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Everything posted by SicknTwisted94

  1. YES YES YES!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who helped me! I did it! Most of my mons were only Lv35-37 but they were so much more effective! I forgot to give ampy charge beam but it didn't matter because he took out gengar and banette all by himself with twave and confuse ray. Delphox tore through doublade and trevenant while Houndoom swept Rotom and Delphox finished Chandelure with help from Houndoom's Feint Attack. Omg I was just doing a dry run to see how they've progressed and its in spades and i'm so excited for this small acomplishment. Sorry if that's silly, but thank you all so much!
  2. Ok, I got Amp to learn Power Gem to replace Thunder Shock, but its speed is still only 45 at Lv35? That sucks. Whiscash can seriously take a beating tho, his defense is great. Not sure if EQ will work on Rotom is it has Levitate, but if it does he's out. I know Amp needs Charge Beam, so should I replace Power Gem? Because Confuse Ray and Thunder Wave are too valuable I think. Thunder Punch is his only offensive electric move too.
  3. I also discovered that while in daycare whiscash upgraded magnitude to earthquake, which is pretty awesome. I taught Houndoom Feint Attack in place of Odor Sleuth. With Kai being Lv52, I noticed that with the Soothe Bell, taking him to the salon, and the fact our friendship lv is maxed, he listens to me a lot more now. He actually works really well as support when I save him for when I need him. I'm hoping that if I can at least take out Banette and Rotom I can sweep the rest. How early would you recommend trying to use Reflect since it only lasts 5 turns and i'm unlikely to get a second chance?
  4. Light Screen is no longer necessary because Meowstic has Reflect now at Lv35. Pangoro is at Lv39, Whiscash Lv35, Zoroark Lv35, Houndoom Lv35, and Delphox at Lv50. Amp and Whisc are at the daycare atm with Amp at Lv32. Phox just learned Psychic to replace Scratch, which might be helpful because I noticed that Psyshock and Psychic are both psychic type, but Psychic is spec.attk while Psyshock is physical, which could potentially work to my advantage. How does the member title change? Is it just how much you participate in topics? Cause i'm bug catcher but TimTim is psychic.
  5. Ok, i've gotten Flaasfy to Ampharos. Moves are: Thunder Wave Thunder Shock Thunder Punch Confuse Ray
  6. I always save before battling gyms or talking to event pokemon. I try to be very careful about that. And I didn't know about that trick. The only thing is that Light Screen is way back at Lv30, although Will-o-Wisp is Lv47 Also, I have Pangoro and Whiscash at the day care while I work on Flaafy, Houndoom, Meowstick, and Mightyena. Do you know if their progress is affected by time spent in day care or how many steps you take? Update: Houndoom's ability is now Flash Fire, thanks to an ability capsule I missed in Obsidia (the women in the pokecenter looking for her son)
  7. I'm not broke, and I have 15 common candies, I just use delphox as my ace while training because when my lower levels can't deal, delphox can because he always listens to at least my first command, and because he's so high level its OHKO. You weren't ignored <PokeManiac> it's just been more beneficial for me to have him at a higher level so far.
  8. Also, this is just a side note but I discovered a particular vendor located on 7th street. Where the flip is 7th street?! I swear i've searched all the wards and I can't find it for the life of me.
  9. Is Apophyl Academy the one in Onyx or the one in Beryl?
  10. Oh, ok. Thanks. I just thought it was cause I was checking Houndoom's abilities on serebii (x/y dex) and it said fight is x2 against it
  11. Can a dark/fight type work with ghost/grass? And any suggestions on where I can find more ability capsules? (I had used the 2 I had) And I thought fighting is SE against fire? (it even says so on bulbapedia and serebii)
  12. Could using an ability capsule switch Houndoom to Flash Fire or will it just change it to Unnerve? I have no idea where I could find light clay since i've mined pretty much all of those stones accessible to me and I can only get to 3rd floor of the department store. Pangoro has Circle Throw, which has a 1/6 chance of forcing Chandelure into battle, but it comes at the cost of going last. Actually, Pangoro can help me with Chandelure because Fight is x2 attack on Fire types and his defense is pretty strong (not sure if thats for phys or spec) What should I do with Delphox? It may not listen to me much, but at higher levels it can take heavier hits and deal heavier damage. Should I keep it as support or replace it (with what, idk)
  13. Yeah, that's what i'm hoping. Still not sure if I should keep Delphox in, and if not, what to replace him with. I feel that Meowstic can be pretty helpful, but one pokemon i'm worried about is Chandelure. Its another of my favorite Y team, and I know its a pretty hard hitter. Water types aren't good with the electrical field so I'm not sure how else to counter his fire type moves besides Houndoom since its both fire and dark.
