I have made two versions of a toggle-able repel. Version 1 is very straight forward to use. Version 2 is not. I made Version 2 for personal use, and it is much more complicated to install.
I recommend Version 1.
Version 1 adds in a menu option to toggle the effects of a repel. Installing is very easy.
It requires "AMB - AddOpt.rb" from: https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/40480-aironfaars-mod-box-e19updated-2022-05-22/
Install by extracting the contents of the Zip file into the Reborn install folder. The toggle repel option is at the bottom of the options menu.
This version should be compatible with everything.
Version 2 adds in a key item that does the same thing, installing it is rather involved though:
Requires debug mode, I use the "Show Debug Menu" mod in the link above to enable it.
This version will overwrite default files, so make a backup of the game install if needed.
Install by by extracting the contents of the Zip file into the Reborn install folder, then, go in-game, navigate the debug menu until you find the option "compile all data", just hit the up arrow a few times, as this option is near the bottom. Select that option, it will then compile the pbs files, this takes maybe a minute. Then close the game to finish the compiling.
I did not add this item any where in game, so you will have to use the debug menu to obtain it.
Version 2 is not compatible with any other content mod, if you use the All-Gen mod, or anything like it, you will instead need to use version 1.
There will likely be no updates, unless a bug is discovered.
Version 2 (Infinite Repel Item) v1.0.zip
Version 1 (Toggle Repel) v1.0.7z