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About Ntuafreak

  • Birthday 02/14/1993

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  • Interests
    Pokeymans, Path of Exile, Engineering and working out.

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  1. Ame!!! Man it's been a journey hasn't it? You have heard this a thousand times by now already I'm sure but I will say it again: you and your team are very talented and hard working and I admire everything you have achieved so far. Keep it up, follow your dreams! To the bigger and better things to come Kel
  2. Happy Birthday ๐Ÿ˜„, i hope that you will have a fun day ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿฐ

    1. Ntuafreak


      Hello againย  friend! thank you very much! I feel bad now that I have never sent you wished for your birthday...

    2. LykosHand


      Nah don't worry about it, it's ok ๐Ÿ˜„ย and you're welcome ๐Ÿ˜‰ย 

  3. Ayyy Stunfisk is solid yes,I hope he helps you in your tough adventure! Do you have any plans on what sets to run on your pokemon or not yet?
  4. Hey my favourite is Venusaur and the nickname is Stunfisk.
  5. Yeah the base game is free but there are so many expansions which kinda turn me off but i got it anyways, maybe i will try it and grab some dlc on a bundle sale someday if i like the game enough. EDIT: On that note since you are experienced with the game, there is a 50% sale on dynasty starter and love bundle dlcs, which one is the more important in your opnion?
  6. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^

    1. Ntuafreak


      Oh this was unexpected thanks a lot! <3

    2. LykosHand


      Hahah i'm glad that you liked the surprise :Dย and you're welcome ;)

  7. Hi, yes I can use anything. Let me clarify that the mons you give me do not have to be shinies, the mons I give you have to be shinies. And as you can see I do not have any more shinies to trade away at the moment. I can PM you when I catch something if you want and we can trade then
  8. I decided to make it a Sylveon! Having a fairy would be nice for my teams I think! EDIT: Ah I changed my mind, it is gonna be a Vaporeon. I already have Gardevoir for a fairy type, Vaporeon would give me a special attacking water type which I need since my Quagsire is more of a physical wall using only Earthquake.
  9. It was Eevee! certainly gives me options Also now I have just one egg in my party lol EDIT: You can choose the Eeveelution if you want! @NinjaGod
  10. Alright I will take the surprise egg then!
  11. Oh fuck I just saw your reply. We can trade again if you want Thanks btw
  12. Yeah sure do you want wooper or Tepig? I am online now, my Id is Ntuafreak.
  13. Oh hello there, it has been a while. I took a small break from playing daily because university and a D&D game happened but I have had a new oportunity to play again finally! So our team members as of now are: So as you can see we have quite a selection of Pokemon to choose from for our battles. Especially now that our late-game Pokemon are starting to evolve! Story-wise we are at the point where one would fight with with Noel but then Team Meteor happens and you end up fighting a double battle followed by Sirius. I have tried these battles once, the double battle is no problem but then Sirius' Chandelure destroyed me. He has Energy Ball and Heat wave and he one-shot everyone on our team. Next time I will try to set stealth rocks and then sucker punch him and hope to kill. As for shinies, I have not found any new but that's mostly because I spent most of my time inside training. A shiny Wooper and a shiny Tepig are still available though so if anyone is interested to add a new member to my team, tell me and one of those shinies is yours!
  14. Sure, I can take a Rotom, have never used one before. PM me when you are ready to trade and tell me what shiny you want in return. Thank you!
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