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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Blanchette

  1. Everytime I see noobly post here, I'm so tempted to post to disappoint him So... hi mde!
  2. You should try to sleep more though, micky. BBD?
  3. I feel a little bit bad that someone who potentially saved so many lives go ignored. Times like this I wish I went with my childhood dream of being a journalist.
  4. Just woke up not too long ago :3 Spent like 70% of the last few days sleeping. Jelly, micky?
  5. ( ̄▼ ̄)

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      You feelin' alright Blan-Chan?

    2. Blanchette


      My face says all~

      ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

  6. Til the importance of antibiotics( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
  7. Blan-chan reporting for duty!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ What's with the dead body? XD Hi hi mde~
  8. But I feel bad for Anima... While we're on this, I feel bad for Seymour too lol. lucca?
  9. I have just the thing for you! <3 My fave summon, Anima has an attack called pain~ you dig, Jude?
  10. It's ok micky :< *casts dispel on self just cause* But juu, didn't you just get killed one or two pages ago?
  11. Ok, begin chain combo! Nyan nyan nyan nyan~ lucca?
  12. I wonder if how I'm feeling now = feeling high? Nyan nyan. Juu.
  13. I'm not lucca but here you go~ *casts inspire on micky* mick
  14. *already dead from all the disinfectant* hi trhs @_@
  15. I'm doing ok micky, how about a hug? *steps wayy close to micky*
  16. Tfw you get sick on a weekend and miss all the fun @_@
  17. You must've seen me look at the thread made Me and my bad luck, having a high fever over the weekend @_@ Micky?
  18. You can call for me but I am unable to fulfill the functions of a blanket. Goodnight Juu and Micky, pleasant dreams~
  19. Good, I'll use an ice heal on Juu then, ty trhs *stuffs ice heal into Juu's mouth*
  20. D: I will use this! [insert victory pose] *throws burn heal* -wait! *throws ice... heal?* someone help me out here, i forget what it's called >_< mde?
  21. Juu, did you X.X from eating too much ice cream? XD micky?
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