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About Norin

  • Birthday January 26

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  1. Hi, I had the same issue yesterday and decided to dig around. I found that the issue is that PBStuff::NOTMEGAS does not exist in the code (or at least in PBStuff), so I decided to check the equivalent piece of code in regular Reborn and replaced it. I don't know if this will have implications further down the line, but for now it works. I will attach the file I modified, just replace the file with the same name in the "Scripts" folder. EDIT: This is only valid for version 3.5a, version 4.0 contains NOTMEGAS in PBStuff. Don't use this file for versions after 3.5a. PokemonMultipleForms.rb
  2. Norin

    The AI?

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NmNBklcSI_OqWKMAaJ_WyqjBJ5J7lo3IuwTftIaJlIw/edit#gid=1480144547 This doc has all the passwords, check it out.
  3. Norin

    The AI?

    If you want, there are passwords that make the game more difficult, such as giving every trainer pokemon full IVs and 252 EVs in every stat, or blocking you from using items and so on.
  4. I advise anyone who hasn't done so to start a fresh file for e19, it almost feel like they redid the game from the ground up. The devs also put in a lot of Quality of Life stuff, so much of the tedium is removed. Route 1 is actually fun now, never would have thought.
  5. Norin

    The AI?

    The wild pokemon thing is intended behaviour, there is even an NPC somewhere that tells you that wild pokemons have a favourite move that they tend to prioritize over the rest. I don't know why the developers did this, but one positive is that now not every geodude wants to go boom on you.
  6. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  7. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  8. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  9. Minor Bug: Pressing X while in the AP Shop's menu makes you buy the selected item instead of exiting the menu. This also happens in move tutors' menus.
  10. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a great day ^^

  11. Funny, I always ask myself why they let you pass after you defeat them. I mean, what could you do if they just stayed there? You can't use your pokemon on them, because that's not allowed, you can't really force them to move by means of brute force, as most of the time it would be a adult against child situation, and I really don't think there is a rule where the defeated trainer has to do whatever you ask them to do. I think there was one instance where you defeated a grunt and he just went "guess what, i'm not going to move", but I could be wrong. What really bothers me with the 2 grunts at the gate is how the whole "if you see another trainer you can force them into battle" only works against you. Why can't I force anyone to have a battle with me? Like, let's say I'm a masochist and want to fight Lance at Lake of Rage, what right does he have to refuse? Let's say that the protagonist doesn't do that because you really are in a hurry to stop Team Rocket, what about your rival in Olivine? What about NPCs that don't fight you but must have at least one pokemon because they are in areas where wild pokemon appear?
  12. True, but I don't think we will see a fix anytime soon, as those moves are not really that useful anyway, so just not letting trainers use them seems like an acceptable workaround. What I had in mind with this topic was really just discuss over "minor" issues, I've even written that in my first post. My idea was to maybe give some feedback to authors on small things that could increase the quality of their games, and someone actually talked about interesting things that could easily do that, like not using the standard RPGMaker music, or giving NPCs more interesting dialogues and so on. The lag issue isn't something that can be worked on by a dingle author/team, as the only thing they could do is keep the game small by cutting down contents, and I think no one really wants that. It could be interesting to open another thread to discuss the potential of Pokemon on PC in terms of non-linear progression.
  13. Another one I forgot to mention: don't give trainers' pokemon moves like belch or last resort, or any other move that requires a special condition to be used. The AI just doesn't know how to use them and will spam them because of the high damage. This happens all the time you are against an eeveelution (except maybe gym leaders in some games). I think this is somewhat related to the "random stats" thing I mentioned in my first post, as I don't think there are many people willing to fine tune every single trainer's pokemon, as that sounds like a lot of work even if I have no idea how RPGmaker/Essentials works.
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