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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by DerxwnaKapsyla

  1. I think now that my Terraria session is done and my translation project is finished (for now), i'll be around a bit more again

  2. i've been really exhausted as of late, exhausted and really depressed. Mood swing threw me down in a deep pit once more

    1. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      remain positive, hope you feel better soon

  3. Unfortunately, Odyssey Eurobeat hasn't uploaded this to youtube yet, so the tumblr link will have to suffice.
  4. My music collection is still shot so here's more GAMES
  5. I'm fairly sure by now we've seen all the Elite 4 members, just by going off what I've been told about the community's history.

  7. That text, while the dramatic effect is definitely helpful, can be slightly misleading. But if it's purely for cosmetics, then shrug I suppose
  8. Ametrine City? That is something to look into, a possible division of Ametrine Peak and Ametrine City might be helpful here... Something to consider I suppose. I'll try and look into those, see if I have any issues there and can spot anything which could be optimized. The Wasteland in general would be a doozy because of all the events on it and no way to really break it down. EDIT: I've added some of the locations I need to look into to the first post, as well as a theoretical solution for the ones I might have an idea for. Most of them revolve around making a second map, but I might be able to do Shenanigans with Chrysolia Forest that involve expanding the map and making a carbon copy without the events, but it might still persist. Still, I have some ideas at least.
  9. I do indeed! This list contains some spoilers for stuff much later on, but it shouldn't change much! The only thing here is that the Viridian City Gym Leader gives you the Waterfall HM.
  10. Welcome to the next best step in your evolution. I just have one question for you. Do you wanna have a bad time?
  11. The two times I fought her, I used a Bronzong with Heatproof that set up Trick Room (Because she kept out speeding everything I had), then used Rain Dance to nullify her attacks. After that it was a clean sweep
  12. A Y/N prompt to send the player into nightfall wouldn't work because of it using a real time system. If the game used an unreal time system, then it wouldn't be an issue, however an unreal time system caries its own problems that would need to be accommodated for. Changing the time should require an admin account. I can't speak for changing time zones, since people probably seldom ever do that.
  13. When it comes to actually progressing the plot, I feel you really shouldn't have to. Despite how quick and easy it is to do that, there are some circumstances where you are unable to change clock, for example if you're playing the game on a computer where you don't have administrator privileges. Changing the date and time on a Restricted Access account requires having the admin username and password. If they can't get that, then all they can do is wait. And if they're playing at like, 2 pm, they have to wait 6 hours for it to strike nightfall (As the night cycle starts at 8 pm). I dunno, I just feel like when the event was still a sidequest and not mandatory, it was alright. But when you have to do it for plot purposes, maybe the night restriction could be removed?
  14. So, it's recently dawned on me that the first gang quest you have to do is kind of severely limiting, forcing you to need to return at nightfall in order to progress it. That's kind of unconventional, and if it was a sidequest it wouldn't be an issue, but since it's part of the main plot, it forces the player to sit and wait for a while, hours depending on when they're playing. Is there any way the night qualifier could be removed, or would that screw things up too much?
  15. RPG Maker XP is an old engine, Pokemon Essentials pushes RPG Maker to its limit, and Reborn grinds up against those limitations hard with some of the overworld maps. There's a thread relating to this and my attempts to fix them over here.
  16. If you mean me, I'm on a custom built gaming machine. My specs are kind of Mid-tier (but when you look at what high end specs are, mid-tier is more than sufficent for most games that are on the market right now. My specs are as so: It would have been 16 gigs, but I installed the wrong operating system and this OS didn't support 16 gigs. Which in the end, oh well, I think the other ram stick I got is a dud, so eh - it was free with something else I got, so I wasn't terribly concerned. Also a quick update, I have added the videos of the de-lagified areas to the first post, to show what I mean. It may not mean much, since every computer experience is somewhat different, but this should be representative of how smooth it'll be across the average machine.
  17. It's possible you have a really good computer. Some people have reported that they don't get lag in certain strong lag areas, but even then they acknowledge that the lag does exist for others. I know of myself and several others who have reported lag, and even Amethyst acknowledges that exists as well (Otherwise she wouldn't have let me find ways to negate it). If your game doesn't lag, then that's great. But please don't come in here boasting that you have no lag period especially when I started the thread for those that do, and to gather more information on it.
  18. Internet connection has nothing to do with Reborn's gameplay, and lag can be present within games, usually in the form of slowdown.
  19. From what I've been informed of, both from reading the forums, my own experiences playing, and looking at the map in RPG Maker, most of the lag in Opal Ward comes from the map transitions, and when weather is active in the overworld. Not much can be done about fixing Opal, as the events there are mostly trainers, warps, and the lighting effects. I'd imagine that when Episode 16's Opal rolls around, Rebuilt Opal will be better optimized, but I have no idea.
  20. So, Reborn is a very well polished game, but I'm sure we've all noticed that some areas have some cripplingly bad lag in certain areas, especially on older computers. I've taken it on to try and identify some of the biggest offenders and attempt to fix them. Before that, I managed to obtain permission from Ame to do it (I felt really uncomfortable even thinking about doing so otherwise), and as a result, I've already managed to neutralize the lag on Route 2 and Obsidia Ward. The results of my efforts will be at the bottom of the post. Either way, I started this topic to try and drum up some responses: What areas would you all say have some really bad lag, also if possible what are the specs of the computer you used to play Reborn on? I wanna try and look into the maps and see if optimization is possible for them. I've accumulated a short list of areas I know that have some funky lag; I'm sure the list is incomplete, but here's what I have so far. Route 2 (Divide the map into two - Fixed) Obsidia Ward (Create a secondary map for after PULSE Tangrowth - Fixed) Chysolia Forest (Secondary map for after PULSE Abra) Spinel Town (Same as Chrysolia) Jasper Ward (The only possible way to fix this would be for a map after PULSE Tangrowth) Beryl Ward (Same as Jasper) I've seen some people mention Peridot Ward, but I can't confirm it as it doesn't really lag for me. Additional maps I'll be looking at on people's request: Route 1 (When it rains, might just be an issue with weather) Byxbysion Wasteland (I... don't think this can be fixed. Byxbysion is just too large and has too many events to properly handle any other way) Apophyll Beach (Near Academy entrance) Ametrine City (Might divide Ametrine City and Ametrine Mountain Peak into two different maps, divided by player transfer commands at the first set of stairs leading up the mountain) All that really needs to be mentioned is on what map the lag occurs, if it's in a specific area of the map (A screenshot would be helpful here), and the specs of your computer if you can get them. Knowing these three things will make it possible to deduce if the lag is a severe problem, or just an issue of a weaker machine being unable to handle the engine pushing that Pokemon Essentials does to even work in RPG Maker (Which is the main reason for the lag through and through, RPG Maker as a whole is an old engine and Essentials pushes it to and beyond its limits). I also apologize if this is in the wrong area, and request that it be moved if it is. Below this is my fixes for Route 2 and Obsidia Ward, where I'll explain what the initial problem was and how I went about fixing it.
  21. Science was a success!

  22. Science is still going, but a bit slower until I figure this out

  23. Experimentation in Progress

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