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About JoJoDeath

  • Birthday 12/22/1997

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  3. I started playing first when it was ep15 - ep16. Once finishing that I kinda quit, and didn't continue till last winter, when 18.2 came out. I decided to start fresh, and made a new save, and it's been quite a lot different from how I remember. Most notably the pokemon and trainers in the earlier area's(I'm at Radomus atm, can't say much about after that yet), so many times that I've been surprised about line-ups that I could have sworn were different before. Also all the field notes, the pulse notes, and changed areas, there's been quite a few additional things to explore. So I can highly recommend starting anew if you haven't already. If you have, I don't think that anything significant has changed/will change between ep18.2 and ep19 in terms of early game, so I doubt you'll need to start over if you made a fresh save in ep18(.2). Edit: also, forgot to say that I am now also trying the run with different mons than the ones I used my first time around, and I've been surprised to find certain pokemons being a lot better(or worse) than I expected. Can highly recommend to spice up the roster if you decide to run it again from the start(and haven't already done a restart once).
  4. Hey there! Recently I restarted from scratch because I hadn't played in a while, and I'm currently up at Noel's gym battle. The problem is, I'm having quite a lot of trouble, and I'm a bit stuck. His Porygon-Z is just wrecking my team on entry with his psychic/tri-attack, and I seem to be unable to keep up later on at what should be the harder part. Weirdly, using Zoroark disguised as Hariyama will not trigger Porygon to use Psychic, but sending in Hariyama himself will(which is, imo, quite weird and not how it should be, unless I am really getting unlucky all the time). I have tried setting the field ablaze with Lava Plume, but although it helps Typhlosion, it doesn't help the rest of my team. Toxic Spikes and/or Stealth Rock also seem not very useful, so I've been kinda stuck. All of my pokemon are around lvl 50 in my party of 6, and of the ones you see in the box, Meowstic, Vanilluxe and Seismitoad are also 50+, the rest are substitute pokemon or lower levels(40+), and I have a few others that are similar but less used. What are some tips you can give me to help out in this battle? Edit: Turns out my Hariyama packs more of a punch then I expected! Just beat Porygon by Close Combat, and the rest was not too hard with Typhlosion's Flamethrower and Lava Plume on a scorched field. Now my edited question will be this: What're some good tips to make my composition a bit better, any tips for pokemon to add to the team, or tips for builds on some of the ones I've presented here?
  5. I saw you are using 18.2. I've recently restarted the game after not playing for a long time, but I still had version 18.1.1. In there, the bug leader Shelly did use Rain Dance all the time, as soon as possible. The potion problem I am not too sure since I didn't keep track of it to compare, but it does seem that the healing seems to have been reduced. I wouldn't say it makes too much of a difference though, as in my experience, it felt like the AI used pots mostly in cases where I could easily bring the mon down to red again in 1 or 2 moves, which made them either use another potion, or not. More potions would not have made too much difference I think, but then again, I can't be fully sure about it.
  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  7. I've played the game once before, and picked a cyndaquil(my favorite pokemon). I didn't play the last 2 updates, so I figured I might as well restart. Now I was looking at the game files, and noticed that the shiny cyndaquil has a blue flame. It's amazing! I want it! So I created a new save, and have been trying to get a shiny, but to no avail. I open the ball, get cyndaquil, check the summary, but I haven't seen it appear as shiny yet. Is there any way to increase the chance of getting a shiny starter like that, or is it just pure RNG that I'm working with here? If there exists a button or something that makes the starter shiny, I'd love to know what it is. Otherwise, how many tries does it normally take for there to be a shiny starter? Or can they even be shiny at the start?
  8. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

    1. Paul25


      Happy Birthday!

      Wishing you a beautiful day full of splendid surprises :D 

  9. According to a map I found from a while ago, there are 3 spots of interest besides the scrapyard: Teknite cave, Mirage Tower and Sugline Cave. Not sure what the caves are supposed to be for, but I'm guessing we might be able to get a Mega Stone for a ghost type pokemon, as the word Mirage suggests something supernatural, aka ghost type, and a Mega Stone could be there. Pure speculation of course, so we'll have to see
  10. Hey everyone! I have been thinking of starting over from the beginning for some time, but decided to hold it off until the next episode launches. To start off the game with the pokemon I like, and catch some new ones that I haven't played with before. This includes the pokemon of the newest generation that are going to be added in the game. I'm wondering what pokemon from this generation are strong or weak, how so, and if/where they can be caught. I haven't played the newest games of pokemon, so I'm not fully familiar with them, and would love some ideas for mons that I should catch. Also, the Alola forms of the older generations pokemons, how can I get those? I'd love the Alola Sandslash, Ninetails, Golem or Marowak.
  11. Hey everyone! Since it's holiday, I decided to try to run reborn for the second time, but I was looking to play it with some less used mons this time. Anything goes, all types are open, I don't mind multiple suggestions of the same type, as long as they can bring something unique or interesting to the battle, I'm open for trying them out. Starter is also included, so leave a suggestion for an interesting one . I've got 1 pokemon I want to use, which is Vespiquen, as I always found her an interesting pokemon, but I never really tried to run with her, so I'll catch one anyway. Also, if you've got some interesting strategies involving the mons, do comment them as well, as I'm not amazing at the game(I kinda struggled hard with my pokemon in my first playthrough, and didn't really have many options to switch teams, which is pretty stupid, I know )
  12. if you want a slow rock/bug pokemon, I like to recommand Shuckle. Not really the best one out there, but you can make use of his massive attack/defence stats with his Power Trick, and since he is slow, he can fit well in a trick room team. His attacks might not be the best, but if you use Shell Smash with him having the ability Contrary, you get even slower, get less attack but more defence. In combination with Power Trick, you can get him with high stats and a reasonable defence, while also making him your "fastest". Don't know if you should pick him though, since his damage attacks aren't that great. I just like Shuckle
  13. In my opinion, it sounds kinda boring. The main thing that I love about the pokemon games is that I get to find ways to beat trainers by leveling my pokemon, getting them to learn new moves, etc. I like Reborn because of that, as it gave me a lot of challenging problems as I faced the gym leaders. I also love the exploration aspect, but don't really see any way that can be done to the same level when all you do is beat criminals. However, I do like the idea of a more mature pokemon game, where you play as an older player. But isn't that exactly what Reborn does already? You start over as a trainer, having beaten other regions already.
  14. As many of you, I don't know the exact rate, but later on in the game, the chance to find a shiny is highly increased because of an item. I have about a full box of shinies now because of that. Won't say where to get it, because that would just be spoiling it too much. Shiny pokemon are always cool to catch, so congratulations on catching one!
  15. I think the questions differ per point in the game. I only noticed that girl with her questions after the update, as I was already at the last gym, and returned. Not 100% sure, but I think she is there during the entire game, so it would make sense that she can give you different quesitons depending on where you are in the storyline
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