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  1. oopss i'm sorry i've fixed the sharing issue. really sorry for the mistake.not really lol. actually insurgence use the same rpgxp so the files are the same. you just need to replace them. that's all i'm just the one who figured it out, i did nothing really
  2. change your bug buzz to irritation. bugbuzz only 90 BP but irritation 140 BP with sleep status.
  3. I just figured a way to change the old icons to the 6th gen icons. Simply extract this file in game folder, replace all. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7oL100hAxlld0YxU185RzdCeUE This is just an example from pokemon reborn. but could also work for pokemon rejuvenation. I took this thing from pokemon insurgence icons, so all the credits to suze for making these icons 6th icons are cleaner aesthetically, so I liked them than the default ones. oh, the shiny ones also have different sprite like my Lucario. become like this It also matched with ORAS icons, look at claydol and wailord. thank you
  4. uhh not really. beldum catch rate is the same as arceus, and it's shadow pokemon that could hurt himself with low HP. so yeah, every pokemon can be caught with some dedication but maybe in your case, you are lucky to do it in a few tries lol
  5. use it on shadow beldum (srsly)
  6. how do i get mawile? it seems i have missed the event in terajuma shore i just beat amber, and augustus didn't give me one when i talked to him.
  7. yup Chubb is right I can do anything to a save file, including changing pokemon/add items/warping a character. but it would really kill your enjoyment in playing the game, so i refrain from using it except for helping people
  8. I'll try to give two pokemon that plays an awesome role in my team. (A/A-) Ocritllery The Critmachine Elementalist ( B+ ) Support Pokemon
  9. yes it's a bug, try to get another shadow pokemon who can be purified ASAP, then you will be needed to choose which pokemon you want to purify. SELECT beldum now. if you go to purification shrine with just 0 gauge shadow beldum, it won't be triggered. so you need another one.
  10. Hello, good news. I hope you haven't solved this case yet. because i've moved you outside. I also give you a pokerus in case you want it for EV training https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B7oL100hAxllbmNFc0ZEYVhBY0k&usp=sharing or you can just copy paste this file to your saved game directory Game.rxdata
  11. Really? I'm sorry for posting this kind of thing. Because I searched the "secret grave" and found nothing lol. Wow thankyou! I've found the ladder btw, now i just need to go there once more. i'm now curious of what kind of TM is that. thanks
  12. inb4 nobody mentioned about secret grave before, so yeah (correct me if i'm mistaken). I've finished the graveyard-mom-part in amethyst cave peak. i saw this gravestone which have a passageway. is this thing is the gate to reach secret grave? i tried to hack the game with debug mode from pokemon essential just for curiosity and i saw Jan created a map named "Secret Grave" but for some reason i can't reach it. How do I reach this place legitimately? Is there a connection between that gravestone in grave peak? (for some reason i can't reach the TM there) also, i saw that this place is clustered in amethyst cave map, so definitely this has to be in amethyst cave. ps : that secret grave has eerie bgm.... also regarding odd house..
  13. really? i don't know because i challenged the gym right away. after the fight i can seem to transverse anywhere without any problem btw you should use that one turn-sturdy to thunderwave it, your pokemon will move faster. I have lucario myself and drapion, but i refrain from using it because of the earthquake high strike combo. thunderwave it then use misdreavus with perish song to end it, or any pokemon with destiny bond. pretty sure your untrained misdreavus will move faster. here's my experience. i only use 2 pokemon in this gym, greninja and galvantula. from the start to midway, i used galvantula. the last 3 pokemon i use greninja with ice beam. one shotted talonflame with surf. For mega altaria, i used ice beam from greninja. luckily it got frozen with 10-20% HP. She ran out of hyperpotions and boom. The first time I win a gym with just one KO. 6-1 GG
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