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A Freaking ApplePie

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  1. Im looking for the Missing Furniture in Spinel Town but i cant find The last bookshelf or the table (im missing the bookshelf to the right). Can anyone give me a hint or tell me where these furnitures are?
  2. I found this "Rare Candy" in 7th street. Then a guy came and stole it from me. Did i just triggar an event? In that case how do i continue this event?
  3. Thx for your awnser simon. I do not want to cheat. But i really wanted a Pawnierd. Thx for your help either way //A Freaking ApplePie
  4. Hi! I want a Pawniard but you can only get it from an egg that you trade get by trading an Growlithe egg with The police man. Is there any other way of getting a Pawniard or cheat on in insted of that Vullaby i got? Or is there some tutorial to edit the pokemons in your party? //A Freaking ApplePie
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