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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ShadowBsa

  1. Hi, Im running episode 18.1, I downloaded the mod for the follower mod but I dont see it listed in the mods, is it available for episode 18.1?
  2. Hey @Amethyst I dont know if you know about this already but I recommend you watching this video, its a Pokemon parody but its so good lol. Im pretty sure you'll have a couple of good laughs. Thanks for the new episode, I already finished episode 18 and the story was really good, 10/10 for this episode.
  3. Before Radomus I would say you still have about 30 hours to get the remaining badges, and about 35 to 45 hours if you complete the sidequests available. It could take more time depending on how long you take for beating each gym and if you dedicate a lot of time to game events and sidequests.
  4. I recently got unemployed, on the good side I got a lot of free time. Can I join the beta testing?
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