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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sejiren

  1. Oh wow you are busting out a lot of episodes lately. That's a horrible part of the game right there, the first time it put me and Aya together there I was actually frightened. I hope Amaria and Eclipse will be okay. Reborn does actually do a lot to even give the normal Meteor goons some personality, if them having names instead of just being called "Meteor Grunts" didn't give that away.
  2. Ah yes, Terra. My favorite character. I'm physically not able to read her dialogue before my brains enters emergency mode and skips it. Good thing you don't suck at assembling a team and/or leveling up like I did the first time around, that rainbow clown beat the hell out of me. And now there is another route coming up, good thing it steals a little less time than route 1, at least if your game doesn't bug out and automatically selects not saving the game everytime you try without you noticing...
  3. I'm glad you managed that gimmicky boss without any losses, surely didn't see a fighting gem powered, STAB, super effective close combat not onehitting that thing coming. There was so much comedy gold in this episode Read you next time!
  4. At the very least, Radomus is an npc that actually does something and, as opposed to Cain who gets kidnapped everytime he is on his own, he succeeds. If only he'd do that without you wasting your time there. Maybe he could't find the door by himself, that got me stuck the first time. But there could be worse, like gimmicky bosses.
  5. Oh look, a huge breach in the submarine hull. Better go fix the engine, that'll help. As we all know, the worst thing that will happen is decorative lakes appearing inside.
  6. I'm really looking forward to how ridiculous the game gets and how hilarious you'll make it, nice job with those nuzlockes!
  7. I like to feel like I am an actual part of the story, and customizing my in-game avatar is a big part of that. Of course, that doesn't mean I should be able to go on a murderous rampage. Following a certain plot, but from the perspecitve of someone that could be you, is perfectly acceptable, given some choice for the (presumably silent) protagonist. Especially Pokémon games have a lot of potential, since the main characters are always rather unconnected to the plot except for stumbling into it by pure chance, unlike other RPGs with the protagonist having their own personality and background. But I don't enjoy these games less, since a good game will be a good game. But, if the game does go for the immersive approach, fourth wall breaking is a really bad thing to do and works only in rare cases. Someone who is in control of the game world subtly being hinted at by some lunatic on the street (e.g. Secret of Evermore), or the player getting directly involved as part of the plot (e.g. Earthbound), or trying to teach an underlying lesson to the player (e.g. Live A Live (not actually a full break of the fourth wall, but the message extends to the player)) can do that if it is done well. Addressing the player suddenly and without any conceivable reason can really break the mood.
  8. Man, what a journey. I just recently saw this show up in the latest discussions box and binge-read through it during the past days. This went from absolutely hilarious to heartbreaking pretty quickly, but you somehow managed to slaugther that beast. Good job there, and I'll really miss those conversations with the cats.
  9. Not including rage games and Dark Souls (which was so cheap that I put it on a day in the distant future to go at again) I'd probably say Ys 1 on Steam, nightmare difficulty.
  10. So I looked it up again, according to this thread about weather based events (http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9326&hl=) and the v3 Location Guide (http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16407), it only needs to be night time. If you finished the missing policemen quest, you might be able to get a Pawniard egg as an alternative (random chance of 1/18).
  11. You can find Murkrow in the Aqua base, either night time, windy day or both.
  12. I'm a horse, but most of these traits don't describe me very well.
  13. Welcome, have fun joining our cult forum.
  14. Hi there Roxie, hope that purple zigzagoon of yours picks up a lot of subscribers for you! (sorry for the abysmal joke)
  15. Welcome dear not-a-failure, hope to see you around
  16. Difficult question, I would probably go for Radiant Historia, TES V: Skyrim, Final Fantasy V, Treasure of the Rudras, ... So many good RPGs, though I'm usually more on the JRPG side.
  17. My first one was Red, save game died a few days after getting all the pokémon. But the journey was amazing.
  18. TFW you are giving a presentation and you are so nervous that the laser pointer shakes like crazy.
  19. I once caught a shiny Zubat. Back then, the mechanics of happyness were still kind of a mystery to me, so when I finally got my shiny Crobat at level 70 something, well...
  20. Welcome <3 have fun here. Btw your post was hilarious
  21. Welcome <3 have fun here.
  22. I'm quite new here, but seeing these items weirded me out a little, so I don't mind.
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