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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Blanchette

  1. I'm here Sky~ And king's game was fun, I was shocked when I got called first though~ Micky?
  2. Hello there, hope you have a great time here
  3. Am I the only one who can't connect to Showdown right now? :/

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blanchette


      Hm... still doesnt work, maybe I'll give up for today :/

    3. Juniper



      THE PARTY!!!! D: D: D:

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      BLAN-SAN-CHAN-SAMA-LAMA-SLAM-BAM-THANK-YOU-MA'AM!! It's hallow- I mean christmas you have to be there!! T-T

  4. Am I too late? Happy Birthday Rose, your recital was fun!
  5. Hi TRHS And skydiving is brutal, I may just die of fright. Elly?
  6. Juu, I watched it, you did everything yourself? :3 *pats juu on his not so fluffy head*
  7. Gekkan shoujo nozaki kun ♡

  8. I read it, let's go play the king's game > Sounds dangerous Hi mde
  9. so being popular and on lists a thing? lucca, rank me? :3
  10. Do you believe a man and a woman can truly be friends?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Gonna put my yes in here too.

    3. Juniper


      Gay people.

      Okay, for heteros though,

      In my own personal experience,

      Only if one or more of them are in a relationship and are dedicated.

      So, yes.

      But my personal experiences tell me That,


      no ><

    4. Shing


      Yes. Gender doesn't matter so much, i have friends that is female in real life.

      You shouldn't worry whatever gender you are friends with.

      And blanche, we are friends. So that is also another answer for a "yes" :)

  11. Thanks for the suggestion then I will guess you, micky :0
  12. not jude but nice to see you so often lucca
  13. tfw trust and faith gets lost so easily
  14. つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ROSE TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    1. Rosesong


      Thank you Blanche!

  15. same here, always been bad at competitive stuff except for puzzles and battles would destroy me @_@ BreezyPonie?
  16. i would welcome Jude singing jungle bells at me micky
  17. but im going to a christmas market tomorrow juu, isn't that festive enough? I'll find an avatar i want a christmas hat on before i get a hat on it~ tomas?
  18. how can one be within a one foot range from you at all times? like a barrier? micky?
  19. you already know im having a giggle a degree in identifying perverts? trhs?
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