  14. Awesome. Im using trainers in the grand hall to level at the moment and i've decided to add in Esper (as Meowstic M) an Mareep (as Ampharos). A leveled Whiscash and Pangoro will also be kept in, as well as Mightyena. Still not sure whether to bench Delphox or keep him on due to his sheer level because despite being disobedient a higher level means a higher attack and defense. Mareep (just evolved to Flaafy, I declined Charge and Take Down) currently has a Relaxed nature with the Static ability. Moves are: 1) Thunder Wave 2) Thunder Shock 3) Cotton Spore 4) Electric Terrain Esper is male, Lv28 (about to evolve to Meowstick) with a Hasty nature and Keen Eye ability. Moves are: 1) Psybeam 2) Fake Out 3) Disarming Voice 4) Psyshock
  15. <mde2001> Specifically Banette is his wall at the moment. From the start I can take out Gengar with Delphox but not without taking major damage. Even if I switch him out to heal Banette gets a OHKO because of field boosts. Minun can change the field but it isn't fast enough to do it before Gengar OHKOs it. I can get lucky against Banette using Pangoro cause he has good defense, but once rotom comes out he'll start making the field change back and forth and use both fields to boost his moves and sweep my team. Also I tried using my shiny Glameow because its a Normal type that knows Dark moves. I thought Ghost couldn't hit Normal types and vice-versa? If so, how is Gengar managing to hit it with Ghost Ball and stuff?
  16. Night Slash is definitely a worthwhile move within my level limitations, at least until Shade gives me Ghost Claw (everyone says its one of the most useful TMs) i'm not sure what you mean by priority moves though. Moves that go first? If so, vital and circle throw are terrible. They boost accuracy to 100 in exchange for going last (that might just be circle throw) Is there any hold items or something that can help whiscash defend against physic attacks? Also, I do have rock smash, but I think I need strength to get to the key hole. I have the grip claw, would that help with Houndoom's Beat Up or does it only apply to Bind and stuff?
  17. I have talked to the girl that's locked out of her house but I haven't found the key. I saw a video that shows its in a hole in the wall that you have to use rock smash to get into, I just don't know where it is. I thought I found it when I picked up a dull key, but that just opened the locked part of the slums and the killer Pangoro mafia down there (had a try at one of them, got demolished because of their high level and Kai's weakness to both their fighting and dark moves) Luckily i've done some mining so I have a few heart scales in reserve. Is whiscash's mild nature an attack dampener? If so, I'm not sure how to go about boosting it beyond just leveling (cause if its dampened then its basically a penalty to level boosts) there's X(Spec)Attack, but that's only good for one use I think, and protein is too rare (not even available in shop to me) I'm trying to figure out what route I should go to avoid taking such heavy damage from Gengar and Banette because they wipe out half my team before I even get to Rotom.
  18. Whiscash has a mild nature and anticipation is his ability. How can I get Kai to relearn Light Screen? And should I keep Mightyena + Houndoom or would Houndoom work better with its fire typing? Zorua has a Careful nature and his ability is Illusion, though I'm not sure how that works against NPCs. Sorry if i'm aggravating you and sounding like a noob. Admittedly the most strategical i've ever really gotten in Pokemon was the trainer school in Pokemon Stadium 2. Besides that I tend to rely on OP type advantage.
  19. Ok, so Zoroark will be helpful. Some people advised I get rid of either Houndoom or Mightyena because its not necessary for too many dark types. I'm not too sure what to do with Whiscash. I train him in the grass by Corey's gym, but even using electric attacks against flying types his attack is pitiful. I had trained barboach initially because he had magnitude which I thought might be helpful. Leveled up i'm sure Pangoro can be really helpful because its pretty resistant to ghost attacks even at lv30. What i'm most concerned about is Kai. He is by far my most powerful pokemon, but his psychic typing is a severe weakness. Munna, my second strongest at lv37, I usually try to use hypnosis then nightmare cause it deals a lot of damage. However, the psychic typing makes for an immediate and devastating flaw.
  20. I see. I can see why the more, shall we say, professional battlers go for EV training. That takes a lot of patience and dedication to work with. I do remember years ago, before gen4 I think, electrode was know for having the best base speed stat. I do have Arcanine but I haven't done much with him cause I figured type advantage with dark would work better. Most of my issue with Shade is the field boosts his pokemon get. The field boosts definitely add a rather frustrating level of difficulty where type advantage and powering through would've been enough. I even tried going to the abandoned academy in Jasper(?) to try to learn more about the factory and (broken) factory fields. That's why I taught minun charge beam to try to counter it. Pangoro has a chance because his Scrappy ability allows him to hit ghost types and he has decent defense, but he's still out after two boosted hits.The strongest pokemon I have at hand are either psychic or ghost, which is a severe type disadvantage. I had hoped my dark types would be advantageous due to their type advantage against ghost types but as soon as Rotom comes out to play its game over because at that point even my ace Kai is out.
