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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Rot8er_ConeX

  1. When asked if I'm a boob man or a butt man, I generally say that I'm a hair man. I like redheads without curly hair, and that attracts me more than any cleavage or rear does. That said, if forced to make a choice between the two, I'm more of a boob guy than a butt guy. I don't actually like boobs to be huge like the media seems to portray the idealized female body to have; I prefer something around a C or low D cup. I'm not sure how abnormal my tastes are. I'm definitely not a stereotypical man, but how much of the stereotype is true?
  2. Was converting music for an encounter, and the converter hiccuped. Resulted in the song being played by a drunk pianist. Milk Bar in game?

  3. In my game, I have a challenge mode called Mix-and-Mega where any Pokemon can use any Mega Stone (and the AI will randomly give a Mega Stone to about 8% of its Pokemon that are itemless). I'm doing preliminary work on implementing Z-Crystals, and am wondering if I should make it so in this same mode any Pokemon can use any Z-Move regardless of species exclusivity.

  4. I don't know WHY Game Freak decided to give Snorlax a Z-Move, but once they did decide, they didn't skimp on it at all. The way they built up the move (After 20 years of sleeping...) was great, and perfect for Snorlax.

    1. Rot8er_ConeX


      Also, the fact that more than half the trailer went into that one Z-Move (I might even consider the time spent on Stoked Sparksurfer would count, since it was showing the concept of unique Z-Moves so we'd have better context later on) means that SleepyJirachi's reaction video has the right title.

      SNORLAX WAKES UP! Oh, and Alolan Rattata, too.

  5. What if every Pokemon that had a Mega Evolution in Gen VI gets a unique Z-Move, and when they use it they become their Mega Evolution?

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      didn't they already show Gnegar use it's and it not happen? Even still as if they needed to make megas more broken.

    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      They showed Gengar using *a* Z-Move. But is it *Gengar's* Z-Move they showed?

  6. Depending on how much you know about the support system in Fates, you can actually cheat Corrin's spouse out of being able to use Partner Seals.

    1. Rot8er_ConeX


      - Troubadour talent male Corrin marries either Felicia, Flora, or Elise

      - Troubadour talent female Corrin marries Forrest or Jakob

      - Monk talent [male] Corrin marries Sakura or Mitama

      - Shrine Maiden talent [female] Corrin marries Azama

      All of these scenarios will cause Corrin's spouse to be unable to use Partner Seals.

    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      It has to be either the Troubadour or Shrine Maiden/Monk classes as your talent, and then you have to marry someone who has that same class as their primary class.

      Normally, in this scenario (primary class is the same as Corrin's talent), the game will choose a Parallel Class. But, perhaps due to the gender role weirdness the two trees have, Troubadour and Shrine Maiden/Monk have no Parallel Class counterparts, even though they should be each other.

  7. *doesn't know enough about the story of Reborn to comment on the actual idea presented here* *looks at timeline drawings* The first one, in temporal mechanics, is called a deconvergance. Assuming that temporal physics in Reborn works the same way it does in Star Trek, you will end up overwriting the original timeline, unless someone from your newly-created timeline goes back and recreates the original timeline. If both timelines need to exist in order for anything to make sense, it changes from being a deconvergance to a disentanglement, and both timelines will continue beyond the point when you went back in time (the far right of your diagram). Assuming, on the other hand, that temporal physics works the way it does in Fire Emblem: Awakening, then there's no weirdness with timelines dying, and both timelines will continue past the right side of the diagram. The second one, commonly referred to as a "grandfather paradox", is more correctly called a "self-consistent causal loop". In order for something to happen, someone had to go back in time to make it happen. But in order for them to know that it needed to happen - and for them to go back in time - it had to have already happened.
  8. To be fair, I'm fairly certain that Raichu's explanation is deliberately "brain-poop". They just wanted to make a nod to the surfing Pikachu. That said, you do bring up a good point about Magnemite being robotic in nature. I've decided that Magnemite genders can Attract each other, and will display (as colored lowercase F's) like any other gender in the party and summary screens and in battle, because the Magnemites consider them to be real genders. But they won't be able to breed, because the lack of biology. So, a sort of compromise.
  9. So you ever discover something that makes you go "what is the internet?" Well thanks to Wikipedia-searching Wikipedia, I learned of the concept of OS-tans.

    1. Cepheus


      those OS-Anime-girls?

      yeah... the first time I saw them I was like... wow... seriously Internet?

    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      I think what's scarier than the fact that it's a thing - is the fact that after Microsoft learned of it, they hired people specifically to make OS-tans for their upcoming OSes. They studied the lore of the OS-tan universe, and give their official Windows-tans outfits and personalities designed to hint at features of the actual OS being made.

      For example, Win10-tan is a huge gamer to hint at the XBox connectivity in Win10, and comes from 100 years in the future as a joke to...

    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      ...explain why Microsoft chose to skip over the name "Windows 9".

