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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Blanchette

  1. Nope~ But just wondering, if you could be any mono type gym leader, micky would choose fairy?
  2. Me three... =w= Computers are hard... Juu?
  3. ... I hate myself... Meh, will do it later. Micky? Juu? What did you two do?
  4. Ty for all the help, trhs, juu and micky I'll do that~
  5. Ok, sprite completed~ Now... anyone has any ideas how i can update my trainer card with it? I made her psychic-looking because of your psychic mono type suggestion micky
  6. Ah.. too bad 2 on 2 battles aren't a thing... Shing?
  7. I would totally go with a fairy type team! Or maybe a psychic team... Micky?
  8. Double battle? :0 If only we could team up! Shing and I vs Micky and Juu? What do you think, Juu?
  9. I was gonna post something about believing in the heart of the cards but eh... Micky?
  10. I just got myself a Samsung Galaxy Tab A 9.something inches soo... Juu, great job
  11. I'm actually quite curious... Also, i need someone who also uses tablet A to help me with my settings T_T
  12. But i'm pretty bad at it xD Why don't you ask shing?
  13. I'm playing around with sprites but have no idea what clothes to draw :/ Any ideas?
  14. Definitely not cute... TwT I reject... http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Santen_Kesshun Shia? edit: g'night Juu~
  15. I'm Blanka now? D: http://shadowhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Blanca Eh... Juu?
  16. I bet aquawaffle is cursing at me now I love this feeling~ please do enlighten micky, aquawaffle
  17. pft... aquawaffle... I still remember when I asked why was your username aquawaffle
  18. That looks great micky reminds me of tron somehow though... or Jude from Xillia... Definitely add on to it micky! Right Juu?
  19. I use a tablet to do my random scribbles Please do post your art, micky.
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