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  • Birthday January 24

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  1. Mine is Gallade its such a well designed and powerful pokemon and i'm glad its got a mega otherwise absol would be , i love how gallade just needs one or two swords dances just to sweep an ENTIRE team i'm glad gallade exists.
  2. Is it JUST budew or the ENTIRE line? Sorry but this ain't insurgence she won't add any to reborn i PROMISE you.
  3. WOW that actually is the best theory of reborn ever heard. I'm NOT kidding Wow someone give this person a medal. I Bet Titanica would have a mega swampert and a stupid broken rain team
  4. Well I don't think about you guys but when i'm battling bosses i use field effects against themselves turning the tables
  5. I mean you can get a fire type like cyndaquil ( I name it Mustang after the car ) so i say get a water type because water types reborn gives you in wild are GARBAGE especially since instead of magikarp they give you lumioneon and its baby form also grass types they give you are decent.
  6. Well....its not like its bad or nothing but for ME i often win by turning a field against the opponent like in rejuvenation (just for example) when i fight the ice leader eruption camerupt saved the day and i sweeped her team. so MAYBE i need it but for now i'll just save it for the future.
  7. Question = Is there a chance there will be megas in regal and will there be a chance for gallade to be a vailable pokemon to get? cuz gallade is my 1# fav pokemon (p.s only chose shiny hydreigon sprite cuz it looks cool i mean hydreigon is good i just hate it gets demolished by fairy type)
  8. Ace Trainer Cam Says before battle = Hey aren't you that powerful trainer i've heard about? PkMn = Golurk , Absol , Gallade , Sylveon If He Loses = Well I'll Be An Aipom's Uncle you ARE good If Spoken after battle = Wanna tell me HOW you beated me? What Levels? = 43 - 45 i mean golurk evolves at 43
  9. dude smeargle is a dog not a monkey lol how is it a dog its french rufus
  10. Well Typhlosion IS a special attack so since light platinum has 3 gen mechanics i suggest replace earthquake with another powerful move that ain't physical (Shadow Claw ain't because ALL ghost moves are special in third gen
  11. I Say try Insurgence they have ALOT of good features there is even a chance they will have the the shadow pokemon feature. #@Suzerain JUST DO IT!
  12. pokemon rejuvenation

  13. Name = Ex-Exertion Operative Geminus Pkmn = Gallade , Meowstic , Golurk , Absol Reason to battle = He wants to make sure you are strong enough to have his back. Line after winning battle = I guess we aint partners. Line after losing battle = Its a deal , don't betray me.
  14. CRUS8D3IUM


    how do you have a caterpie that has run away lol
  15. I was infact soft reseting for a shiny ralts and acourse i got it and its my favorite pokemon gallade =D
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