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Everything posted by aeirow

  1. I need a reason to stay active on the forums... :(

    1. Sonikku


      Roleplaying? Teambuilding in the Trainer's school?

    2. Jelly


      stay bc im here bb :(

  2. Alright, completely remade the thread. Feel free to judge it all you want
  3. The thinking process to bring all of these Pokemon together. A friend of mine was breeding Tyranitar on Black and White 2 for me so I could have one for my team on X and Y. After a while, he started asking questions about what nature Tyranitar he would need for a Sandstorm team. So I went ahead and opened up PO to make a team for him based on Sandstorm. Tyranitar (M) @ Chople Berry Trait: Sand Stream EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef / 6 Def Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd) - Stealth Rock - Pursuit - Earthquake - Fire Blast Ended up going with a Tanktar and taking advantage of the Sandstream passive effect for Rock type Pokemon of increasing the Special Defense by 50%. Going with this I came to the conclusion of making Tyranitar Sassy, to preserve the Special Attack stat to use Fire Blast to deal the majority of the damage to Skarmory that walls him the worst. With the EVs set for HP and Special Defense, Tyranitar boasts a terrifying 404 HP and an incredible 492 Special Defense. While both of these stats are so high, he has a solid 256 Defense that is not to be ignored. Since Tyranitar was planned on being the lead pokemon, I gave him a move set with Stealth Rocks, because of how useful they are to break Focus Sashes. The STAB dark move, Pursuit, was chosen to deal that extra damage to opposing Pokemon in danger of being OHKO'd by his Earthquake. The major example being Ninetales who carries opposing weather. Carrying Pursuit on Tyranitar makes him almost as useful as having a tank and a Dugtrio on your team. Stealth Rocks go up and they are forced to switch, taking that extra damage from the STAB Pursuit for switching out. While Dugtrio doesn't let them leave, he is almost always a one trick pony and is expected to die after trapping one Pokemon and KOing it. With Tyranitar, he is able to tank many moves that would be super effective against him, and still deal a decent amount of damage. After building the Tyranitar, I went skimming through Pokemon that would be good additions to the team. Starting at the top, I skimmed down and my friend saw Marowak and really wanted him to be on the team. Obviously Marowak's stats are something to be desired, as he can't really sweep easily. Since my friend had his heart set to Marowak, I decided to make an offensive move set for him. Marowak (M) @ Thick Club Trait: Rock Head EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd) - Substitute - Bonemerang - Double-Edge - Fire Punch Not a pushover set at all. Having an 80 Base stat in Attack, 110 in the Defense stat, and even the 80 in the Special Defense stat were not the problem. The only stat that really hinders Marowak from being a devastating sweeper is the 45 speed stat. Although it could be lower, most teams will not run slower Pokemon on an OU team. With this in mind, Marowak was at a severe disadvantage. One option would be to take away the Thick Club and taking his phenomenal 568 Attack down to 284 and barely increase his speed, while being locked into an attack, due to Choice Scarf. The only other solution that I found was Trick Room. Heavy hitting attacks going first with the use of the entire move set? I see no problems there. The Brave nature shined out to me by lowering Marowak's Speed and raising that glorious attack even higher. By lowering his DVs, his speed was able to be dropped down to 85. Since Marowak is one of the main sweepers, I decided to give him Substitute so that on the last turn of Trick Room, he would be able to Sub up and take a shot and stay in one extra turn without fear of him being KO'd. Since the team would need the Trick Room support, I decided to throw Jellicent in here to counter the Water weakness in my two previous picks. Jellicent (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Water Absorb EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Trick Room - Will-O-Wisp - Scald - Recover Obviously the Trick Room was the first move to be chosen to support Tyranitar and Marowak's slow speeds. I decided after that to make Jellicent into a tank with Will-O-Wisp to half the damage of Physical attacks, have Scald to do additional damage to Rock, Water, and Fire, while