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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Blanchette

  1. Insert witty comment here.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      *insert sexual euphemism here in reference to witty comment*

    3. Blanchette


      *insert link that emphasizes witty comment here*

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      *Insert apology for previous comment*

  2. I left to go grab a drink while I was typing :< Micky?
  3. Yeah, we used to call tt werewolf when I played it I got super lucky then~ Mde, you wanna play? Edit: ninja-ed by Juu xD
  4. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=3702 So Juu... you the murderer/mafia person? Of wait, he isnt here anymore. Is it you micky?
  5. I wanna play that guess the murderer game =w= Lets do it, sync!
  6. I wish they had another main SMT title on a console though.
  7. It's cute <3 Now if only I had a friend to do this with... =w=
  8. Makes sense. I never got to play this one cause of the platform, though I really wanted to play SMT 4 as well.
  9. If only we tales fans here can co-op online....
  10. Game! Me! I wanna play~ Name your poison er... Juu.
  11. SMT is filled with moments like those~ You'll eventually learn to be a masochist too
  12. Apparently, if you wanna get the waitress for something in a maid cafe, you have to yell "nyan".

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Vinny


      How many waitress Nyan cat gets per hour?

    3. Shing
    4. Blanchette


      Well, nyan cat waitresses/cafes though...

  13. Getting so tired of being dizzy all the time with low blood pressure. Anyone knows what I can eat too help?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TimTim


      something salty, sodium is associated with vasoconstriction

    3. Blanchette


      Thank you for those, I'll try :) don't really like strong tasting food though. ..

    4. pbood2


      something salty is not necessarily strong tasting though. Fatty foods are more filling foods so try the salty suggestion Timtim put. :D Good luck though because if you want to prevent low BP you have to accept eating specific things to raise the BP.

  14. Me! :3 Waiting for my copy of tales of zestiria though, it's taking so long. Played almost all the tales games and my first was abyss, strangely I didn't find Luke too annoying at the start though.
  15. I missed more people coming here D: And that purple thing scared me... @_@ Eh... mde?
  16. Isn't there a more productive way to shop? I went looking for clothes all day today and the only thing I got are new headphones.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blanchette


      Eh... maybe...

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Honestly I doubt most would be any helpful... though I guess it depends where you're shopping.

    4. BlueMoonIceCream
  17. My friends just told me I'm an affectionate drunk... dunno what to think about that >_>

    1. Goldeneyes


      Better than being an angry one. No fun.

    2. Blanchette


      I've never met an angry drunk, would love to see that!

    3. cosca


      when we are drunk we only tell the thruth, i think you should be a nice person in the inside :P

  18. Aww, not keeping your avatar as Juuzou? Shia, how are you doing?
  19. The moe feelings are overwheming me. (i think its called moe, I'm not too sure.) Juu, what do you think?
  20. Definitely the cake, as long as it would make someone happy (also, I bake quite often but I hate eating what I bake cause I always remember how disgusting it looks...) would you rather kiss the person you hate the most or make the person you love hate you forever?
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