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Everything posted by ShinyVulpix

  1. Gen 1: Least Fave: Koga. Hate the layout of his gym. Hate his daughter. Hate that he gets a promotion. Hate his design. Fave: Sabrina or Giovanni. Sabrina because she is badass and Giovanni because plot-twist secret life wot. Gen 2: Least Fave: Whitney and her bloody Miltank, also Falkner there's so many things wrong with him and his gym I can't even. Fave: Claire, Pryce and Jasmine. Claire for being a badass (though a bit of a crybaby...) Pryce coz of his anime storyline and Jasmine because she really cares for all pokemon, not just her signature type. Gen 3: Least Fave: Brawley...idk why he's just my least fave. I like all the others way more I guess. Would have been Wallace but his character got revamped something major in ORAS so I like him heaps more now. Fave: Wallace or Winona. Wallace because of what I just mentioned and Winona because she's elegant, strong and her anime personality made her seem like a nice person. Gen 4: Least Fave: Fantina I feel like they did her character majorly wrong it's just...ugh and her outfit and the way she speaks takes you out of the game because it's disruptive. Fave: Volkner or Byron, Maybe Candice. Okay, tbh most of this goes down to nostalgia, their hometowns and their designs. Gen 5: Least Fave: Clay and the Trio from the first gym. I like Clay but I always found his gym unusually challenging...I find it harder than the elite 4 actually. And the trio from the first gym are totally 2 dimensional and don't even show up at the end to help out. At first I was like "they must be the shadow triad" but that was disproved in BW2 so they just suck now. Fave: Elesa and Skylar. They're besties so thats sweet. Also Elesa is kind and helpful, not just a selfish model so I like that they diverged from stereotypes. I just like Skylars bubbly personality, her pokemon and her gym. Gen 6: Least Fave: none honestly Fave: Korrina or Wulfric. Korrina's pokemon just ditches her for you. But she doesn't resent you for it. She accepts her pokemons decision and proceeds to have you own her in battle. She doesn't mind she remains your friend though I'm sure her feelings were hurt. Wulfric because he cares for the pokemon in the secret village and he's just a top bloke.
  2. Gen One: Umm...I use them all...Maybe Squirtle is my least-used Gen-1 Starter? Gen Two: Totodile, though I do use him, just not as much. Gen Three: Treecko Gen Four: All of them. Gen Five: Have a love/hate relationship with these starters...that being so I love/heart them all equally. Gen 6: Chespin
  3. I think I'll miss Seasons, cool concept but it takes too much animating and it just didn't work in practice. I'm annoyed about Trainer Customization, it was pretty cool and they're just gonna rip it away...? It was cool, it made the journey feel more like it was yours. Battle Frontier --- Why oh why are they taking this away when the replacements are terrible??? Having your pokemon follow you: Another thing they've just ripped away which made the adventure feel more real.
  4. Gen One: Fave: Agatha Agatha is one of the oldest elite four members and the original ghost master. Plus she always talks smack about Oak. Least Fave: Bruno Just don't like his design, his pokemon, his personality. Gen Two: Fave: Karen Karen is a dark type trainer, so she's already pretty awesome. Plus, she thinks true strength comes from taking the pokemon you love and making them powerful, not just picking them for their power. She's just super cool. Least Fave: Bruno Why did they keep him? Gen Three: Fave: Drayden or Phoebe I like Drayden and Phoebe because they break the norm and the stereotype of their type. Phoebe is dressed in floral, rather than gothic and Drayden is a ship captain...? Interesting potential for a sub-plot and character history there Least Fave: Glacia I just don't like her design or her personality...such a 2D character. Plus the only ice-type pokemon I like is Glaceon... Sinnoh: Fave: Aaron Bug-types are often shelved as weak, so having a bug-type elite four member was refreshing. Least Fave: Flint Hate his design, his personality, just so much hate and I don't know why. Unova: Fave: Shauntal I love her kitty design and her personality and her typing and just everything omg Shauntal is the most under-rated Least Fave: Marshal Just hate him. Hate literally everything. Kalos: Fave: Drasna or Siebold? They're both pretty cool in my books. Siebold has interests outside battling, despite his success in it and I think that's cool, and Drasna because she's a kind dragon-master and she's from Sinnoh. Idk I'm a sucker when they give characters just the slightest bit of depth. Least Fave: Malva Why doesn't Looker arrest this hoe? She WAS a member of Team Flare right? She basically gets away with helping them out and gets to sit on her throne talking smack to you.
  5. idk I thought maybe he just had a zigzagoon hanging around as a HM slave or something. I also guess because Wally (who comes off as shy) just goes up and asks Norman for help catching his first pokemon maybe it's normal in Petalburg city for Norman to help out aspiring trainers and he just has pokemon like zigzagoon on standby for such purposes. Interesting theory though...
  6. I think I'd either have a Fairy or Dark gym, or combine the two to make a Myth Gym or something (coz sometimes mythology can be dark and eerie haha) For a Fairy Gym tho: Mega Altaria as my signature pokemon (it gains fairy type on mega evolution) Gardevoir Sylveon Dark Gym: Mega Absol Umbreon Honchcrow Mightyena If I could have a mixture: Mega Altaria Sylveon Umbreon Mightyena Oooh and if I could have Dragon and Fairy Charizard X Mega Altaria Sylveon Flygon I would like my gym to be navigated around like Ramos's gym, swinging across vines, but I'd like it to be swinging across vines to climb up a fairy-tail tree like Valeries in Laverre Town. It would be cool too if when a challenger went the wrong way something eerie or creepy happened and they got warped somewhere and had to defeat a trainer to get back to where they were.
  7. Never in the original Kanto games or their remakes, or the Johto games or their remakes. I think maybe once on Ruby when I was a kid? I ditched my starters a lot on the sinnoh games and I think I only did a few playthroughs of Unova with my starters. They usually got ditched asap. Haven't ditched my starters in the gen 6 games tho haha. Delphox is lyfe
  8. Either Pokemon or Elder Scrolls. In Pokemon I'd probs choose to live in Kalos, Hoenn or Johtoh. In Elder Scrolls probs Tamriel its probs my fave
  9. My favourite villain would have to be N from Pokemon Black and White. I mean he's not really evil and isn't much of a villain in the end but briefly he is. Not just a villain but a king of a cult-like terrorist organisation. It's pretty cool. Plus his backstory is cool and he's one of the most developed characters in pokemon. Other than that....Lysandre maybe?
  10. My least favourite...would have to be when your friend/ally that's been helping you turns out to be somehow related to the antagonistic forces in the game. It's becoming more and more prominent recently I've noticed and it's usually so obvious anyway
  11. That sounds like a lot of work. Good cosplays can take a while to make. Do you think you have enough time?
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