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Everything posted by Jaden

  1. Hello again! What would you say on the following team: 1. Electivire | EV: 255 Atk, 255 Spd | Nature: Timid | Ability: Motor Drive Fire Punch Ice Punch Thunder Punch One more move to be suggested 2. Metagross | EV: 255 Atk, 255 Def | Nature: Adamant | Ability: Clear Body Meteor Mash Rock Slide Zen Headbutt Earthquake 3. Dragalge | EV: 255 SpAtk, 255 SpDef | Nature: Mild | Ability: Adaptability Sludge Bomb Surf Dragon Pulse One more move to be suggested 4. Heracross | EV: 255 Atk, 255 Spd | Nature: Lonely | Ability: Moxie Brick Break Megahorn Night Slash One more move to be suggested 5. Togekiss | EV: 255 SpAtk, 255 SpDef | Nature: Mild | Ability: Super Luck Dazzling Gleam Air Slash One more move to be suggested (Ancient Power maybe?) One more move to be suggested 6. Gourgeist | EV: 255 Atk, 255 Def | Nature: Naughty | Ability: Pickup Phantom Force Seed Bomb Explosion (Debatable) Confuse Ray (Debatable) As you can see I'm trying my best to build a team where there's at least one attack from each Type Feedbacks would be appreciated! Thank you
  2. Thanks for the suggestions! I'll take them into consideration! Btw, is there any major difference between physical and special attacks? I don't quite seem to understand the difference between the two.. Thanks for the suggestions! Isn't Breloom always running Technician since it's its Hidden Ability? Since I'm new to the game I don't quite understand these abilities yet..But I thought a Hidden Ability remains hidden and cannot be changed? Yeah, I wanted to ask about that, how do people determine which EV skills and Nature are best suited for a certain pokemon? I mean, I always thought Speed is the best skill to EV train and Attack/HP comes in second..Care to explain it to a newby?
  3. So I decided to try and create my own pokemon team..This is a first time for me Let's say that all of the pokemons below have IV of 31 in each stat and EV of 252 in both Attack and Speed, remaining 6 EV go to HP, and a Timid/Jolly ability . What would you say on the following combination: Electivire: Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam.Metagross: Meteor Mash, Rock Slide, Psychic, Earthquake.Dragalge: Play Rough, Sludge Bomb, Surf, Dragon Pulse.Spiritomb: Shadow Ball, Nasty Plot, Will-O-Wisp, Dark Pulse.Breloom: Strength, Sky Uppercut, Seed Bomb, Swords Dance.Togekiss: Ancient Power, Extreme Speed, Dazzling Gleam, Fly.As you can see I tried having at least one move from each Type. What do you guys think? What should be taken off/ added in? I'd appreciate your help
  4. I tried following this guide http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10935 but it doesn't seem to work for me. I must be doing something wrong.. Here's what I'm trying to do: 1. First I open up the game and then cheat engine and attach game.exe to it and enable speed hack 2. I change the Scan Type to "Value Between" and write "1" and "511" in the textboxes above it. I then click "First Scan" 3. I go ingame and move my avatar one block in a certain direction 4. Going back to cheat engine , I change the Scan Type to "Increased Value by.." and write "2" in the textbox above. I then click "Next Scan" 5. I repeat stages 3 and 4 but the second time I move my avatar and go back to cheat engine and click Next Scan , the addresses on the left side of the screen are gone.. The tutorial says I need to have 4-5 values left, but whenever I click Next Scan again, they all disappear.. What am I doing wrong? Also, Do I need to be in a certain location for it to work? or does it work everywhere? Maybe the problem is the pokemons I'm having in my party? Becuase right now my party consists of only Ditto and Beldum..I'm trying to hatch a shiny beldum.. that is possible, right? Gotta love shiny metagross
  5. Ah I see, guess I'll have to wait then. Say, is there any way to save the game in mid battle?
  6. I traded both my electirizer and magmarizer FOR elekid and magby..Is there a way to get another set?
  7. I somehow managed to get past that rock. Not sure how though..one moment I moved it to the left, the other moment the rock was moved to the left by 1 block and was still on ice , instead of 2 blocks so I managed to go up..anyways, I always use the blast powder to mine twice, but I think I mined them all..unless there are hidden spots which I have yet seen, it's going to take some time to find more mining rocks.. Reseting the SW is a nice idea! I'll try it once I find more rocks
  8. Thanks for the info! Where exactly is the save file located? I'd appreciate your help Gonna be a hard time for me to find more mining rocks..I believe I mined them all P.S. That pond is located near the exit of Tanzan Mount. There is also another one inside the cave in Crysolia Forest So basically that pond is decoration for now..It's going to take some time for me to find more mining rocks.. Man, I wish I hadn't sold that Silver Ring..Perhaps Despair Syndrome can help me out with getting another one Edit: What about the rock located in Celestinine Mount. B2F? Whenever I use Strenght on it to push it to the left side and go all the way to the cave at Route 1 to enter from the other side and go vertically, the rock is still in the middle of the ice..How do I keep it on the left? I'm refering to this:
  9. I'm not sure if this is the right place for such questions, but if it isn't feel free to move this to the right section About this pond - I can't seem to dive into it, is it just for decoration or is there more to it? What about this place at Byxbyion Grotto? Also, I can't seem to find Corey's Silver Ring in his room, I must've accidently sold it. Is there a way to get another one? If there isn't, maybe you can tell me what lies behind his Skuntank inside the Ice Mountain (forgot the name) . I was also told there are two more pokemons that belong to Corey that I could catch. But since I don't have the Silver Ring I'm pretty much screwed ,right? One last thing, is there a way to evolve Magmar and Electabuzz ? Becuase the only Magmarizer I found was traded for a Magmar , is there a way to get another? P.S. Just to clarify, this requires Rock Climb, right? Which is unobtainable yet?
