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About Synchronoise

  • Birthday 12/18/1997

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  1. That's so computers

  2. A bit of a weird choice, but I'm recommending Pachirisu to move up to C-rank Availability: 0 Badges Movepool: Absolute garbage Comments: Where do I begin. You can get Pachi the moment you get two pokemon, she's readily available as long as you don't get rekt by that 50% chance for Zigzagoon. Her movepool's absolute garbage, but what's important is what moves she gets. The moves of note are Nuzzle/Super Fang/Charge Beam, and Sweet Kiss to a smaller extent. Nuzzle comes incredibly early on, and is the go-to move you'll be using for Pachi. The parahax lets you draw out the battle a bit longer, and let either Pachi build Charge Beam boosts, or someone else from your team boost up. Add Sweet Kiss if you want to be mean, and you have someone who can help you sweep early gym leaders relatively consistently. Super Fang is useful for chipping damage from the bulky af Pulse-mons, so you don't have to sit down for a good half hour trying to take down Pulse Tangrowth. Later in the game, Pachi still stays relevant by virtue of its pickup ability helping you get Rare candies to sell/healing items after battles, so even when she's not in battle, she provides utility for the team. She has a niche that no other mon shares, and I feel that it's enough to place her in C-Rank tl;dr Pachi is good. Move her up pls
  3. Skull Bash Venu the new anti-meta mon

  4. I'm honestly just saving up to buy the special edition of FE:Fates from one of the scalpers on ebay

    1. Commander


      You do realize that if you buy a game cart, you can get the other two paths for $20 each through eshop adding up to the same price as the special edition. That should be able to fit on your 3ds unless your like me and only have a very small amount of space left.

    2. Synchronoise


      I'm well aware of that. It's for collection purposes though, and I'm a working adult.

  5. There's an anime adaptation too. It's pretty chill
  6. Why does every OM give Noivern STAB Boomburst

    1. Exalted


      Cause he is batman

  7. It's literally impossible to have more colours than people, unless you have phantoms wearing hats or some shit
  8. My about me is now just a collection of gifs. Help

  9. 5/10 it looks like something straight out of a trap h-doujin
  10. In a similar vein, I just found out that Flygon has the exact same base attack as Trapinch
  11. How do you get reborn cash quick? I want to change my name to Shaky Boom Boom

    1. Fumble



      Well, you could either post a lot, make a donation to the site with real money, or just beg others for Rupees. I don't have many Rupees left though, rip.

    2. Bearadactyl
    3. Synchronoise
  12. Goddamnit. I put a filler for my About Me so that there's something there while I work on a better one, but now I don't want to change it

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skeleton


      i wouldnt call it straight

    3. Simon


      Wao, I thought mine was simple but that takes the cake.

    4. Shing



      True lol.

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