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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by DerxwnaKapsyla

  1. Youtube has no decent quality uploads of this track so http://www.brawlcustommusic.com/54584 Track Name: Imperial Dynasty - Falz Angel- Source: Phantasy Star Online 2
  2. [presses the Feels Undertale button]

    1. Grizzlybrand


      Welcome to our trash can, feel free to visit it anytime

  3. I hope anyone who came to the stream enjoyed it! That'll be the last Reborn stream until Episode 16 rolls around I'm afraid. But fret not, I plan for more streams in the future!

  4. Stream starting in 10 minutes, tune infor the fun! We've reached Ametrine Mountain for the first time and are about to traverse it!

  5. Reborn stream starting around 4 pm EST (50 minutes)! Will be at the usual location, hitbox.tv/DerxwnaKapsyla . Hopefully you all can stop by!

  6. It has a few uses outside of that, such as being used to obtain stuff. I'll put it in a spoiler tag as to what it can do. Your best bet for obtaining it is saving before getting Ice Cream or talking to a vendor, and just reloading until it comes back. It'll take a while, but it'll happen - but that's only if you don't talk to the vendor before saving. Otherwise you're out of luck for an entire day.
  7. I still feel like this getting an anime announced was a weird sleep deprived dream I had.
  8. [invalid Update Detected]

  9. I dunno man, that name looks too much like a Magic: The Gathering Card, and that card looks nothing like a Scizor to me. Consider though, a Porygon-Z nicknamed "Null Pointer Exception".
  10. Granted, but the over-use of the fairy powering it eventually causes the fridge to frost over, becoming unusable. I wish to engage in Erotic Negotiations with that lampshade over there!
  11. Stream beginning in 10 minutes @ http://www.hitbox.tv/DerxwnaKapsyla . Get in if you can, we're about to tackle the Cult of Arceus!

  12. Another Reborn stream later today! I'll start around 3:30~4 probably. Until then I suppose~

    1. Arkhi


      You'll need to specify what time zone, friend. We've got people from all sorts here.

    2. DerxwnaKapsyla


      Yeah I kinda forgot to do that on here, I meant 3:30 EST. My bad!

  13. Well I mean, according to Pokecommunity So we still have like, at least 14 more days before it'll be out.
  14. This mess we're in, well you and I, maybe you and I, We can light up the night.
  15. http://chenkari.tumblr.com/post/131329160000/seansoo-touch-me-harder
  16. The official Touhou games themselves are rather enjoyable if you enjoy curtain-fire shooter games (Like Gradius and Ikaruga). They're rather difficult to handle though, but they come with four difficulty modes so anyone can play!
  17. Well, hopefully when I find out more information about my external, I can get back to proper work on it! Believe me, not being able to work on it is something akin to withdrawal. It's one of the few things that really keeps me going throughout the day, even if I'm not working on it.
  18. I didn't really want to post this here until i got my external fixed, but y'know what, there's no real reason not to! So, I've mentioned before who I am - Derxwna Kapsyla, head of Chaotic Infinity Development, which has several projects under its wings. One such project is a Pokemon Essentials-made project, Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Version. For a very very long time now, since even my elementary school years, I've wanted to make games. I would envision them constantly, though it was mostly Pokemon-related. It wasn't until Middle School that I discovered Rom Hacks, and I tried my hand at that. It didn't work out so well! Early Hiigh School came and I discovered Pokemon Essentials. I fiddled areound with it, made two projects in it that really only served to further my skill in it. While I was doing this, I was getting into the Touhou Project series, and I had discovered (More like, I discovered Touhou through this) that a fangame that hybridized Pokemon and Touhou existed. I was enamored by it, and over time, an idea sprung in my head. "I should make a Touhoumon game in RPG Maker, using Pokemon Essentials." And so I set out to make it happen. But first I needed to lay the foundation for it - the Touhoumon Essentials Development Starter Kit was made first, which allowed me to have the foundation I needed to make my ideal Touhoumon game in Essentials. Initially, it was supposed to be a side project to my main project at the time, but the DevKit eventually took all my time and focus, and gave me determination in return. From the foundation of the DevKit came the birth of Faith & Prayer Version. To me, Faith & Prayer Version tells the story of Touhoumon that I feel it should have had. Until recent, all existing Touhoumon games were just "Replace Pokemon, enjoy your unaltered Pokemon experience" or "ONE TILE FLASH MAZES, LEVEL 40 PUPPETS AT GYM 1, TOUHOU IS HARD GUYS!". There was no real depth! I wanted to change that. I wanted to make my ideal game. But I needed a plot first, and it wasn't until I was browsing Touhou fanfics on fanfiction.net that I found the plot I needed. A one-shot called Touhou Puppet Play - A Viewpoint, written by Lone Wolf Neo, crossed my view, and I read it. It gave me the inspiration I needed to make the plot, and I asked the writer if I could adapt their one chapter fanfic into a game. With their permission, Act 0 of Faith & Prayer Version was drafted, and with it, the rest of the plot soon to follow. The Plot Terminology Main Protagonists: Notable Features: Ah, but what good is a fangame if it doesn't have its own features to talk about outside of its own plot! Faith & Prayer Version comes with several features, both unique and similar to Pokemon games as a whole. Screenshots and Videos Honestly I need to get better screenshots for the thread, but I promise you I will get them at some point! Until then, have several videos showcasing the game in action. Credits: ...This might have been a good time to wait for my data to be recovered, but I do have a preliminary set of credits here. For more information about the game, future news and updates, the following blogs are where I post more information about the game. You can usually hit me with a message there when it comes to bug reports or feedback. http://chaoticinfinitydev.tumblr.com/ - Specialized blog for ChaoticInfinity Development related projects, mostly used to post releases or important and critical information regarding future versions and releases. http://derxwnakapsyla.tumblr.com/ - My main blog, more generalized, but gets more information about smaller the game updates Those two blogs are where you can keep up-to-date on all the information regarding Faith & Prayer Version. Changes in the Current Build Something to address before the download link. This is relevant if you are updating from Demo 1 or 2. Demo 3 should be fine If you're updating from Demo 4 to Demo 5 or onward, please read this: Touhoumon Faith & Prayer Version Demo 6 - Mediafire Link Quick Patch Fixes: The following links apply ONLY to Demo 6. The rest are for legacy purposes, and will not work in later versions. The download links are set to private. This demo picks up where Demo 4 and 5 left off, at New Bark Town, and goes into Johto Proper, taking you all the way to Route 32's end. Ruins of Alph is explorable, the east half of Route 36 is explorable. Dark Cave is not explorable. I hope you all enjoy the game, just as much as I enjoy making it. I’ve hammered out a majority of the bugs that my testers have reported. If you find a bug or inconsistency, please contact me with where the bug is, so I can get on fixing it. The same goes for typos and grammatical errors. I've done my best to iron out as many kinks as I have for the public release. - DerxwnaKapsyla
  19. 4 pm EST here and I'm listening to music while I wait for my father to get home so he can take me to a computer repair shop.
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