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6 Fledgling

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About Sejiren

  • Birthday 04/03/1990

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  1. Thanks for making my favorite Pokémon game, I had a blast.

    1. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      Nicely done.

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 😄🍰

  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

    1. Sejiren


      Thanks :)

      And a happy belated birthday to you, too, I actually put it on my phone's calendar and then forgot about it being in there again :(

    2. LykosHand


      You're welcome! 


      Oh thanks a lot and don't worry about it, i still appreciate it 🤗

  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

    1. Sejiren


      Thanks again 😄 hope you are going to have a great day, too.

    2. Sejiren


      Also you were the first one, that's hilarious 😄

    3. LykosHand


      Hehe that's nice to know 😉, thank you and you're welcome 😄 

  5. Not gonna lie, I just recently had that exact error in my master's thesis project. Good thing nobody noticed but me, but I was still embarrassed about it.
  6. I personally like Fairy types a lot, they are quite diverse in their secondary types, at least for them it seems more noticeable to me. Water could make for an interesting start with the first two gyms and the Pulses in the early parts of the game. But really, every type is fun to play with, having so many options to choose from.
  7. Finally have fun with your fairy run then, good night.
  8. Okay I don't know what's happening now. The interface keeps freezing on me, so I first have to do an action and cancel to move the cursor and then I'm getting a trade window with your Sylveon. Does it crash only on trade?
  9. Okay I have the trade window open again, you were about to trade away your Sylveon.
  10. Sure, you can also get the Mawile. Just catch 2 more Pokémon
  11. Okay, I got everything prepared. Send a request to sejiren.
  12. Okay, so here is a save after choosing a starter (I got you the fairy one). The file size is quite a bit smaller, maybe that helps? Game.rxdata
  13. I guess so, if that fixes the problem that would be nice. Otherwise, the problem probably lies with the save file, in which case I could trade you the pokémon you need once you get to catching something.
  14. That is really odd, I tried to reload multiple times now with and without mods installed, deleting backup saves, but I can't reproduce the error. Are you using the 18.1 version of the game?
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