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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Blanchette

  1. I've been to a friend's boxing practise once and he looked kinda cool but it looked so painful as well lol. I like cycling Do you, micky?
  2. Kick boxing sounds like an awesome sport to try. Right micky? side note, but Juuzou and his stitches...
  3. Persona 5 and Final Fantasy XV looks really interesting, also Odin Sphere remake cause I never got to play it on the PS2.
  4. Love this song ->

  5. Nope! 私が見つけた? I'm gonna guess Shia~
  6. So guess someone else shing? Also, I totally thought you chose Oblivion as your username because of Kingdom Hearts. No idea why on hindsight.
  7. I'm so glad this turned out to be a happy story.
  8. Someone finally guessed me <3 *throws muffins at you* Juu, throw them together?
  9. Nope, sorry shing (or Juu?)~ But maybe micky can comfort give some muffins?
  10. Unfortunately I'm not food, but I feel sleepy all the time. aquawaffle?
  11. I would love to see you two being sweet to each other. Go micky!
  12. Renovations to the wasteland? :0 Also, i would totally bake a huge batch of stuff for everyone here if you were physically near me since i do make like a truckload of stuff every valentine's day. Mickey?
  13. Love this rainy stormy weather <3

  14. tfw it hurts but you just have to act like nothing is wrong
  15. Eh? No idea what's happening but I'll add the hashtag cause I can't get my trainer card to work! :3 i also support random things mickey mde
  16. Can I contribute too? Just did a little comic, please don't mind the details as I finished it in a hurry. Playing through Pokemon Reborn, this moment just made me feel like I was playing an otome game and just raised Cain's affection towards the MC. I can't help but think Cain had this goofy smile the whole way through. ... I kinda skewed the order too... Much thanks to Odybld for providing me the dialogue cause I kinda forgot what Cain said!
  17. Anyone remember when Cain said something about MC being his prince or something?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Commander


      I'm pretty sure Charlotte was the one who called Cain a disney Princess (He is the best disney princess).

    3. Blanchette


      got it! ty so much Odybld :)

      Cain says such ridiculous things <3

    4. Blanchette
  18. TFW you really feel like talking but have no idea what to say. :/
  19. My condolences, it's always tough when someone close to you goes away permanently. I remember how surreal it feels when you have to go through life without them even though they have been with you forever. I agree with Drayker, time helps so much with coping; another thing I have to say is that you should try not to bottle it up when you have the chance, or try to distance yourself from your emotions during this time. Sharing past memories of my loved one helped me a lot. Maybe you could try that too? Just have a little chat with your Dad after everything is over, how your Mom was like when she was younger, how she met and things like that. Please do not feel bad or inadequate about yourself because of regrets. Also, be sure to smile after this storm because your Mom would've wanted you to be happy
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