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Alchemia Chan

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Alchemia Chan

  1. At least I'm getting used to being a trap.

    1. Yours Truly

      Yours Truly

      are you the tripwire kind that shoots arrows or sprays acid, or are you the awesome kind with the flamethrower?

    2. Cyanna Cyril
  2. My coworker's drunk aunt has given broccoli and cauliflower a new meaning in my life. Never again will I think of these vegetables the same way.~

    1. Skeleton
    2. Alchemia Chan

      Alchemia Chan

      They are delish. But what his aunt told me isn't even close to being "good".

    3. HughJ


      L A V I S H

  3. Waking up just to see Trump's face on the front page of the newspaper. Day ruined tbh.~

  4. This is the best news I've ever heard in a while.~ Looking forward to these new changes and I do hope that it'll be implemented and maintained as smoothly as possible.
  5. Y'all guys are busy yapping about how Murica is screwed while I'm sitting here contemplating about how cute Cyrus was in Generations.~

  6. >Gets a promotion at work. >Turns into a promo boy. 3X (At least I'm good at convincing people to buy stuff.)

  7. I need a new sonk for my wonks. Theme me, me bb.~
  8. Happy Birthday Hunter-san!!!~ I wish you to have more birthdays and all that jazz.~ Now, go have fun!!!~
  9. Tfw you're not sure whether you like your Senpai or your Kohai more. : /

    1. InnocentSerenity


      How about your classmate of equal age?

    2. HughJ


      they're only relevant in flashbacks

    1. Swampellow
    2. Arkhi


      Aim for the stars, even if you miss, you'll land among the moon :3c

    3. Sunbean


      good view for the guy behind him

  10. I just realized how good Bug/Psychic coverage is.~

  11. Can't wait for Gem Harvest in the month of Pumpkin Spice.~

  12. Here are my sets.~ Alchemia Chan @ Leftovers Type: Bug/Psychic Ability: Filter Nature: Modest Moves: -Quiver Dance -Bug Buzz -Psyshock -Roost Mage of Breath~ @ Choice Specs Type: Water/Flying Ability: Lightning Rod Nature: Timid Moves: -Scald -Hurricane -Thunder -Ice Beam Fish Cat :V (glub mao~) @ Destiny Knot Type: Dark/Fairy Ability: Disguise Nature: Naughty Moves: -Attract -Pursuit -Substitute -Draining Kiss
  13. How important do you find direct confrontation (either verbal or physical) to achieving your goals? 3/10 Although I think interpersonal conflicts are better solved with direct confrontations, I'd rather just let things work out themselves through time.~ How much do you prioritize yourself and your loved ones over "the greater good" in your daily decision-making? 9/10 I pretty much don't care about myself anymore. As long as my loved ones are doing fine, I could work things out for myself with what little I have left. How much do you think you are in control of your own emotions? 7/10 Letting my emotions express themselves is probably the best way for me to gain clear thinking which allows me to freely manipulate my feelings. How important is money and its acquisition to your happiness and/or life goals? 2/10 I don't even have money. As long as I have enough to survive, I'm fine with living a life of subsistence. How afraid are you of death (your own or anyone else's)? 1/10 I've had my enough fill of it already. I'm not afraid of it anymore, at all. Everyone's bound to die one day, right? How well do you think you would manage alone in a desperate situation (island exile, nuclear apocalypse, foreign invasion)? 8/10 Sustenance and survival is pretty much what I have been striving for every single day of my life. I'll be able to handle myself since I've already been left alone for a long period of time. And again, on scale of 1-10... How much greater than animals do you think the human being is? 4/10 How vital do you believe war is to the survival of a human community? 1/10 To what extent do you believe it is a human responsibility to cooperate with nature? 10/10 How great of a role do you believe tradition should play in shaping an individual's identity? 2/10 And some bonus questions (not 1-10): What is your favorite color? Blue.~ What is your favorite kind of bending as seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender? Probably cloud and ice bending. Who is your favorite character from the series? Toph is best char.
  14. Reminds his self to draw Tempest for doodle number 8 as promised back then. After his laptop stops overheating that is. And once doodle number 7 is completed.~
  15. The more I think of my location, the more I realise I'm surrounded by temptation.~

    1. Ironbound


      Don't give in, the donuts are evil, EVIL I SAY

  16. It'll be November soon so I'll be needing to drop this guy. Please slap a new avatar on my face.~
  17. So thanks to this field, there might be a possible event/s where we must face more than one legendary Pokemon in a single encounter or fight. Also probably the field where we will fight legends during post-game just to make shit a little harder for us when we try to capture them. Inb4 this field secretly reduces capture rate by 90%.
  18. Doughnuts. Doughnuts! Even more DOUGHNUTS!!! I just wish my workplace didn't have a 24-hour doughnut shop right next to it because it's practically blowing off all my money.

    1. leocain


      Careful, your health might be next.

    2. Cepheus


      mmmmh.... Doughnuts... haaaaaaaaaaaa... *droool*

  19. Doughnuts. Doughnuts! Even more DOUGHNUTS!!! I just wish my workplace didn't have a 24-hour doughnut shop right next to it because it's practically blowing all of my money.

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