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About BijutsuYoukai

  • Birthday 06/12/1991

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. Debug menu refuses to show up no matter whether I put it in Data/Mods or in Data. Have tried restarting the game multiple times and readding the file. Nothing. I have 18.1, so I know it's the correct version. It's really frustrating because I've followed all instructions exactly as they should be and it just doesn't show up under options whatsoever.
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  4. Can anyone give me advice on how to beat the Geara battle inside Wispy Tower on Intense mode? I've tried multiple different team varieties to counter various Pokemon, but nothing has worked. Any suggestion for Pokemon available up to this point in the game are welcome (Including in-game trade, event, etc), except for starters (As I chose Bulbasaur - which as a Venusaur has been zero help). I'm willing to go back and breed moves/etc in if that's what it takes. I'm even open to themed/gimmick suggestions so long as they actually work. I considered posting this to the battles help, but the last post to that was in July two years ago and my problem doesn't so much involve/require a set team/move set for me. Just wanting anything that will work.
  5. The file was damaged for me as well. Just used the regular download button for mediafire, so I don't think it's anything to do with a download manager.
  6. Um, it's not even been 5 months since the last update? The team is mainly, like, one person, with some help at times, I think? Can't expect it to be super speed as far as updates.
  7. Do I want romance? Yes. Do I want romance with Melia? No thanks.
  8. My only question is what are you going to do about Flying types? There are only three Pokemon who have flying as their primary type - it's all secondary for every other flying Pokemon. The Pokemon with primary flying (And ONLY flying type at that) type are: Tornadus Arceus Silvally Two of three even need items to be that type. Will you just be picking whichever Flying type you want due to this?
  9. What does the ship captain say when you speak with him? Also, have you gone back and spoken with Melia/Venam? I THINK you have to talk to them and then the Ship Captain will take you to the little secret beach area behind Sheridan. I'm going off of raw memory of only have beaten V9 once, so I'm not positive of this.
  10. Try using this mod port from Reborn: The debug feature allows you to add Pokemon, so it will allow you to add it yourself not require any additional help. Just download, backup your Scripts, then replace the original Scripts file with the one from the mod.
  11. I'm gonna wish you good luck with this. I'm trying to do the same myself at the moment and Keta's ghost is walling me pretty hard with the available Fire-types. Nim is also a pain in the ass.
  12. That's probably my best bet. I honestly didn't think I'd run into such a bad block this early on. Up until now secondary typings had helped Braixen getting Psybeam for example), but Lunatone and Solrock are just kinda the perfect storm of resistances.
  13. So recently I decided to a monotype Fire run through Rejuv while I wait for the next version. I've been doing alright so far and haven't had too many struggles, up until the first encounter with Nim. Her Solrock and Lunatone are absolutely destroying me, as none of my Pokemon really have any moves that can dent them, outside of one, who dies fairly easily. Should I just grind up to level cap and brute force it? Or is there some strategy I can try? For reference, this is my team. All are between level 21-22: Braixen w/Magician Psybeam Fire Spin Flame Charge Scratch Litleo w/ Unnerve Ember Headbutt Work Up Noble Roar Fletchinder w/ Big Pecks Ember Peck Quick Attack Agility Pansear w/ Blaze Incinerate Bite Yawn Play Nice Growlithe w/ Intimidate Fire Fang Reversal Rock Smash Helping Hand I believe this is all the fire pokemon I can get up until this point? Unless I'm missing some and someone can point them out to me?
  14. Back again. The weather changing part of the mod menu doesn't seem to be working for me? I change the weather number inside a builiding, step out of the builiding, and it's still always the same, no matter the number I choose (0-8). I tried changing the day as well after none of the numbers worked. Do I need to full exit a section before the weather changes with the mod and not just exit a building?
  15. I don't get why everyone hates on Jangmo'o so much. I purposely soft reset to get him as my starter after coming back after a long time and realizing the game had access to gen 7 pokemon and Jangmo'o as a starter. Sure, he's kinda useless until he evolves, but a combination of Sky Uppercut, Dragon Claw, Work Up/Dragon Dance, and Iron Defense eventually is pretty great and well worth it if you ask me. I recently bred him for one with perfect atk, def, and spd IVs and he destroys things and even has decent coverage against his weaknesses (Sky Uppercut for Ice, Dragon Claw for, well, Dragons, and Poison Jab for Fairies). As for your Ralts problem, if you're really so set on Ralts that you actually won't play if you can have it, why not use the Mod Menu's access to the debug menu and just turn the starter you get into a Raltz? EDIT: I forgot to mention how great at the very least Bulletproof is as an ability. Immunity to Sludge Bomb, Seed Bomb, Shadow Ball, Energy Ball, just to name a few, is amazing. (It protects against 23 different attacks in total).
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