up to talk to me but the dialogue never starts and the game just comes to a standstill. Any help appreciated Thanks Game.rxdata
  12. I tried searching all the rooms in the church, but the one under the staircase just led to an empty room :/
  13. Hey all, just wondering how we can return to the Grounds of Theolia in V9 if we've completed the story. Trying to add a Spheal to my team Thanks
  14. Thanks ! Just going to hunt around for other disks now
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