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  1. This is after I got busted for trying to break the satelitte, I've talked to the warden and now Im at the eastern part of the field with the other gym leaders. When I try to ask Valerie, she just tells me how worried she is for Aelita and yea. edit: this is the part im stuck at
  2. Okay I need help at BlackSteeple Prison. Where am I suppose to go? I've been wandering around for hours trying to figure out what to do
  3. My next replay of reborn was going to be a mono ground team (all shinies), but then I saw flygon's sprite and I thought I could make a personal shiny version of one of my favorite ground types So I took the time to change the colors~~ What do you guys think? Im not a very good sprite editor so go easy on me
  4. Shiny Shellos and Gastrodon, such a nice blend of purple and green~
  5. Needs more Dark Gyms... If I had a gym, I would make mines a ninja school themed dark gym The gym would be a giant temple full of traps. If you step on a trap, you either get captured by a horde of kunoichi that causes you start from the beginning of the puzzle or you battle one kunoichi. Name: Leader Ken My team Sneasal - level 33 Nuzleaf- lv 33 Pawniard- lv 32 Zoroark - lv 34 Greninja - lv 36 When you enter this gym, everything around you is pitch black as if you were in a cave and you would have to beat trainers in order to reduce the darkness (same as old dewford gym). And if you beat me, HM Flash is usable outside of battle and your reward is TM 66 Payback.
  6. Trainer: Beethoven -Chatot -Kricketune -Chimecho -Volbeat -Weepinbell -Herdier Opening: Would you like to listen to my masterpiece? Closing: What? How could you not like this magnificent music~
  7. If i had to pick... it would be Empoleon just because he looks like he is wearing a suit and I like wearing suits.
  8. Checkmate Type: Psychic Power:--- Accuracy:100 PP: 5 Effect: The user takes a look into the future and avoids all of the moves of the opponent, forcing the opponent to take a defensive position. If the opponent has no defensive move, it will take recoil damage (same damage that life orb does) Ive decided to take my favorite dark move Taunt and make a reversed version of it because seeing how taunt cripples defensively support/utility pokes, i want to create a move that cripples strong offensive pokes other than using thunder wave and will-o-wisps which is curable. Its supposed to be a very powerful utility move, which is why I decided to make it 5 PP so that you would have to choose wisely how many times you use this move.
  9. Battle Dome is my favorite because the bgm was boss and made me all hyped for the next opponent with the crowd roaring in the background Least favorite would have to be battle pyramid because the amount of time it took to find that door in a big open space with the annoying wild pokemon
  10. I like fanart! Especially when its black and white... I hope you enjoy your stay and dont be shy to share some of your artwork
  11. getting a pwniard egg from the pokemon officer i was willing to restart the game just for a pwniard egg because i wanted to get my chess team asap
  12. Welcome to the dark si... I mean we hope you enjoy your stay in Wonderland!
  13. Ive been wanting one to add to my chess team... does anyone know where I can get a castform? I feel like its more useful late game than a Pawniard lol
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