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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deuykos

  1. Nevermind, I just updated to the latest version of Essentials (v19.1) and it worked.
  2. I decided to try and use the Debug mode for V13 so I could do certain things, but after getting the PBS files and copypasting the folders, I get these errors anytime I try to playtest it before it shuts down. And I have no idea how to resolve this. I used a copy of Pokemon Essentials v17.2 (2017-10-5), the most recent PBS files, and copied the folders from the most recent release (13.05) to here as well. I tried using V12, and that worked out fine, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
  3. When I went from V12 to V13.02, I think I made a mistake when I started up the game again, because even though the Options says that the battle style is on "Shift", the opposing trainers switch to other Pokemon without a chance for me to switch Pokemon myself. Is there any way to fix this?
  4. So I still have no idea what causes this error, but something similar happened when I was looking for Galarian Zigzagoon in Goldenleaf Town (there are no G-Zigz in Goldenleaf Town, only in Wispy Path as far as I've found, but I still couldn't encounter Pokemon there), and I was able to fix it by going to Route 3, battling a Pokemon, then returning to where I was. And sure enough, when I went to Route 3 and beat a Fletchinder, I was able to fight Pokemon in Zorrialyn Desert. Hope no one comes across the same issues I did, but if you do, that's how I solved it.
  5. I heard about the Aevium Budew being here, so I decided to go looking for it, but once I got to Zorrialyn, I found that I couldn't encounter anything. Even with Sweet Scent. I checked in other places like Sand Stream Cave and Voidal Chasm, but I could encounter Pokemon there just fine. So I'm not sure what could be wrong.
  6. Wait a second. So if the only way to get an Aevian Mareep is to show a regular Mareep to Zumi, then if someone's already shown her a Mareep from a previous save, wouldn't that mean that they can't get an Aevian Mareep anymore?
  7. I'm not sure if this has been resolved yet, but I'm playing V11.3 and I can't get the Seviper Egg in Chapter 2. The cutscene with Venam didn't even trigger. I tried going to an earlier save to Chapter 1, and while the cutscene with Venam triggered this time, I still couldn't get the egg.
  8. Honestly, I know next to nothing about being making Pokemon games. In regards to making a political thriller, I've seen some who completely forgo the politics itself and opt for a protagonist who has people who can solve "all the problems" whilst silencing "the idiots" by taking over the world. Erstwhile, there are those who try to tackle the politics, but just end up doing a black-and-white, good versus evil conflict where all you've gotta do is to call on Captain Planet to save the rainforest from Looten Plunder. And of course, there are those who attempt to vie for realism, only to end up exploiting darker themes without actually saying anything of substance other than the platitudes we hear on a daily basis. Nominally, for a game where there are at least three opposing factions, I'd expect a whole bunch of differing viewpoints that make sense to a degree, but there are those within those groups who twist those viewpoints in order to serve their own ends. Thus, it's up to the protagonist to sift through all the information and the people they come across to discover which path benefits the most amount of people without screwing over other people/resources/etc (in a sense of necessary irony, perhaps). So the only thing I can really offer is to wish you luck in your endeavors, and let you know what I think about your game along its development.
  9. So I took a look at the PBS Files, and it looks like Marill/Azumarill is actually found in the map above Agate City, and you can find it at any time of day.
  10. Deuykos