still having the chance to burn the Rock and Water types. Lastly, there was a chance to choose which healing move I would like. I thought about Rest / Sleep Talk, but decided against that, since I don't want to be changing my Trick Room back to regular. Pain Split was also considered, but in the end I chose Recover because it is a guaranteed 50% HP back to Jellicent. One Trick Room support Pokemon would not be sufficient with this team, so while looking for a Pokemon to wall Grass, I came across Bronzong. Zong, I think, was one of the best choices for the team. With Light Clay, his Reflect, Light Screen, and Trick Room makes him an absolute necessity for this team. Being able to have both walls up and Trick Room lets Marowak switch in without taking much damage, keep a Sub up through some poke and be able to deliver some devastating blows to the opposing Pokemon. Bronzong @ Light Clay Trait: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk) - Trick Room - Reflect - Light Screen - Toxic With this set up, I went with Levitate over Heatproof for the reason that Ground type Pokemon will not take damage from the sand and could probably OHKO poor Bronzong :/ After I got my Trick Room settled, I went looking for a proper lead. I was torn between Skarmory and Aerodactyl. Skarmory for his sustain and Aerodactyl for his fast Taunt. I took Aerodactyl to counter the other lead Skarmory that will try to put out Rocks turn 1 Aerodactyl (M) @ Focus Sash Trait: Pressure EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Stealth Rock - Stone Edge - Aerial Ace - Taunt Typical Suicide Lead Aerodactyl set. My personal favorite set, just because he is only outsped by Choice Scarf leads and Brobat. Either way, Stealth Rocks are coming out. Obviously, Taunt is a must for this set because you can Taunt Skarmory so all he can do is Brave Bird(If it even has an attack) and hurt itself. Then we have two STAB moves. Aerial Ace to deal with Grass and Bug, and Stone Edge to deal with Fire, Ice, Bug, and Flying. Last Pokemon I had room for. Since my team so far was a lot of walls, the team definitely needed more than Marowak to be a sweeper. Sooo.... Aggron (M) @ Life Orb Trait: Rock Head EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd) - Head Smash - Iron Head - Earthquake - Double-Edge Good old Aggron. 10 Resistances, 180 base Defense, and Rock Head. Makes Head Smash and Double-Edge fantastic move choices. Head Smash basically smashes anything but Fighting, Steel, and Ground. So, to get rid of those, I took EQ and Iron Head. Not much Super Effective stuff, but he has hard hitting moves, a Life Orb, and a solid 350 Attack. Aerodactyl. One job. Always does it. Just Eat It. Tanktar, Bronzong, and Jellicent. We'll start with Tyarnitar and Bronzong. For starters, I think I might just throw both of them on the same team from now on. Bronzong takes no damage from the Sand, no damage from Ground, resists Grass, and resists Steel. What a pal. And you know Tyranitar is watching Bronzong's back. The only real weakness to Bronzong is that Fire damage and Ttar walls it pretty well with his stats and moves. Then onto Bronzong and Jellicent. While they don't do great together for protecting each other, Bronzong checks the weakness Jellicent has against Grass that Tyranitar can't block, and Jellicent blocks out that Fire threat that Bronzong can't stand. So all in all, I think they are still good teammates. Not to mention that they both are carrying Trick Room. Bronzong has the shields and Jellicent has the damage over time moves. And finally Jellicent with Tyranitar. On one hand, Jellicent can take a hit from just about everything that Ttar doesn't like. Fighting, Bug, Steel, and Water. Only problems would be that Grass threat, while rare, still occurs, and the damage that Jellicent takes from Tyranitar's Sand. On the other side of things, Tyranitar doesn't just use the resistances that Jellicent has, he always has something in return. Like resisting Dark and Ghost for this guy. Another thing is that since my team is mostly Ground and Rock, Water Absorb really is a nice ability to keep my sweepers safe and keep Jellicent from getting too close to being KO'd When you break it down like that, the three walls that I chose for this team really do a lot for my team by checking themselves, and the sweepers. For the Sweepers. Marowak and Aggron. They are too reliant on Trick Room. While both of them hit harder than a B-52 coming in for a drop, the amount of time it takes for them to actually sweep and be