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  1. I've scourged the houses in Jasper ward to find steel wing and I cant find it Is it a pokeball or hidden in plants/furniture?
  2. Each page always asks if I would like rebornrevo.com to get notifications lol
  3. This Patreon is for all of my games, not just Reborn. What other games you made? XD
  4. Finally im willing to offer myself as tribute haha.
  5. So far, the hardest gym leader I fought is the one with Cradily lol. Following that each gym seems easy followed with a decent setup/strategy
  6. wow we can breed in reborn? how do i breed?
  7. I was not ready for this battle and I can't get out from the cave. How do I do this it's impossible.
  8. Though you can also catch a ponyta in Route 1. Never seen a buzel before except as magma reward.
  9. Ohh tnx for the link, I just used the search function on the left and typed horsea. Never thought there's a list of all pokemon location
  10. Where can I find horsea? I saw it in obtainable list but no forum topic about it. I'm not satisfied with my omastar s​o I need to find horsea tnx
  11. This made me get my 8th sticker :DDD
  12. I just found the path on route 1 @_@ My mind is fried today lol. My Delphox lvl 59 already and 1 shotting Fern for being lost and fighting npc on grass today
  13. Wait I thought this is part of the plot lol. Laura told me to go north after she gave me two keys and this is the only way I can see going north. Or am I missing something? I can't go anywhere else because there's a ramp on the right, log on the left, http://prntscr.com/8q3ksd​ then if I go north, theres both a ramp and a web on the right http://prntscr.com/8q3l74​ further north leads me to a loop with a ramp on the left side and web on the right http://prntscr.com/8q3ltp​ ​
  14. Maybe the wiki should only contain the plot , characters and major locations. Items and pokemons should not be needed. Think of it as an adventure game wiki that has no focus in items. That would be enough since getting stuck in the story not knowing what to do next is kinda frustrating. I can volunteer to do the pages if needed be. Or there should also be community walkthrough thread so it stays updated. (I don't know ho will that work though lol)
  15. So I searched the forums that you need honey to clear aventurine forest. Now I see this unique trees which have no response when you interact with them. I thought of using honey in different tiles near the tree to make some pokemon appear but it just says sweet scent disappears for some reasons. I'm stuck again I really love reborn but some puzzles even have no hint on how to solve them. I'm okay with puzzles that require lots of effort, time and patience but Aventurine forest is different. There's no sign on what to do in the area too even searching the forums do little help. One of the ideas I saw is sing honey but I have no idea how to use them properly. Please help I think I'll be back in dota2 for a while
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