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9 Fledgling

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  1. If you are only using 4 pokemon then you are only hindering yourself. There is an Aaron in that cave you can get and that may help you. If not you may need to load a previous save and catch some other pokemon.
  2. In east gearen city, find lucks tent, its kind of near the hotel, you can change your difficulty there. I don't think it shows you what difficulty you are currently on, but if you are on a higher difficulty than you meant to be, just select what you want.
  3. Charizard x is just a straight upgrade over regular charizard so unless you have a very specific team set up that is completely sun based you should definitely use charizard x. And even if you do have a full sun team, you can still equip your charizard with the mega stone and only mega evolve in fights that you need it, since mega evolutions only last for each battle anyway.
  4. I recommend using this, the only spoilers it really has is the names of the gym leaders https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NmNBklcSI_OqWKMAaJ_WyqjBJ5J7lo3IuwTftIaJlIw/edit#gid=1921351918
  5. So big thing, like I said, you aren't going to have a one and done team in Reborn, you absolutely need to switch out members of your team depending on the fight. By the end of the game I typically have about a full box and a half of fully trained pokemon that I swap in and out. That said if you add a water type, or a dragon type to that team as your sixth slot, its not a bad general use team that you can use for the basic fights between each of the gym leaders or major story fights. I would switch ampharos, it is disappointingly bad unfortunately, its just way too slow without the defensive stats needed to stay alive. Something that can help is if you go to smogon and use the 'SM' (sun and moon) tiering to see what kinds of pokemon are considered good and how you should EV them. Since Smogon is based on competitive play its not going to be the final word on what is good in Reborn, but it can definitely help get you going in the right direction.
  6. Gonna give you a wall of text here XD The game can definitely be beaten with any starter, some may be harder than others if you are dedicated to always keeping them in your party, but it can definitely be done. Mega charizard X is one of the earliest mega stones you can get (Though still a decent ways into the game) so definitely recommend using that as soon as you can. If you where to look char x up on smogon it would tell you its a physical attacker, but you don't need to pay attention to that if you want to use special attacks, its still a good special attacker, and most of its physical moves are learned through TMs that are obtained late game, so play it physical or special, however you want. A lot of the time in Reborn you are going to be switching up your team a lot based on who you are fighting at the time, especially your first time playing, you aren't really going to have a one and done team. That said, there are some things to pay attention to to have a well rounded team. There are two primary defensive cores where having one pokemon of each type gives you a way to resist pretty much everything in the game and switching in and out to take any attack, Water Fire Grass is one, and the other is Dragon Fairy Steel. On the offensive side is something called 'bolt beam' which is thunderbolt ice beam. Really what it is referring to is the combination of electric and ice typing, these two typing can hit pretty much every single pokemon for at least neutral damage. So a strong 'general use' team could look like your charizard with a dragon, fairy, steel, ice and electric type. Or Charizard with a grass, water, ice, and electric type, with an open slot that could be filled by a ground type to get electric immunity. All that said, early game you pretty much just have to use whatever you can get your hands on. There is a mystery egg you can get, not gonna give spoilers unless you want them, it is missable, but there is a chance to get a couple extremely strong pokemon from it very early in the game, and you can pretty much build your team around that if you get one of the good ones.
  7. If it stayed active after switching out, like the other abilities that overwrite fields, I would agree with you, but since you are forced to keep mega mighty in for the field to stay active its a lot harder to take advantage of that field change. Dark Ghost is a good defensive typing, with only one weakness and 3 immunities, but Mega Mighty has a terrible BST, 4th lowest of all megas, and is way to frail for only having 1 resist, so even with its typing it gets killed in 2 hits by any neutral hit. If they don't want to buff the ability, they should buff Mightys stats by removing 40 from its SpA and allocating those to its defenses, similar to how Mega Sableye, one of the few pokemon with a lower BST, loses speed in order to gain defenses. Right now Mega Mighty just gets outdone by most other mega forms, which is disappointing because I love its design, and I want to be able to use it more without feeling like im hindering myself..
  8. At the very least one of the physical attacks it learns should be able to deepen the darkness so you can get to the next stage and maybe have the timer reset each time a darkness stage is changed.
  9. Why does it only last 3 turns and not 5 like every other surge ability? Makes it super hard to get good use out of Mega Mightyena, especially considering you are giving up a held item and using your mega slot for a different mega pretty much entirely for that ability.
  10. I did a recolor of the shiny sprite for it that I Feel looks really good based on Reborns shiny sprite for each of them. The little back thing you added looks nice, might incorporate that as well.
  11. Are all the mega stones that are available in the game currently in the list, and thus not all megas are available, or are some of the mega stones just not found yet and all mega stones are actually in the game? Most specifically im hoping to get diancite.
  12. Is there any earlier Razor Claw available in E19? It's super annoying getting Sneasel from the mystery egg and then not being able to get a Razor Claw until after the point you could get Sneasel already anyway.
  13. The sheet says Mareanie can be obtained before Charlotte however you need waterfall in order to get to it.
  14. I've been wanting a SpA based burn for ages so I voted yes. Other than just me wanting it, freeze is an annoying purely luck based mechanic that can make or break a battle, if you are relying on freeze to get your win then you dont actually have a good strategy for that fight, and conversely if you are winning a fight and have a good strat and you get frozen then you loose purely on luck. Either way freeze is bad. That said, simply changing freeze to frostbite isn't enough, I would like to see some custom moves added as equivalents of things like will'o'wisp, scald, and the like for frostbite to be used by and against players in order to have a consistent way of utilizing that status, otherwise there isnt any point. If all the moves that do freeze are just converted to frostbite and not edited in any way then its really no different than relying on the luck of the freeze.
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