Gen One:
Fave: Agatha
Agatha is one of the oldest elite four members and the original ghost master. Plus she always talks smack about Oak.
Least Fave: Bruno
Just don't like his design, his pokemon, his personality.
Gen Two:
Fave: Karen
Karen is a dark type trainer, so she's already pretty awesome. Plus, she thinks true strength comes from taking the pokemon you love and making them powerful, not just picking them for their power. She's just super cool.
Least Fave: Bruno
Why did they keep him?
Gen Three:
Fave: Drayden or Phoebe
I like Drayden and Phoebe because they break the norm and the stereotype of their type. Phoebe is dressed in floral, rather than gothic and Drayden is a ship captain...? Interesting potential for a sub-plot and character history there
Least Fave: Glacia
I just don't like her design or her personality...such a 2D character. Plus the only ice-type pokemon I like is Glaceon...
Fave: Aaron
Bug-types are often shelved as weak, so having a bug-type elite four member was refreshing.
Least Fave: Flint
Hate his design, his personality, just so much hate and I don't know why.
Fave: Shauntal
I love her kitty design and her personality and her typing and just everything omg Shauntal is the most under-rated
Least Fave: Marshal
Just hate him. Hate literally everything.
Fave: Drasna or Siebold?
They're both pretty cool in my books. Siebold has interests outside battling, despite his success in it and I think that's cool, and Drasna because she's a kind dragon-master and she's from Sinnoh. Idk I'm a sucker when they give characters just the slightest bit of depth.
Least Fave: Malva
Why doesn't Looker arrest this hoe? She WAS a member of Team Flare right? She basically gets away with helping them out and gets to sit on her throne talking smack to you.