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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Blanchette

  1. I have to agree, I do like honey as well. And the doll sounded like some over concerned wife to me. Do like how the singer sang "silver key" though Er... Juu?
  2. Just curious... who's a good cook here?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Blanchette


      cooking thread sounds awesome <3

      it's probably gonna make me hungrier when i read it though T_T

    3. Grizzlybrand


      I dabble, used to want to do it full time. did it full time for two years. but eh.

    4. Shamitako


      I am a good cookering person

  3. Tales of Zestiria is gonna be out really soon, I can finally play as Laila <3

  4. Congrats mde, tempted to ask you to not post so that you will stay at 1000 5ever~ Otherwise, mde?
  5. Shedinja because it's weird. Favorite fairy type?
  6. I kinda do get, but I kinda don't get what the difference between bisexual and pansexual.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blanchette


      my honest question right now is whether panromantic exists :P

    3. Blanchette
    4. Shamitako


      Yeah, being panromantic is a thing *Points at self*

      I am something along the lines of asexual, but romantically I'm cool with whatever (although I do generally lean towards cis females)

  7. I know that feeling I often watch shows and can't bring myself to watch the last episode lol Juu?
  8. So what ARE you feeling right now? o.o Shing, explain! :0
  9. The "hair" might be a body part so... My friend and I were also wondering about the composition of a grimer and muk and if they can survive being surfed over a huge body of water like Cain did... Question: does a voltorb evolve when it's turned upside down?
  10. Ah... Baby don't hurt me? XD Please? <- the question
  11. Aren't you already? If you cut Gardevoir's hair, does it feel pain?
  12. A chemical reaction which causes people to do crazy and funny things, I guess. What's the best Disney movie?
  13. I am eating fried chicken now though. dark?
  14. Reborn comics sound amazing! I'd love to read those~
  15. While I was in the airport, this Japanese guy came up to me and asked for a fist bump. At that point of time, I had no idea what he wanted so he just did the fist bump thing in front of me so I gave him a fist bump. Then he smiled, and did the fist bump thing again with me and left. Totally no idea what he wanted.
  16. I'm hungry...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Juniper


      Or bar...man? a barman is a thing, right?

    3. Blanchette


      Or maybe a bartender? XD

    4. Juniper




  17. I just had ramune ice cream today and it was not what I expected. mde?
  18. Peppy, but sleepy as well :3 Your avatar reminds me of the policeman in the library though... T_T Tell me more stories about the wasteland! eh... shia?
  19. I'm not a very flexible person lol. I broke my ankle at a playground after all. Right Juu? XD
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