Oh hello there, it has been a while. I took a small break from playing daily because university and a D&D game happened but I have had a new oportunity to play again finally! So our team members as of now are:
So as you can see we have quite a selection of Pokemon to choose from for our battles. Especially now that our late-game Pokemon are starting to evolve!
Story-wise we are at the point where one would fight with with Noel but then Team Meteor happens and you end up fighting a double battle followed by Sirius. I have tried these battles once, the double battle is no problem but then Sirius' Chandelure destroyed me. He has Energy Ball and Heat wave and he one-shot everyone on our team. Next time I will try to set stealth rocks and then sucker punch him and hope to kill.
As for shinies, I have not found any new but that's mostly because I spent most of my time inside training. A shiny Wooper and a shiny Tepig are still available though so if anyone is interested to add a new member to my team, tell me and one of those shinies is yours!