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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Blanchette

  1. i just got Samurai Warriors 4 II! Anyone wanna play?

    1. NickCrash


      I got a Katana

    2. Blanchette


      Ah, I don't have a wii though, only a ps3 :/

  2. It used to be Blanchere but a dear friend of mine starting calling me Blanchette as a nickname. Xander, you here?
  3. Some lady steps on a watch and gets slapped. The owner of said watch punches the guy who slapped the lady. "No one hits a lady, not on my watch!"
  4. Touhou fan, Dr Mathis? Mine is Natalia from Tales of the Abyss though, so one penalty point to you! Hehe, thank you for the welcome Guy!
  5. Ah, I only recognise Taka because of his heavy dark circle under his eyes... Good, henceforth your profile pic is Taka!
  6. @Arkhidon Ty for the music! Your profile pic... is that Taka?
  7. @Juuzou Not really, but Juuzou is so adorable. I did the Myers Briggs personality some time ago and I got Kaneki as one of my results... Although I did the test again a few mins ago and maybe I have someone different? iunno :/
  8. I've got... ENTJ-T. Extraverted 13%, Intuitive 29%, Thinking 6%, Judging 18%, Assertive 18%. Low percentages on each one :/
  9. @star-kin I know I'm being weird but let's hold hands I don't have many female friends so I'm glad girls here are talking to me lol @aquawaffle I'm sure you are cool! @Juuzou Juuzou huh... Bermuda triangle? Or maybe like Spinel town? But nice to see someone into Tokyo Ghoul too ^w^ @TRHStatement Can't I just use an escape rope? :< Everyone is so friendly here
  10. For me, it's Audition ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audition_(1999_film) ) Although... I'm not sure if you should see it since you're like 14? Read the description Another one that got to me is this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_No._1)
  11. @Oblivion~ @Mockingbird Wait, I can't see you!? o.o
  12. @SkyRunner & Oblivion~ Ty, rules are always useful to know. P.P.S
  13. Harrow everyone~ I'm not sure how many others there are, but I found out about this game through browsing 9gag. And I noticed that we might have crashed your servers because of that? So sorry! >_< But yeah, neways... this game has been so much fun! I have been playing for about three days and am about to get my badge from Serra and this game has blown me away so far. There are so many side quests everywhere, the characters are interesting and everything has been really engaging me. Thank you so much to Ame and Kuro and everyone who has had a hand in developing this game. I understand how tiring it can be to make a game and all the effort that you have to put in to make an idea reality. Please do your best and I am looking forward to seeing what this game can become! The last Pokemon game I played was Sapphire so it is really refreshing and interesting to see all these new Pokemon here. The frustration I feel when playing this game keeps me playing lol. The first Pokemon anyone ever gave me was a Clefairy so I have a soft spot for this little angel. I drabble on a lot so I look forward to be able to become an active part of this community! Bye bye for now
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