  10. Interestingly enough, you and I took a very similar idea (the sexual identities of Magnemite) in very different directions. When working on making Deltas for every Pokemon for my game, I decided that the Magnemite line's Deltas would be based on the opposing poles of a magnet. For this reason, the Magnemite line would have two Delta forms: one Fire type and the other Ice type, referencing the colors generally used to refer to the north and south poles of magnets. Plus there's the fact that you can't have heat without cold, and vice versa, just like how you can't have a north pole without a south pole, and vice versa. I actually coded the game to choose which of these two forms Delta Magnemite-line Pokemon would take, using the exact same formula used to calculate the gender of Pokemon with genders. Eventually, I decided to embrace this idea within the lore itself, and called the two forms "Flamemale" and "Freezemale", implying that they were legitimately genders. I even coded it so that in the Debug menu, you had to change the form of Delta Magnemite-line Pokemon through the "gender" menu option, not the "form" option. (Even though players of the final game probably aren't going to be able to see the Debug menu, I generally like fulfilling the trope "The devs thought of everything...") I'm now wondering how far I should take this concept. Should Flamemale Magnemite be able to use Attract on Freezemales? Should they be able to breed without the help of Ditto? Should they actually have a gender icon, like the two main genders (and hermaphrodites)?
  11. Would you be able to make a follower of a Pokemon form that doesn't have one (specifically, Mega Gallade - preferably the default shiny, not Reborn's version)? Or would that count as too complex?
  12. Considering making a challenge mode in my game, tentative name "Floatmons", where any Pokemon that appears to be floating in its character animation is immune to Ground type moves, and the ability Levitate gives the user Flying type STAB without any Flying type weaknesses (just so Levitate doesn't become obsolete). Yay or nay? If so, what Pokemon do you think should qualify?

    1. Odybld


      Just give Unown Protean

    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      I like that idea, and will probably do that in this mode - that's actually really similar to the concept I had for Delta Unown.

      But for other Pokemon with Levitate, like Flygon.

    3. Rot8er_ConeX


      I like that idea, and will probably do that in this mode - that's actually really similar to the concept I had for Delta Unown.

      But for other Pokemon with Levitate, like Flygon.

  13. Moo. I am posting here, once again, to throw you guys off. I gotta be careful how many times I do this, though, otherwise you guys will start expecting me. I guess Dragon116, because his/her name is listed under the "users reading this topic" header.
  14. I somewhat agree with you on the fact that, if you're working three hours a work day - approximately 15 hours a week - you shouldn't be making enough to make ends meet. That is a fully acceptable viewpoint. Most of the "teenagers looking for spending cash" that you describe, aren't working full time. The problem is that without raising the minimum wage, people who work full time - and a lot of the time, work OVERTIME - at minimum wage jobs - not all of which are entry-level - have to struggle. I don't care about people who have families who are on minimum wage. I'm talking about people who live by themselves, work minimum wage, and still have to be on food stamps or other government assistance in order to feed themselves. We look down on welfare recipients because they supposedly don't work jobs. The truth of the matter is that a lot of them do have jobs, the jobs just don't pay enough.
  15. I just noticed that apparently I have about 940 Reborn Rupees. Probably just for being a member here. I don't even know what to do with them.

    1. Rot8er_ConeX


      So I found a few things I liked in the Sprite Shop and spent about 100

  16. I'm so confused by the ending of the Ash vs. Alain battle. Was that a giant *flaming* Water Shuriken?

    1. Azeria


      I honestly thought that thing would secure Ash's victory there.

      But turns out the BW anime writers were brought in so Ash losing was basically guaranteed. So fucking frustrated right now.

    2. DerogatoryTrainer


      A disappointment.

      That's what it was

  17. I'm laughing right now. Someone at Suze's work is arguing with him about how Insurgence was created. All of his followers are going "tell him and record his reaction"

    1. Swampellow


      If it happens, link us.

  18. Revenge is ice cream. I want ice cream. I also want pizza, and my father's burritos. I'm okay with being a glutton - I need to gain weight.

  19. Most of the ones I remember as a kid (back when I myself wasn't allowed to play) are already said here. Missingno., The Mew Truck, etc. But there are a couple... From the Red/Blue days: I remember the rumor that if you used a Fire Stone on a level 100 Dragonite, on a Game Boy Color (regular GB or a GBC didn't work), then it would evolve into Yoshi. From the FireRed/LeafGreen days: the games would overwrite the GBA's battery light indicator changing at low battery, and if you were playing FR the light would always be red, and if you were playing LG the light would always be green. To call your attention at low battery, the light would start flashing. To be fair, that second one actually sounds like something Game Freak would totally do if they had the capability, but I'm not sure they would have the capability.
  20. When your sister throws a cracker at you and it bounces off your forehead, you know you've made a great pun.

  21. Pokemon Entropy beta v0.8.1 is out! Yes, you read that right. The second version number is not a seven, but an eight. Luka S.J. updated the EBS to give it an entirely new look, and I begrudgingly complied. Like when Essentials updated from v15.1 to v16.2, my game's update is more of a Frankenstein created from pieces of the old and pieces of the new, but from the player's perspective the in-battle HUD is entirely EBS v4, with changes added to include features of the existing battle system in Entropy - Multitype Moves, Mix-And-Mega, visible stat boosts, etc. This update came at a price. In version 0.7.6, I added a feature that made the music speed up by a factor of 1.25 when any of the Pokemon on your side of the field had HP below 1/4th of their maximum. Sadly, it turns out that feature ran on some code from EBS v3 that was deprecated in v4. As such, future versions of Entropy will not warn you when you're low HP. Likewise, with the number increase comes a folder renaming. You lose access to your previous save files, and have to create new ones. But this is the last time people should need to do that before the first plot release. Additional new features include preliminary code for things we've learned about Sun & Moon - Sunsteel Strike and Moongiest Beam's immunity to opposing abilities, Zygarde form mechanics and what that means for changing the HP stat mid-battle, Stakeout and Soul-Heart, etc. Changelog (0.8.1):
  22. "Death and rebirth..."

    1. Maelstrom


      you mean death and the scattering and recycling of all the little bits.

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