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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by CryoSparks

  1. Of all the fangames I've played on this site... I'd definitely recommend this game cause it's just so different in a good way. The atmosphere and the music were also what sold this for me The titles so far have been more or less puns or common phrases used to describe the cases they hold, out of the 14 I've played I didn't notice anything that would signify they go beyond that. I recommend giving it a try! There's a hard mode if you also want challenging battles and the normal difficulty if you wanna focus on the story and cases. Good luck TC on your run thru the game! :))
  2. Finished the game a day after I posted lol but thanks for the reply!
  3. So after a hectic October, finally got around to continuining the game! Some thoughts and/or probably issues
  4. Came back to say I'm on Case 2 and wow the game has really polished up! The music (and subtle reference) and the overall setting is still great! Just a random note in the pokemon center by
  5. The wait is over! Excited to try this again! Thank you so much Michael_! :))
  6. Got to play the game (Demo III) and I was up till the second case till a bug prevented me from moving from a single tile. But fwiw I was a fan. I found the overworld, the music, and the atmosphere very fun and unique for its time (though it was pretty overwhelming to explore the first time around) and I kinda forgot this game was in my comp. Now here I am searching for a new version and I was scared af as I couldn't see the Present anymore in the threads. Thank god it's still here. Excited for the re-release :))
  7. Probably the easiest gym leader so far that I didn't change their native field (Amber - Bounce and Blizzard, Souta - Smack Down xD). I came in not expecting a Gym Battle actually but I OHKO'd most of his team except for that Torterra, which took me 2 more tries before realizing it had a crest and inverse effects. After that it was pretty meh, I expected more from the ground type honestly. And Megarupt was sorely disappointing because it didn't outspeed half my team which weren't speedsters in any regard, thus allowing me an easy kill. Nim and the double battle with the red hair after was more troublesome.
  8. I can't remember since I downloaded this quite a while back. It's the same dl link right? I'll try that now
  9. Hello Rejuv comm! So after the Battle of BlackSteeple Castle, I regain control at a bed in the boat, can't move tho. So can someone kindly assist me with this? Game.rxdata
  10. EDIT: NVM Just made a separate thread since it seems this thread's dead
  11. Awesome! Wasn't familiar with the spoiler track because I haven't played GTI. Thank you for this Zumi, I'll do some digging then
  12. Hello rejuv fans! This has been on the back of my mind ever since Terajuma's music revamp, but may I ask where I can download or get these music tracks that are seemingly rejuvenation exclusive (I've tried looking thru GlitchxCity's page to no avail) The music I'm referring to would be the Terajuma Island's, the slowed down Night GDC theme, the music that plays when And any other such original tracks because honestly rejuvenation has a beautiful assortment of tracks.
  13. Bumping! I've tried searching the apartment, the underground base, even nightmare GDC. Really lost where to go after heading back to the city after returning from route 9 EDIT: I found the event triggering the episode's story. Thanks anyway!
  14. Been so long since I opened rejuv. After returning to GDC from Route 9, I tried wandering around the city looking where to go next. So far, I've met Mosely (which I think is a sidequest) and Ana's robot drama, but since the scholar district is closed as of now... I'm lost. Where do I go next? Sorry, kinda lost with the narrative.
  15. Mimikyu can be found on the basement of the Mirage Tower iirc (you have to break all the mirrors on the first floor and the last one would show you the way) Deino requires you collecting 3 Dark Materials (One is in Iola Valley, I forgot the other two and I'm pretty sure they're out of the way / you need rock climb) EDIT: I just realized this is the rejuvenation subforums! If you're asking about rejuv then they're not yet available, but if this was meant for reborn then yeah they are ^^
  16. Thanks! Didnt think to try that before lol
  17. Hello again! So I'm stuck at the part where talking to Venam at Valor it just freezes. Also yes, I've also added the patch ^_^" Game.rxdata
  18. I dont personally know you, but I love you. xD
  19. Thank you! Attempted it again and no success Game.rxdata
  20. Already tried applying the first patch. It's just copying pasting the files to the folder right? Sorry for asking kinda noobish with stuff like this ^_^"
  21. Hi! Same dilemma with the guy above me. Can only find the one Ariados, redone the puzzle many many times already hoping for something to fix itselfxD Game.rxdata
  22. Liking the mellow feel of the music on Terajuma shore/marianette's house. Anyone know what it's from?? Also, Purity Cave. Very fun, light, and hopeful. Couldn't even recall what game / track it was at first, all I knew I was sure it was from a Mystery Dungeon. Treasure town is indeed a good song.
  23. Tangrowth seems perfectly fine though. It has the stats and moves to go physical if you want a phys mon. And can be a tank too because of Giga Drain and Growth. Has access to Grassy Terrain to wrestle power from the boss fights if the field's too daunting.
  24. The uploader made a comment about that. US and Japan blocked apparently
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