  21. Really I'll just be happy if I can at least beat Shade. I did gain Zorua Lv30, don't know if I should evolve it yet, and I also got Corey's Nidorina and Croagunk both Lv28. How exactly do you EV train? Is it just spamming particular attacks in battle? I did manage to defeat that Lv57 Beartic with my Delphox at Lv48 and got smoochum. That's kinda what I meant by Delphox being my one-hit ace. Its high level so 1/5 it'll ignore me, but when it does hit its quite powerful. Great for one pokemon, not so great for a team sweep. I also realize this in hindsight, but even with ignoring me sometimes Delphox would've been more effective as Braixen, because Delphox's psychic type is mostly what's screwing me over. Kai (delphox) can power through Gengar but takes a ton of damage. Even if I switch out and heal him, when I switch him back in Banette is almost guaranteed a OHKO on him because of the field boost. I can change the field with Minun but Rotom changes it right back or rinses through my pokemon with the bzzap.
  22. Thank you for everyone's advice, especially Timtim. I don't really understand IV training, its just a thing i've heard people train and breed for. As for typing, duomono was not intentional, for some reason I just naturally gravitate towards Fire and Dark types. That and fire was turned out to be more advantageous in the beginning. Actually, apparently Delphox likes me enough that it'll only ignore me 1 out of 5 times despite its level. While not a great choice for a sweep, its guaranteed to listen on the first go so its a good first striker. I kept scratch around for foes that were resistant to fire and psychic, I make the mistake of trying to train all-rounders. (My pokemon FireRed Wigglytuff has Solarbeam, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, and Hyperbeam, for example) Delphox can knock out gengar (corey) but Banette became the heavy hitter. I got through Banette by pure chance using Pangoro, then immediately got thrashed by Rotom. I just added a Lv30 Zorua to my reserves, and Barboach has become Whiscash. I do have a few other Electric types such as Electrike Lv18, Pichu Lv9, Mareep Lv14 and Emolga Lv20. I also have on the side Snubbul Lv20, Happiny Lv25, Stunky Lv25 (heard Skuntank was a pretty heavy hitter) Castform Lv15, Teddiursa Lv14, Arbok Lv23, and Trubbish Lv12 for some types that aren't Psychic, Fire, or Dark (just realized most of my 3 boxes are psychic with speckles of grass, water, and flying mixed in. oops.) I have a bunch of common candies, but i've flipflopped with myself about using them because while trying to train my other pokemon as quickly as I can (grindings hard with a job, but I try) Delphox is kinda my ace in the hole. And to be honest, I want to try to get evolve my Noibat because Noivern was my greatest asset in Pokemon Y. Just not sure how well it'll work into my team and against the gyms in Reborn.
  23. I've seen people in the pokemon location forums mention changing the time to find pokemon. Is that done on your computer's clock or in-game? Also, I noticed when I made a post at 3am the post time was 10:30am. Just a glitch, or is the site time different? (I'm a pretty new user so i'm not sure if this is where this kind of question can be posted, please correct me if i'm wrong)
  24. I've found Nidorina in the cave and Croagunk in Citrine Mt, but the text box says they recognize me and don't want to associate with me. Do I need to have Corey's ruby ring?
  25. Please Help I'm being obliterated by Entity Shade (can't get further than Rotom) --------------------- Current Team: Delphox Lv47 Item: Soothe Bell Abilitiy: Magician Nature: Bold 1) Scratch 2) Mystical Fire 3) Flamethrower 4) Psyshock Onyx Lv25 Item: N/A Ability:Weak Armor Nature: Lonely 1) Gyro Ball 2) Rock Smash 3) Smack Down 4) Dragon Breath Mightyena Lv31 Item: N/A Ability: Quick Feet Nature: Lax 1) Bite 2) Swagger 3) Assurance 4) Scary Face Houndoom Lv31 Item: N/A Ability: Early Bird Nature: Quirky 1) Bite 2) Odor Sleuth 3) Beat Up 4) Fire Fang Minun Lv31 Item: N/A Ability: Volt Absorb Nature: Naughty 1) Charge Beam 2) Swift 3) Discharge 4) Sing Pangoro Lv33 Item: Fist Plate Ability: Scrappy Nature: Naive 1) Cut 2) Slash 3) Circle Throw 4) Vital Throw ------------------------- Potential Reserves: Zorua Lv30 Arcanine Lv28 Munna Lv37 Yamask Lv32 Porygon Lv28 Glameow Lv28 Sandshrew Lv 26 Cubchoo Lv29 Solrock Lv28 Sneasel Lv24 Purloin Lv28 Spritzee Lv25 Phanpy Lv23 Arbok Lv23 Bunnelby Lv23 Klink Lv32 Barboach Lv29 (has Magnitude)
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