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About Brendu

  • Birthday 07/14/1998

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  1. I WANNA BE A CRESCENT GRUNT TOO Team Crescent Grunt - Raticate - Blissey - Noivern Opening:Hold on, you gotta get past me first! Closing:I didn't even slow you down long enough...
  2. You could try and go get a kricketot at the apartment building in lower peridot ward, the one nearest to the railnet. Level it up to a kricketune and he'll wreck with fury cutter \o/ THIS LIL BUG CAN WRECK THROUGH SO MUCH THINGS WITH FURY CUTTER OH MA LORD
  3. Big Splash Type: water Category: Physical Power: 120 Accuracy: 50 PP: 5 Effect: The user attacks using mighty strength stored in the body. Deals large damage to the user if it misses. Distribution: Magikarp and Feebas NOT SO USELESS NOW EH MAGIKARP <3
  4. Well I'd finish the game up until episode 15 and CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE But i thought i might as well come join the forums because you guys look like such a fun community. So here goes, HI THERE PEOPLE OF REBORN ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ I am in your care (my first time posting in any community pls no hurt)
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