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  1. Beliar

    E16 music

    I'll replace them when I have some free time. Nonetheless higher quality option would be appreciated. Dzięki Ulquiorra
  2. Beliar

    E16 music

    Love e15 soundtrack. High quality and fits the game. In e16 they are compressed and unfortunately quality is pretty bad in some of them. I copied tracks from e15 to e16 but there are still some e16 only tracks which are in bad quality. I'd love optional download with higher quality soudtrack. Tbh dunno where to post this issue and I hope here is ok.
  3. Once i cheat in mewtwo as my starter with 100% one hit ko move in other game i don't remember which one now . Got bored after 4 "fights". I love how hard this game is. I never was min/maxing in pokemon games before, so some gyms were ~10 tries for me. Only problem for me is constant feeling of being lost. I needed to look several times for where to go , online. Also some puzzles are harder than gym battles. Otherwise challange is good. Didn't feel like there is a brick wall in front of me.
  4. Clawitzer and Aggron caught my eye immediately. What IV's should i look for them and what ev distribution should i train them in ?
  5. I dug up on wiki how compound eyes work and just now got horsea with dragon scale. Your wall of text is full of valuable information to me. By all means if you have any suggestions please share. I will gladly read them tomorrow
  6. ... but they look good. Fashion souls for live.
  7. I must say this game have very nice community. Thanks for the offer but without anything worth trading for Your's charmander this feels like cheating to me. I enjoy good challange .
  8. Wasn't expecting answer this long. Thank you for spending your time writing it. Alakazam and kingdra sounds nice. Always wanted Alakazam in other games ,but i never had anyone to trade it with. Acheops will help with flying gym and mamoswine would certainly help my team with ice attacks. I have a question : how compound eyes can help me fish for horsea with dragonscale ? Is that some hidden game mechanic ? Sorry if this was explained somewhere i just don't get it. Give away ? You mean save games or there is some trading mechanic i am not aware of ?
  9. Gonna need to look for those TM's then . thx for a tip
  10. Balanced team is more what i am looking for. Yeah Terra was one big rng with over leveled pokemons but it was her garchomp who was wrecking me. I used level 55 graveller with sturdy and explosion and got him down to 25% and killed it with my noivern who was lucky enough to get attacked with flamethrower and was in mood to attack garchomp. Also you can imagine my reaction when i realized jolteon can't touch every single one of her pokemons.
  11. Hi everyone , this is my first post . First of all this game is incredible . Difficulty is much much more than im used to ,and every gym battle was interesting. I was never min/maxing in pokemon games cause i never needed to. Now after i beat terra after ~15 tries im left with 3 of my pokemons overleveled which is gonna be a problem in next gym/boss fight. I need help with my team. Noivern(ev trained in spc. Atk and spc.Def ( iv 31 for spc.Atk and 30 for spc.Def)) level 78 Dragon pulse roost Boomburst huriccane Noivern( second one without ev training) level 71 dragon pulse superfang roost huriccane Jolteon(no ev training) level 73 Thunder wave Discharge thunder some weak bug-move Nidoking(no ev training) level 78 surf earth power sludge wave flamethrower Charizard(no ev training) level 78 Fire blitz heat wave flamethrower firespin I am currently catching Beldum over and over to get good IV's on him and will EV train him afterwards. P.S. English isn't my native language so plz , have that in mind. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.
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