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Rot8er_ConeX last won the day on September 20 2015

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About Rot8er_ConeX

  • Birthday April 24

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    the Dissa Region

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  1. Pokemon Essentials, the engine upon which Reborn runs, does have Mystery Gift functionality that can work regardless of whether or not the game has net-based trading or battling. It does require an internet connection, as it looks at a text file stored somewhere to determine what gifts are available. I'm not sure why Reborn has not yet used Mystery Gifts, but there is probably a reason that has to do with the game's delicate balance.
  2. "That hair looks amazing"
    "Shame it'll be covered by his cap for 99% of the game"
    "Then lets make him able to toss his cap like a boomerang"

  3. Looking for a gif of the female Sightseer's in-battle animation

    1. Rot8er_ConeX


      or a png of a single frame of it

  4. I consistently get 9 hours. What isn't consistent is when I fall asleep. I can fall asleep anywhere between 10 PM and 5 AM. Generally around 2 AM. I'd love to fix my sleep schedule.
  5. I was inspired by Pokemon Insurgence and its predecessor, but once I found out the TCG did it, I tried to use as many TCG Delta types as possible. After all, they were the closest we had to "canon" Deltas before Alolan Forms came along. No pics of Mega Delphox. the fake Megas don't have pics yet.
  6. Pokemon Entropy engine beta version 0.8.2 is out! After an involuntary months-long hiatus, I'm back with a vengeance! Because even though I wasn't able to get on the internet with my laptop and therefore upload any new updates to my game, that doesn't mean I haven't been working on it. I've been keeping up-to-date with all the news about Sun and Moon, even keeping up with the Lurantis leaks for datamine info despite actually having wanted to be surprised by the story. Every time a new ability, move, or mechanic was introduced either officially or unofficially, I would try to reverse-engineer it, and as such when the official game came out I was not as swamped as I expected to be. I still need to make the AI able to handle the new move effects, but otherwise I have every Essentials-compatible Gen VII mechanic in my game. Heavy debugging needed, obviously. Changelog (0.8.2): Earlier Changelogs{
  7. Both the Pokemon I identify with are 5'3" and are Physical attackers with primary STAB in types that are usually considered Special types.  IRL I'm 4'9" and what Pokemon calls a Special wall...

    Something seems wrong about this.

  8. I wish I could check my Pokemon Bank without having a Gen VI game in my 3DS. I don't have my games anymore because they were stolen, and I want to check if I have the trading fodder a friend wants when January rolls around

    1. phand1


      Game thieves are the worst people on earth. Let's beat them up with pool noodles.

  9. http://sta.sh/01mdv1y7q7a8 Contains massive Sun and Moon spoilers, so don't click if you haven't completed the game and postgame story
    1. IntSys


      I wouldn't mind if the image was a bit bigger.

    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      You can click it and make it bigger. there's three sizes - default, as-wide-as-your-screen, and native size

    3. doombotmecha
  10. I'm feeling demotivated. I messed up and broke my 80-Pokemon chain, and then I went to hatch the eggs that had been in my hot spring the whole time, and discovered that their mother was not holding an Everstone.

  11. Regarding the new site update, I don't have anything I want to buy, so I can donate Reborn Rupees to anyone who needs them

  12. I'm not saying the fact that I have Delta Pokemon is proof of them copying. I'm saying that the way I coded Delta Pokemon, which is different from the way most fangames do Delta Pokemon, is more akin to Game Freak's way than anyone else. I agree, They could have added these features in their games before, and in the case of the stat modifier indicators, other fangames and Pokemon simulators have added it before I did. However, it's funny that you say that the games are getting "more hand-holdy" when this is the first game that actually makes the important characters hard to fight, by giving them IVs and EVs in the relevant stats. In regards to your responses to the spoilers:
  13. To be fair, Eviolite was introduced in Gen V, and since then the only new evolution to an old Pokemon we've gotten was Sylveon, a branched evolution for a Pokemon that could already evolve and therefore was already compatible with Eviolite. Eviolite and CoM are the main reason I don't think we're going to see any more new evolutions to previously-Fully-Evolved Pokemon.
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