useful is just too long. To be able to sweep a team, the other 6 pokemon need to be below 80% HP and that still isn't a guaranteed KO. While others would be able to do a better job than Marowak or Aggron, both of them are underused and are very fun to play with, and even more fun to win with. Aerodactyl (M) @ Focus Sash Trait: Pressure EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Stealth Rock - Stone Edge - Aerial Ace - Taunt Tyranitar (M) @ Chople Berry Trait: Sand Stream EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd) - Stealth Rock - Pursuit - Earthquake - Fire Blast Jellicent (M) @ Leftovers Trait: Water Absorb EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Trick Room - Will-O-Wisp - Scald - Recover Marowak (M) @ Thick Club Trait: Rock Head EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd) - Substitute - Bonemerang - Double-Edge - Fire Punch Bronzong @ Light Clay Trait: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk) - Trick Room - Reflect - Light Screen - Toxic Aggron (M) @ Life Orb Trait: Rock Head EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef Hardy Nature - Head Smash - Double-Edge - Earthquake - Fire Punch
  4. Hrm......Possibly the best "That's what he said" joke never said.. (14:23:39) Van Brohenheim: people stateside. hows the hurricane? (14:23:42) Huggy|Homeworking: i'm a whie ass 20 year old bro (14:23:43) idunno: terrible (14:23:44) Aeirow: Very wet (14:23:46) +Godot: ... (14:23:54) [VFD]Luca: smells like fish )= (14:23:57) +Godot: ... (14:23:59) +Godot: sigh (14:24:02) Aeirow: Just say it
  5. FFS, Wolf, keep it in your pants.. (18:27:29) Kirei: Jelly i wear a uniform everyday its a skirt so can i st with you (18:27:33) +Godot: Epic! (18:27:35) JellyMan-IF: yes
  6. I don't see a problem with the way things are moving. People either get the ideas completely shut down, or they are backed by a majority of people. The metagame here doesn't move much because we've basically solved the problem of things being overpowered. Once pokemon come out, their stats do not change. Most of them have usable movesets, which do not change. Of course, you can try new things out, if they work, cool. Most of the time, a small tweak to a pokemon's moveset or an item is not going to change the entire metagame. Since new pokemon are not being released every month, the metagame does not move or rotate. It only changes when a new set of pokemon come out and the only new pokemon that came out with B/W2 were the alternate forms for the Kami Trio, Keldo, and Kyurem. Therefore, All we’re really doing is balancing what we did last year and just tweaking it and making it flow better. I don’t think discussing moving 17 pokemon to different tiers is going to be a huge change to the metagame. The pokemon that are chosen right now couldn’t dramatically alter any of the tiers because there is such a vast amount of pokemon in every tier to hold checks and balances for. If someone sees a problem with something that was or wasn’t announced to be changed, they will speak up. If they don’t, too bad for them, they’ve had plenty of opportunity to see this and voice their opinion.
  7. Thunderus can do it better. I have no doubt about it. I just don't see the reasoning that Zapdos is being moved down. Just because it is outclassed by one pokemon in OU, doesn't mean it doesn't have other uses in OU. In my personal opinion, Zapdos, if he is moved down to BL, is going to wreck that tier. Plus, he gets Defiant and Prankster, so he's going to eat a Thunder with neutral damage. That's gonna KO him and nothings gonna stop it. I'm not arguing for Zapdos to take Thunderus' spot, it's just Zapdos has way more than one set that Thunderus can't compete with. Thunderus can't do Zapdos' defensive sets. Thunderus can't eat Electric type attacks with no worries. And Thunderus sure as hell can't really do much outside of Rain. He's a ridiculous threat in rain, but he's mediocre at best outside of it. Just did a few tests, and Thunderus takes, on average, around 76% damage from a STAB Ice Shard from Weavile, while Zapdos takes an average of about 64% from the same Weavile. I also tested a Fake Out to Ice Shard used by Weavile on the both of them. Both use the same IV distribution of 252 Speed and 252 Sp. Atk. Weavile delt about 26% damage using Fake Out and KO'd Thunderus with the following Ice Shard. But against Zapdos, Weavile delt 20% Damage from Fake Out and only 60% damage from Ice Shard. Zapdos counter attacked with an unboosted Thunder and obviously KO'd Weavile.
