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Deep Water

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About Deep Water

  • Birthday July 31

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  1. Thanks for the tip. I scraped together a shoddy image of the whole room to help anyone else.
  2. Question, do I have to solve this puzzle to progress the story? I am in Act 2. If so, is there any guide. Thanks.
  3. Hello, I am stuck on where to find Nim on terajuma beach. thanks.
  4. hi, can this save file be converted Game.rxdata
  5. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  6. I got my save file back to when I beat Charlotte's gym! Thank you a million, haha that was awfully quicker than I expected from the forums, what with being new and all. Also random question, is there a way to easily change the ingame font, because I like it better before i installed the new font. Not that it really matters, im sure I could get used to it, but it'd be nice to change the font. Appreciate your help a lot, take care
  7. Thanks so much for the quick reply, I have been trying to find out where the folder is for "saved games" but without success. I am on episode 15, and I will continue trying to find this folder, but is there any way you can specify the instructions to help me? Just kidding, but I will edit again if I encounter more problems with the suggested method Thanks again for the time
  8. Please help, if at all possible, I would like to get my exp share back in Pokemon Reborn. I saved after trading away my whiscash holding an exp share to the girl in Calcenon. Even if i have to slightly manipulate data files, I really don't want to have to go through the game without the exp share. makes things less fun when i have to grind. Any help someone can share will be gladly appreciated, thank you for the time.
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