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cosca last won the day on September 6 2024

cosca had the most liked content!


1 Neutral

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  • Alias
    Cosca is fine :B
  • Gender
  • Location
    Tierra de Plata
  • Interests
    Stoner rock, some metal, movies, weed, and chill.
  1. well, microsoft safety scanner was the cure. It work super good, and now my pc is clean again. i recomend that program if you ever have a problem like this. Thanks
  2. The Hacktool:win32/keygen is still there... i find out that it com from a win.rar archive, so i deleted it... now i downloaded microsoft safety scanner, serched for help in google and find out this program in the microsoft forum. hope this end the madness on my pc, so i can go running with my head clean, like mi pc e.e If this dont work i will search fo that Kaspersky Removal Tool
  3. I use that antivirus too, but it cant get rid of a special virus that it scan, something like keygen:32 or something. every time i clean my pc it just get stuk for a couple of minutes and then says something like that keygen thing cant be cleaned... But yeah, this malwarebytes is cool, it work, it clean, get the thing done thank you for coment! Do you know if there is a problem be having this two pragrams? i think there are problems if you have 2 anti-virus in your pc, do the malwarebytes count as one?
  4. Well, i was less active because that, i dont know what to do now, i hace done a lot of work in my pc (antivirus scan, uninstaling lots of bad programs, serching on internet... Yep, thats going on in my life, my pc is in pain. Do you recomend a good anti-virus, anti malware, or some good program to get them out of my pc? Im downloading malwarebytes antimalware, its free for a couple of days, and im getting a craked one, so, free for ever... Ok, it seems to work excelent, i recomend this program if you dont have any good protection in your pc.
  5. Saw some tumbnails of Gintama, didnt wach it, i'll give it a chance Sorry, didnt undestand you, are you talking about a book? if it is online could you put a link?
  6. cosca

    Rock Climb?

    LoL, is so evil, Why they were made if we can not use?
  7. Heeeeeeeeeey Yaaaaaaaaaa heeeeyaaaaa love this song XD
  8. Thanks, thats was my doubt. And yes, i care. becouse i never had an Alakazam, never got the chance to trade kadabra.
  9. Ok, thank you for the strat ;D
  10. Oh, so the items do stay, but no where they are. I know this is offtopic, but do the fosils repit? i mean, if i lose one in the past, do it will apear again? I feel bad for the english speaking that have to read what i wrioth, my english isnt good
  11. doesn't matter? correct me if im wrong but, an evolved pokemon get more stats than a non evolved? so, alakazam get more stats when leveling than kadabra
  12. Oh, didnt thought it! do the items stay in the place?
  13. I have done 2 topics in a row e.e I bought an abra in the 7th street, and was thinking in train it, i always liked it. Then serching in the WikiDex (The most close thing to the pokedex i know XD) and saw that kadabra and alakazam lear the same moves, no matter when you evolve it, in the same lvls. My question is, if i get a Kadabra, Do you recomend to give the link stone ASAP? or wait for something? Seeing it from the internet, its looks like is better to evolve it asap.
  14. cosca

    Rock Climb?

    My scrafty learned the move, but didnt try to use it in any of the rock formations. You cant use it outside combat?
  15. yeah, i buyed it from that guy, but it was that guy that talks and talks and talks about nothing for year, and then it sold me it. i think i will go back and buy more, seems like a very good item mm soo yeah, thanks for the answer.
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