  8. I'd actually reject moving Zapdos to BL. While most Thunderous' use a Choice scarf Thunder, Zapdos can do the same thing with Lightning Rod and still have access to Heat Wave, HP Ice, and Volt Switch as well. I wouldn't count him out of OU just yet. Edit 1: With a speed boosting nature, Zapdos can reach a top speed of 490, which is faster than anything without a Scarf and no Speed Boosts. After one Lightning Rod, without a Sp.Atk boosting nature, his Sp. Atk reaches 523. Really just phenomenal to use on any team, bar Sand. He could run a pseudo STAB Heat Wave in Sun as well as STAB Volt Switch. Edit 2: On the other side of things with a Boosted Special Attack and unboosted Speed, Zapdos, with the +1 boost from Lightning Rod gets his Sp. Atk to 574 with 447 Speed. So both unboosted by neutral natures, Zapdos' has, at lowest, if you're using this, 349 Sp. Atk and 298 Speed. These are also just offensive capabilities. We all know and love the sub roost Zapdos. Even outside of Rain, he can produce his own stall rain, has access to Roost, Substitute, Thunder Wave, Tailwind, Roar, Agility, Baton Pass, Light Screen, Protect, Rest, and Sleep Talk. Phasing abilities and set-up abilities may be outclassed by specific pokemon, but he's still very capable in OU.
  9. Do moody pokemon have abilities that are viable?
  10. The only real way to doing anything about swift swim would be to bump the pokemon using SS up two tiers. Example Kingdra usually in OU using Swift Swim would be bumped to Ubers. Armaldo and Ludicolo using Swift Swim would be bumped to OU. Obviously no way to do that, so they stay where they are. Lrn2counter better. Kyurem-B is stupid. Why are we discussing moving him to OU? Genesect, on the other hand, needs to be in OU. His trademark moveset of 252 sp atk and 252 speed with a Scarf and Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, and U-Turn WITH the addition to Download(Usually Download isn't THAT good, but in this case, it makes him really overpowered.), depending on the pokemon, Genesect has a nasty STAB U-Turn which nothing, bar Choice Scarfers, can outspeed in OU. So if he doesn't have a move to immediately KO the opposing pokemon, he's going to do at least 20%(I'm thinking with x4 resist to Bug) with an unboosted U-Turn. Boosted to a x4 resister would probably be closer to 25-28%. A pokemon that doesn't resist is getting the shit kicked out of it probably taking 40-60% damage from it and it KOs very easily on pokemon weak to Bug. And we are talking about NOT giving it any EVs for Atk. This is strictly with it's base attack and STAB bonus. I'll do more research on this to give better numbers, but I use Genesect and I'd love to wreak havoc in lower tiers, but if we move him to BL, NO one is going to be happy about it. That is a game changing pokemon right there. He's more annoying than weather. First off, Chandelure needs to stay in OU to keep checks and balances(Mostly against Scarf Genesect). Secondly, Chandelure is EASILY outclassed by the UU Dugtrio. STAB EQ and a Sucker Punch, KBAI Chandy threat. You have to sac a pokemon, but it's well deserved and an easy strategy to drop Chandelure. Any Focus Sasher can handle Choice Scarfed Chandelure quite easily. Sableye going to OU I am good with. He has a different strategy than Whimsicott, so I don't see why he would be outclassed our not thought of for any team. He's a great Phaser. Ludicolo, since he is in UU, does not have access to Drizzle. Therefore, his Swift Swim does not pose any real threat. Not gonna lie, he's pretty dumb in OU and I love using him, but there is no reason to move him out of UU just because with Swift Swim he's good. 2/3 of his abilities rely on the Rain which UU does not have. So the only thing he can do in UU is subseed. No real threat. Moving on. Amoongus. Where the fuck did this come from? I hate this thing. Worst idea anyone ever had was making a phaser set for this guy. Rage rage rage rage. Really good pokemon. If you wanna beat me, use this. GG. Regenerator with Clear Smog and Spore make me cry. Great bulk. STAB ground moves will not KO him and since he's mostly used on Rain teams, Fire isn't going to KO him. Only other thing to hit him with is Ice(Which works well, actually,) and Psychic, which I try hard not to use. Whoever thought this up, fantastic idea. I've been seeing him a lot, actually, and I think this is a great move. Porygon2 so good. I've been swept by one with Speed Boost. Now you have fucked up. GG. Porygon2 deserves to be in OU. Amazing bulk with Eviolite.
