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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Deuykos

  1. All right guys, I retried it, and it didn't work. You can donate after beating Titania, but not Amaria. On another note, you can't use Rock Climb, even if you've got a Druddigon that just so happens to know it. It even says "Sorry, a new badge is required" despite me having the badge that lets me use it (I know the disclaimer said I couldn't use it, but I just had to make sure). It's kind of a shame; the ability to Climb Rocks is just there on the horizon, but it's cordoned off by the indomitable wall that is: the next update.
  2. Oh, I didn't know that, thanks.
  3. Oh yeah, that's right. Forgot about that one. Thanks.
  4. So, as we all know, is an obtainable Pokemon now, and as such, so are As such, I've taken it upon myself to revisit every possible location in an effort to find them. As of this edit, all Memories have been found. So without further ado... Congrats, everyone, we finally did it. The Memories have finally been Refreshed.
  5. I already know what those rewards are, though. My decision to postpone it had to do with me forgetting about it because I could've cared less about them in that moment in time, not a non-existent lack of knowledge in regards to what each choice offers.
  6. ... Yeah... I already know about that from a while ago (I meant I didn't know which to choose in the sense that each one is inconsequential to me). But I guess this means I'll just use an earlier file when I get home.
  7. Well that's a relief. Well, 2 of it is Shiny anyways, so I guess it's time to keep Soft Resetting. Thanks. Woo, found/caught it on my 59th+ try!!
  8. That should be the Sunrise section, if it's S12. If you're already at Sunrise, all you'll have to do is dive, go all the way west, resurface, go west until you see land, then dive north after that. Unless you're looking for Sunrise itself, in which case you'll have to go west from Coral until you come across some sand.
  9. Aww Oh well, I guess that's just how the cookie crumbles.
  10. So a quick question.
  11. I was only speaking in regards to how they interact between themselves and with others, not literally (at least, that's what they were like in the beginning of mk2 and Re;birth 2 before their characters developed).
  12. Anyone ever get the feeling that some characters from here partially resemble characters from Hyperdimension Neptunia? Because get that impression sometimes (If Shelly and Heather were twins, they'd be dead ringers for Rom and Ram).
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