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About damurdara

  • Birthday 12/13/1996

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  1. I'm not sure if it'll be available next episode but they'll be available for sure in the future. We'll just have to wait.
  2. To be a great lawyer, don't know why but i'm interested in law.
  3. Well I was like 14 when I came up with this username and I've been using it everywhere ever since. It's basically "The Murderer" in dumb language.
  4. Minecraft, since it's not really a competitive game, I can just relax while playing. (unlike LoL where I rage every gank)
  5. Will you eat or drink dairy substitutes? like soy or almond milk? or will you just avoid dairy all together?
  6. I mean I know it's final form is really strong but it only attacks once every 2 turns
  7. I want to breed and get all type so i wanna know what are the best moves for each type.
  8. Noibat is that annoying thing you have to deal with for 48 levels ( if you have a level 1)
  9. Happy (Late) New years m80s

  10. (Torch) Torchic (Gard) Gardevoir (Gall) Gallade as you can see, i'm very creative when it comes to nicknames.
  11. Braixen, because it looks cooler than delphox.
  12. This might be for late game, but Hawlucha is a great pokemon for any team.
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