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Everything posted by Xrada

  1. Train your pokes till they reach cap level -1. Train ALL the pokes you catch. DO ALL SIDEQUESTS for pokes/items. Go to gyms/important fights with a coherent plan in mind + a backup plan. (exemp florina =>kricketune as main plan, toxicstall as secondary plan) Make sure you have enough healing items, combat items, berries, etc. and lastly; dont get sloppy!
  2. puppy doll eyes priority saved me more then once
  3. You have several viable options avaible for the first badge. Trubbish is only one of them. Imo Ame went pretty soft on us for the first badge. You got your starter, budew, goldeen, trubbish, kricketune, mightyena who can all practically solo it. Tons of support mons that hold their own pretty decently like pachirisu, fire monkey, liepard,... And overlevelling is totally possible for the first gym. So use the pokemon you like and compose a strategy around them, you ll easily manage
  4. All the starters are viable, the first 4 gyms are all easily countered by pokemons you can find in the wild making your starter choice not important. Obv some make it easier but its quite possible with all of them
  5. Enjoyed the episodes! Glad makuhita and kriketune worked out ^^. Its advised to regulary backtrack a bit and talk to npc's again. You ll find alot of stuf you ve missed earlier ^^ good luck ^^
  6. makuhita is great, so is pancham tbh(he has a solid movepool and pangoro has secondary type dark which really helps.) Get rid of noibat, its a trap. He only becomes usefull as noivern and evolves at lvl 48 which is VERY late . i strongly recommand getting kricketune back in your squad. Other then that things seem to go decent enough ^^. Good luck! P.s. For the love of god please use fake out, it has priority, it is basically free damage
  7. Hawlucha and golurk are both terrific mons aswell. Rhyperior does +- the same things as gigalith but better The rest has pretty much already been discussed above
  8. Hey! Also doing a run with a special starter. Mine is Swinub. Dont need anything fancy for it Thanks! Game.rxdata
  9. This seems like a fun twist for my 51848412 playthrough! Dont go easy on me ^^
  10. First sunday of the month and no Derogatory fix... Think about the children please. Looking forward to The Circus.
  11. My love goes out to stantler. It ll probably never happen but one can hope. edit: also give skarmory a baby evolution and kecleon an evolution already!
  12. I guess a turn to setup mist is impossible since pilo prob only survives 1 turn . Also doesnt avalanche pretty much oneshot garchomp even through the field debuff?
  13. i eagerly await your DAILY updates on snakewood. Dont let me suffer, i need my daily dose.
  14. Im guessing a vaporeon since he mentioned not having a decent water type yet. Great episode btw!
  15. Still need it if not asked to much ^^. Pokemon reborn has been put on hold for the exams so there's no real pressure or anything. Thanks! Edit: THanks alot! GameMONOGROUND.rxdata
  16. Wouldnt a Swinub also work? Has early acces to mudsport, mudslap, mudbomb and learns icy wind at lvl 21 (if you dont mind the usage of a common candy). Seems less OP then adding in Rotom imo. Guess you ll need to breed him later on for a decent moveset thou
  17. Hey! Ive recently started a mono ground playthrough. Unfortunately my mystery egg is a staryu and since it refuses to become a ground type id love it if you could change it to drilbur. Ivs/egg moves dont matter for me. Thanks a ton! Game.rxdata
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