  11. This sounds a lot like my idea. qq
  12. Not a problem and glad I could help.
  13. Bronzong @ Focus Sash Trait: Levitate EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd) - Trick Room - Gyro Ball - Earthquake - Stealth Rock Reuniclus (M) @ Life Orb Trait: Magic Guard EVs: 196 HP / 64 Def / 248 SDef Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd) - Trick Room - Psyshock - Shadow Ball - Hidden Power [Fire] Metagross @ Life Orb Trait: Clear Body EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SAtk Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd) - Meteor Mash - Hidden Power [Fire] - Grass Knot - Ice Punch Conkeldurr @ Choice Band Trait: Guts EVs: 212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Def Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd) - Hammer Arm - Mach Punch - Earthquake - Stone Edge Jellicent @ Leftovers Trait: Water Absorb EVs: 252 HP / 148 Def / 108 SDef Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd) - Trick Room - Will-O-Wisp - Scald - Shadow Ball Salamence (F) @ (No Item) Trait: Moxie EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Naughty Nature (+Atk, -SDef) - Draco Meteor - Fire Fang - Earthquake - Dragon Claw --And if you can see the page; http://www.pokemonreborn.com/league/import.html?act=1 If not; http://pokemonreborn.com/tc/592.png
  14. Nevermind. After you use the Export Team page, it doesn't show your first pokemon being loaded. It's a liar and it loads it fine, as you can see with my team,.
  15. Just one problem with it. It won't load my first pokemon. Not sure if it is Bronzong's fault or a small glitch, but I tired deleting the prompt to paste the exported team here! thing and had it with that on it as well. Just thought I'd bring that up if it hasn't been brought up yet,
  16. [quote name='Ikaru' timestamp='1302574913' post='12396'] ...The idea is nice, but, well. That's basically the "League" tier. And even then, there's a few legends I actually do like, so... Indifference, bro. It seems to me you have a problem with a select few legends, which... At least in Jirachi's case is understandable. But to throw a blanket ban on all of them, especially given that ones like Kyurem, Shaymin and, say... I dunno, Celebi aren't quite the best... It's a bit much, I think. Meh. Opinions. [/quote] First off, other than using OU and "Guidelines" for the Reborn league, is there a league tier other than for X-league? Well, since we are throwing away the Smogon guidelines, just reevaluate the tiers with players influence / input. It is nice to have a few people to discuss it, but they have their own ideas and some people might have different thoughts. For example, I came across a guy on another server that asked me, before we started the match if I had legendaries because he hates fighting any of them and honestly, I feel the same. They have good stats, they can change their own types (Shaymin and Deoxys), and their Abilities can become a bit ridiculous.
  17. I had brought this idea up to Ame earlier today about the possibility of having a Non-Legendary Tier to battle in other than OU and such. I think it would be good practice for league [s]and possibly get rid of all of those pesky legendary trollers[/s] and if people, take me for example, don't like battling legendaries and don't like using them would have a better chance at winning matches since you won't have a Jirachi flinchaxing. I would propose having the regular tiers for people just coming in looking for battles if they use legendaries. If someone pops in and battles a few and they realize we have a tier with no legendaries, maybe it would attract them and maybe more people to come to our server for diversity and more battles! I'm not sure about you guys, but I am always up for a good challenge.
  18. Ninjask Shiney - Yes Nickname - No -Swords Dance -Protect -X-Scissor -Baton Pass Dragonite Shiney - No Nickname - No -Dragon Dance -Outrage -Fire Punch -ExtremeSpeed Gengar Shiney - Yes Nickname - No -Shadow Ball -Sludge Bomb -Thunderbolt -Focus Blast Rhydon Shiney - No Nickname - No -Earthquake -Stone Edge -ThunderPunch -Fire Punch Arcanine Shiney - No Nickname - No -Flare Blitz -Close Combat -Thunder Fang -ExtremeSpeed Gyarados Shiney - No Nickname - No -Dragon Dance -Waterfall -Stone Edge -Earthquake
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