    LF Froakie

    All right, I'm ready.
  11. Deuykos

    LF Froakie

    I'd like a Froakie; my password is F14m3rz.
  12. My inherent laziness at wanting to maximize the chances of finding the right Pokemon, of course. By yourself, it's okay, but with a partner, you double the chances of finding what you're looking for, while getting a free heal every time you've finished.
  13. Not sure how far you are into the game, but it's only obtainable from the 13th Badge onward, and is found in this location.
  14. I figured, I just think it's kind of dumb to assume that, just because money's a factor in a game, that the developer only cares about money, when such is more often than not, not the case (as is the case with Reborn, where making money is incidental to making the game itself).
  15. Okay. Titania and Amaria's bond is not stronger than a Mega Rayquaza. Mega Rayquaza has a base stat total of 780, and an ability that not only negates the weakness of Flying Types, but also cancels out all weather except when Desolate Land or Primordial Sea is sent out afterwards. Meanwhile, and You just need to move the load-bearing brick just so, and it topples like it was made of twigs. Yeah. Because last I checked, a Darmanitan is faster than some random chick waving a sword around. It's like, in a contest of power, between a human waving a sword into someone's face, and a fire ape that's markedly faster than your average human... the fire ape would come out on top. Good point, considering I'm behind her in every case, and she thinks I'm on her side anyway, surprising her with a Darmanitan to the face would be no issue. One fainted Pokemon later, and no grunts are killed for the sake of Darkern Edgier, and she gets a Blue Moon Ice Cream for her troubles. Doesn't need to be a Darmanitan, just needs to be a Pokemon the player especially likes. Heck, I have an Imposter Ditto, so I could just copy the Aegislash, and King's Shield her every time she tries it.
  16. Yeah. The only reason she's able to kill them in the first place is by wielding Aegislash. If you had a Pokemon that's faster than it like, say, a Darmanitan, and had it use Flare Blitz, and it's strong enough to faint it in one hit, Titania has surprisingly little in the way of killing people. All she'd really have left is flailing angrily, and that'd just tire her out even more. First off, the only thing holding that relationship together is mutual indecision. Secondly, Rayquaza doesn't Mega Evolve through a bond, it Mega Evolves using a special organ it contains called the Mikado Organ, which converts the meteors it eats into an energy similar to Infinite Energy (the energy needed to use Mega Evolution in the first place), which it accumulates in such a fashion that Rayquaza is able to Mega Evolve at will (as long as it knows Dragon Ascent, that is). Again, fast Darmanitan. Flare Blitz, fainted Aegislash, flailing angrily, Blue Moon Ice Cream to shut her up. That's not necessarily a bad thing, especially when the intent of the game is to present things that the player is already familiar with, and then subvert their expectations by displaying it in an entirely different context. I'l just put this here, then. People can receive money for the games that they create, but that doesn't mean they operate solely on it. Sometimes, it's done out of the love of the series. It does go beyond the third generation. The mons themselves are restricted to Kanto (as of now), but you've still got the moves, the addition of the Fairy typing, and the Physical/Special Split. Also, you can catch Mew, and it's by using one of the biggest urban legends surrounding the Pokemon. No... that's definitely not the case. In most cases (especially with RPGs), it's because of a good story that a game gets so much attention and love from fans in the first place. Otherwise, Monster Girl Quest wouldn't have the following it has now.
  17. Trust me, Rocket Edition gets a lot better after you play it for a bit. Anyways, yeah, I don't think Reborn's really immoral either. I'd say it's a bit immature to label it as such merely for tackling the issues rather than judging the quality of said tackling to begin with. While I myself don't think they handle themes and likable characters especially well (see my noted distaste for Saphira's execution as a character above), I don't think it's enough to forever taint the image of Pokemon forevermore (especially considering a popular theory about Zinnia from Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire is that she's a teen mom whose kid [Aster] is dead). I mean more in the sense that, in some instances, there are moments in Reborn that seem easily preventable. For example, It's just these little things that I can't change no matter what, that actually have me sympathize with the villains a bit more (I felt worse over the nameless Grunts' deaths than Corey, Kiki, or even Ame's deaths ever made me feel, to be honest). It almost makes me wonder what a "Join Team Meteor" option would be like; rising through the ranks, connecting with all the grunts and admins and joining up with all the factions as a sort of freelancer. Maybe I could even show up Fern every now and again, or play a round of Call of Shooting with Blake and declare: "It may be dumb, but it's pretty fun to play". It's never going to happen, I just thought it was a neat thought.
  18. Shrink 'High. You mean like I suppose you're right; a girl cutting through Team Meteor Grunts like it's Dynasty Warriors is pretty hard to forget. Yup, now it's 18, and there's more whenever someone arbitrarily meets their end because they just so happen to forget to give you a badge beforehand. Um... what? The evil teams get involved before the legendary. Like, all the time. And Reborn is no exception. So because the team that made it is small, and they made it off of RPGMaker... that makes it one of the best Pokemon games of all time? There must be a pretty low bar for Pokemon games nowadays. I mean, don't get me wrong, there are some enjoyable aspects of the game. But I have to admit... I'm sorry to tell you, but there's a fan game (a hack, in fact) that's actually done what Reborn's accomplished masterfully. It may not be as big, but the themes are dark, it expands on the already existing lore, there's a morality system, and it's also done by at least one person (I do know the person who created it needed help with it, at least). Pokemon FireRed: Rocket Edition. You can choose whether or not to steal from trainers, the trainers you can steal from is based on your progression in the main campaign, your decisions have a bigger effect on what's accessible to you, and the overarching plot never feels too contrived or arbitrary (there's just enough ham that I can suspend my disbelief). Like I said before, Reborn is good, but it's not the best.
  19. Wow. I know a friend who's been sent from foster home to foster home, lost his sense of smell and part of his short term memory, and has dealt with people who've tried to rape him, kill him, or otherwise mutilate him, and he has expressed the following about what you just said: "That's f*cking dumb." And I'm inclined to agree. It's one thing to warn kids about the cruelties of the world, but it's also important to note that the world has hope in it. Otherwise, Reborn would just be some unapproachable callous with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, like Where the Dead Go to Die. To Kill a Mockingbird would be nowhere near as effective if it just ended at the results of the trial and the defendant's eventual fate. The Boy with the Striped Pajamas would be nowhere near as heartbreaking if the two friends ceased communication with each other and went on with their lives. Pokemon Reborn would be nowhere near as tolerable if As it stands, there's a lot of flawed executions when it comes to Reborn's themes, morals, and plot development. It's far from being the best Pokemon game, and further from being a game that tackles dark subjects well. It's a game that challenges the player to raise Pokemon in an outside the box manner, and presents them with puzzles that take a bit to solve, but aside from that... it's just kind of okay.
  20. I have a friend who said something to the effect of not respecting anyone who made fangames who get money out of it, because of stuff like copyright. But then, he also says that Mickey Mouse should be in the public domain just because Walt Disney is dead, so... Anyways, I don't think it's a perversion of Pokémon. Pokémon as they are in the game are unaffected. It just so happens that the medium of Pokémon is used to tell a darker story, where , and There's also drug abuse, PTSD, urban housing and development, acknowledgement of LGBTQI, suicide, toxic relationships, evangelicals, family dynamics, and RAWR. But none of that really affects the brand of Pokémon as we know of it today; you're still collecting macguffins, stopping evil Teams from having their way, positing the tenants of friendship and synergy in spite of those who serve as cumbersome obstacles, and RAWR. You can't really "pervert" what Pokémon means until you're actively working to affront it, like the main focus being to separate humans and Pokémon for good. It would be like those anti-monster-girl stories that only focus on the negative, so the "solution" is to stop Monster Girls from existing because change is bad and no one's learned anything from Things Fall Apart. So yeah, I may have some personal gripes with Reborn, but it's not really "perverting" Pokémon in any way... well, other than the various TaurosXMiltank jokes; those are kind of perverted.
  21. Actually, I'm backing up my save to Also, I don't really care about the rewards anymore. But, I'll change things up so that my "canon" file is different from my "non-canon" one.
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