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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Blanchette

  1. Nope, but I have a ps3 too! :0 Just no Destiny~ ame?
  2. Yup, Persona 5 trailer looks great so far. Go see it, Google(1)~
  3. *Hi fives Juu back* Persona link up! Mr.M, ever played any Persona game?
  4. You can now teach micky where south is, Mr.M
  5. Nope~ *throws compass at micky* There you go micky :3
  6. What makes you think I like spiders, micky? D: Juu, come here for a hug *actually hates hugs*
  7. Someone please teach me how to make girls like me... T_T

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Wait to recap: a friend of yours was friendly towars you, and his gf got mad at you for it? Well I have been in the same situation before, except I was the guy whose gf got mad. Sometimes gfs do that, I honestly don't think it's your problem. If you are afraid of losing a friendship to this situation, do try and make things clear.

    3. laggless01


      so it is a bit like 2:00 in

    4. laggless01


      (Perhaps except the physical thing)

  8. Nope~ I love having eggs for breakfast so its great micky, how about you?
  9. ... we had this weird kabedon thing here too... Wendel?
  10. Yaaaayyyyy =w= I feel like that girl from tokyo ghoul... can't remember her name though... micky, I can't see the picture :<
  11. Nope~ But wow, so many Michaels. Rosaline here, hi What's your name... Juu?
  12. ... I could see you being the type of friend irl I would assault all the time. by assault I mean attack often with slaps on your shoulder cause you're too tall for me to hit your head. probably :/ Juu >
  13. Nope, adorable people can call me whatever they want~ Juu Mr.M?
  14. go ahead, it's not like anyone here calls me Blanche anyways~ Right Juu?
  15. Nope~ Hi again wendel edit: ninja-ed by micky >_<
  16. But... I love bunnies... My friends give me bunny stuff pretty often... Mr.M?
  17. Don't make me sic my creepy bunny doll on you Juu! eh... micky?
  18. Yes, I had my blanket on at the time. Juu?
  19. TFW you just walk out of the house and totally forgot to comb your hair after a shower.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I don't have any hair. I can't relate.

    3. Wendel
    4. The5ilverback


      I comb my hair yet it ends up being pointless as it just goes all messy again in no time though on a side note me and hair gel is a horrible combination though at least it makes people laugh I suppose.

  20. I fell asleep for 12 hours on accident again... Hi Mr.M!
  21. Ty~ Vinny let me have it in the Suggest an Avatar thread. eh... Shing?
  22. Then Juu would be a ghost type gym leader with a creepy doll? XD
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