  10. Ah I see, well I guess it's for the best. What about Magmortar and Electivire? I can't seem to find another Magmarizer to evolve my Magmar to Magmortar.. I'mma get into breeding as well. Kinda new to it but I'll give it a shot
  11. Thanks So dragons are coming up next episode? Better prepare a few Fairy type pokemons Also, I keep seeing people with Gyarados and Gengar in their team but according to http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/obtainable.html you shouldn't be able to locate them in-game, so how did they get them? I also saw someone with a Dragonite One more question, any idea what are these?
  12. I wouldn't mind giving you the raw stat values but I don't know what exactly are those. Are you refering to the EV and IVs or the skills? Thanks for the guide My Electrode does not know Thunderwave. It currently knows Discharge, Explosion, Gyro Ball and Spark. Again, I wouldn't mind giving you my save data but I don't know how to do it, if you could guide me on how exactly to do it I'd gladly send it to you Edit: Finally managed to beat her! Used Bronzong and Bisharp for Steel moves, Beartic, Mamoswine for Ice moves Greninja with Icy Wind and Skuntank with Toxic . Thanks for all your help!!
  13. Don't think I can get Klinglang where I'm at..I do have a Bronzong though Well I tried paralizing her pokemon with Pachirisu but her Aura Sphere and Acrobatics OHKO me.. I'll try that, thank you
  14. Nope..I'm actually thinking of starting a new game becuase I did not know things like pickup and IV/EVs exist, so it might be better for me to start all over again and train pokemon properly (i.e. train their EV for HP, Attack and mainly Speed, and not just randomly defeat foes), since my current team is messed up.. Also, I hear about a cheat engine that can help with breeding and faster performance? Where can I find a guide about it? Thank you
  15. Oh wow thanks for the explanation! Man, I sure need to learn more about the game..so HP and Speed are considered the most useful skills? What about Attack or Sp. Attack? (Speaking of which, I don't really know the difference between the two Also, about pickup, again, I did not know such ability even existed! So pokemon with this ability will pick up a foe's item after its been defeated? And does this ability work only when the pokemon with the ability is fighting against the enemy? Probably not, right? Becuase you mentioned I should take 5 pokemon with me to farm , so I can have a pokemon without pickup defeat the enemy while the other pokemons in my team have pickup, correct? One last question, does the number of pokemon that have pickup affect the amount of items I get after defeating a foe? Any tips on which pokemon I should use with pickup? Will 5 zigzagoons be ok? In any case, I'll get to farming once I've defeated Ciel. Thanks a lot for your help! Appreciated!
  16. Oh cool! I had no idea about those things..so basically the ideal pokemon would be a pokemon with 31 IV in every skill, right? I mean, is it even possible to find a pokemon with such IVs? and about EVs , unlike IVs which are generated once the pokemon has been captured, EVs are a constant value for each pokemon, correct? Like you said, Absol will always give you 2 attack EVs, right? The Mamoswine I own knows Blizzard , Ancient Power, Earthquake and Thrash if that helps Alright, I'll go catch one, thanks
  17. Is this what you mean? I'm not sure what exactly EV and IV mean but here it is:) Edit: its nature is Brave
  18. Hey guys I need to ask you for another advice on fighting Ciel. She specializes in Flying type pokemon. Here's the list of my pokemon: Beartic - Lv 67 Noivern - Lv70 Electrode - Lv65 Bronzong - Lv72 Pachirisu - Lv69 Solrock - Lv69 Furfrou - Lv 75 (not sure why I caught it, seemed like a high level at that time..) Delibird - Lv70 (ditto..useless pokemon ever so it seems) Skuntank - Lv69 Heracross - Lv71 Bisharp - Lv73 (And one Lv58 Pawniard) Magmar - Lv71 Greninja - Lv70 Mamoswine - Lv68 (and two Lv60 Piloswines) Abomasnow - Lv59 (I also got an Abomasite if that helps ) Clefable - Lv58 Rhydon - Lv57 Dustox - Lv55 Lunatone - Lv55 Sneasel - Lv50 Seviper - Lv45 Scrafty -Lv 48 Weezing -Lv39 Rest are below Lv40 Which combination should I use? It seems to me that Flying type pokemon are weak to Electric, Ice and Rock moves, so I tried having both Electrode and Pachirisu in my team, as well as Beartic and Mamoswine for Ice moves, and Noivern to fight Flying with Flying. Should I also include Abomasnow and Mega evolve it? Her secondary type moves get my pokemons KO'ed , it's annoying! Maybe you guys have a better idea? Perhaps I should teach certain pokemon new moves? Help would be much appreciated! Thank you!
