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  1. First of all, for anyone who enjoys USUM OU there was an RMT recently on this team by the creator. You should totally check it out, this team is a ton of fun and I've really enjoyed playing with it. Second, why do people play stall on the low/middle ladder? Don't you want to climb quickly and have fun T_T. Worst part of it too is the ELO change after the game
  2. Sometimes random battle can be really one sided, and other times you play hella close 40 turn games Also Yveltal is nuts, I feel like it wins 90%+ of the time I see it in randoms
  3. Playing around sucker punch is hands down the most stressfull thing to have to do. Especially against a mega-Mawille
  4. Online username: Mellowslinky Timezone: UTC -5 Availability: Random, but anytime I'm on the forums I'll be up for a battle Rules/field effect: Basically anything, just make sure to ask first
  5. Just pledged! Best of luck with the Patreon
  6. Actually the closest game I've ever had in OU. Came down to last mon and Focus Blast hit chance + sleep turns Battle Factory - Golbat actually just 1v5'd this guys team
  7. I am now firmly in the camp of people who hate Chansey T___T Also it didn't really put it much work here but I've been really enjoying SpA lure D-nite. I've included the set below incase anyone is interested. IV's mean you net the OHKO on Heatran with EQ, Chomp/Lando with Ice-beam and M-scizor with Flamethrower. Flamethrower is a solid 2hit-KO against Ferro. Agility lets you put in some work late game against things like weakened M-diancie or Bisharp
  8. Battle-factory match I'm really proud of. Scarf Thundurus is terrifying and I didn't really have any good switch-ins:
  9. When you actually just win the game on turn 3 unless he crits you T___T
  10. I saw this team on the smog forums the other day and thought I would give it a try. I am now convinced that banded 'tini is the truth
  11. Thanks for that - also I think I was at 40% but maybe I was over. In retrospect I'm not 100% sure about the item path here - I was thinking BT for extra poke damage and survivability against their Udyr but it's entirely possible there were more efficient purchases I could have made after Manamune + Ice Borne. Any recommendations? I've been liking ER for the CDR and mana back in extended sieges and at that point IE or another crit item seems reasonable for that sweet bonus CDR
  12. Ugh wanted to get this off my chest after the game I had last night. Sometimes it can be really frustrating when you lose despite your best efforts to carry - especially because this was one of those "team picks a bad fight post 40-minutes and gets aced" types of losses.
  13. @Anyone else other than Derpy Simon as well if he doesn't like it Hrm... not sure if this is quite right but how about something like this:
  14. Man hearing that makes me feel like such a slacker T__T Main goal for February is to not get so stressed. Both work and extra-curriculars are super busy next month and I really want to try to get through it without freaking out like I usually do
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