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About Wolfram2700

  • Birthday 07/12/1996

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    RTS and turn based games, anything involving swords, magic, and stuff. Also nerd stuff like chemistry.

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  2. What to say here, that has not been already said? I waited until i finished postgame content to make this post, unsure of what would i even say here. in a way, i still don't know what to say. You can see in the community you've all built, and the already posted messages, what you've done is something outstanding. This game is what brought me back to mons, back when ep15 was released (i don't even remember the year!), and thanks to it i have met lots of people, and made tons of friends. I don't really have much more to say, to be honest. Just thank you for opening those doors for me, thank you for this excellent game you've made, thank you for all the effort you put into this. can't wait to play whatever you make next (looks at starlight divide), Looking forward to it! PS:
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  4. Vendor Name : @Starry Knight Requested Pokemons : (5 or) 6 IV Shiny Ditto Event: Type:Null for pokedex completion Offered Pokemons : Roselia/Chimchar Gender : Female/Male Ability : Natural Cure/Iron Fist Nature : Careful/Lax IV Spread : 31-12-31-31-31-31/16-29-5-8-21-31 EV Spread : None/None Pokerus : No/No Shininess : No/No Egg Moves : No/Encore Item : Heart Scale/Heart Scale Online ID & Time with timezone: xWolfram, GMT -3
  5. Thanks, already figured it out. Hilarious chain of events, if you ask me
  6. Who would've thought that max bulk toxapex didn't take one? I had nightmares about that, and Ariel's Magnet Rise Klefki for a long time. Also, nice way of calling me 3 different nicknames in a single post, now make sure to explain them (although they are pretty obvious)
  7. For me, it all started when i snuck into my brother's room to use his gameboy color, which had a copy of pokemon red in it. Although he kicked my ass for deleting his savefile (oops), i loved the game since the very beginning, back when i was a lil kid of age 5. After that, the obvious way was to continue: Yellow, Crystal, and by far the best one, Emerald. After emerald i found Red Rescue team, which was something amazing and completely different from what i had seen so far, and it was very difficult for me to go back to normal series games. After that, i left Pokemon alltogether for quite a while, retaking it about 3 or 4 years ago. Gens 4, 5, and 6 were out and i had never tried them, so i started with 4, and loved it. Then i found out about Reborn via 9gag, and that lead me to Showdown, and THAT lead me to leagues (yeah Wolfox, Lotus r00ls :D). Quite the trip, and even though i've lost interest in main series games, i love Reborn's plot and difficulty level, as well as some other fanmade games.
  8. I'd like the Hotshot (m) with poison background, please I forgot to add, i'll be fighting under Lotus xWolfram or xWolfram on showdown.
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