  19. First let me congrats you on your 3000th post lol So Rock Climb is unobtainable and the doors cannot be opened yet. Alright. Perhaps you can tell me where Corey's Room is? In which case I'll also go fight the other two pokemons you mentioned . I'm still new to the game and don't yet remember where things are
  20. Thank you for all your help guys! I do have a few more questions regarding the game, and since I'm not sure where to post them I'll just continue with this thread if that's okay with you. I come across these blocks quite often in the game and there's probably a way to remove them, right? Do I need a certain HM/TM to remove them? Same question goes for these doors. I found at least two or three deep inside the Ametrine Mountain. Speaking of Ametrine Mount,there's a Skuntant there guarding a pokeball. How do I make it fight me? And last, Ametrine Mount again..(Biggest cave I've ever seen lol much to explore, I've even found a Totodile there) How do I get to the white area in the picture below? The Item Finder indicates there's a hidden item above my avatar So I think I've pretty much cleared the whole cave, exploring it that is. Although I'm not 100% sure I checked every single pond or waterfall but whatever If there's anything else I should know about this cave , please do inform me Thank you for help again! much appreciated!
  21. Ah I see, wierd thing my Piloswine already knows Ancient Power. I went to the relearner to have AP removed and then relearn it for Piloswine to evolve, but nothing happened. Any idea why? Oh, well I accidentally sold all of my Clays ~_~; Thought they're worthless. How do I get Light Screen again? is it a TM? I'll keep training my Magby then Oh wow, thanks for the update! I'll keep training both my Pawniard and Magby then. Also my Piloswine does not seem to evolve upon learning Ancient Power. Why is that?
  22. What Lv do Piloswine and Pawniard need to be in order for them to evolve? Because according to wikipedia, Pawniard needs to be Lv52 and the one I caught was above that Lv,not sure pokemons there even have that Lv. And for Piloswine it says it needs to learn Ancient Power, do I need to go to the Move Reminder guy for it to evolve then? Also, thanks for the Magby guide! I'll keep training it. according to wikipedia it evolves to Magmar at Lv30, but is there a way for me to evolve it to Magmortar? Thanks. I caught a Scraggy and evolved it to Scrafty (Also used Ability capsule on it to get Moxie). As for the Fire moves you mentioned , Magmar is able to learn them , right? I'll keep training it No idea, I'm kinda new to this game Went to Route2 to find both Machop and Rhydon, found only Rhydon, couldn't find Machop. Also caught Pawniard, but not sure where Hawlucha is located. Used capsule on Heracross to get it to use Moxie. So you're saying I should also include Solrock in my team. Gotcha So Rhhorn and Hawlucha are no good against Blake? I also don't think I'll be able to get a Vulprix becuase I have no idea where to find a Stunfist. But Magmar is pretty much like Vulprix, isn't it? Thanks!
  23. Hello I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but here goes.. So I'm currently challenging Blake who specializes in Ice-type pokemon and I can't beat him, no matter how many times I've tried.. I tried teaching my pokemon Fighting-type moves but my pokemon faint in 1-2 blizzards ..I don't have any pure fighting-type pokemon at my disposal (only Heracross which is half fighting half bug) and I can only go back to Agate Circus ,becuase the way outside of it is blocked.. Correct me if I'm wrong but Fighting-type pokemon are best used against Ice-type right? and since my way is blocked I can't go to Apophyll Beach (Forgive me if that's the wrong name) where there are fighting type pokemon to catch.. Here are the pokemon I used to train: Skutank- Lv70 Niovern- Lv71 ( won't always obey me..is it becuase of the badges? should I use a common candy on it? ) Pachirisu- Lv69 Solrock- Lv65 Dustox - Lv55 Seviper- Lv45 Beartic- Lv66 Heracross- Lv70 Clafable - Lv58 Abomasnow - Lv59 Piloswine-Lv61 Greninja- Lv70 (starter pokemon) The rest are below Lv40.. So as you can see I tried fighting Ice with Ice which is why I have so many Ice-type pokemon..didn't really work.. So I need a better strategy..perhaps you can help me with it Maybe I should use a different combination? I'm currently using Heracross,Beartic,Clafable,Greninja,Abomasnow and Piloswine Or maybe there's a way to bypass the blockage? Also, since I'm new here. I'd like to know how do I know which version I am currently playing in and if I need to update it? Thank you!
  24. can't play..text is missing D:

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